School is back in Town
by *AJBMatrix on Comments
Yeah, school is back and the Town is full of stupid freshies. I really think I was never that stupid. The older I get the dumber the freshies get. I am just thinking that they have no common sense. I am in one class with about 150 of them and I am seriously thinking that they know nothing. It is a computer class. INTRO to PC! How can understanding what an application program and OS are be that complicated. But then again I just took a computer appart isolated and fixed a hardware problem. I am sitting on my couch with my laptop thinking that I need a remote because Friends just came on. Why am I tortured by this. I must now move. I am probably the only person on the earth that thinks that show is crap. I just do not go for the super pretty boy shows. They seem a little too Frattastic. I have been listening to Lewis Black's - Nothing's Sacred. You should really listen to it. Go to iTunes and get it now. I think I know why Freshmen are stupid. THEY ALL WATCH FRIENDS!!!