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*AmazinglyTee Blog

I hath returned


Here i am...back after a looooonng time.... i've missed sooo much!! my sisters house is like a torture tv, no internet, its terrible...*que depressing music* i've seen none of the CI episodes after albatross, i can buy the eppies on itunes right? hope moms ready to purchase them for me lol. but now school is out, i'll be able to obsess more, i only work 3 days a week...mummy's orders....i guess she misses me coming here to visit bothers me not...she has a tv and a computer... not that i'll ever be able to let anyone read it, but the fanfic is going great...after about a month of writers block, i've managed to write a few more pages, thats pretty exciting right?

i'm a senior now! i can hardly believe it!! high school is going so fast! even though i don't have a tv or computer at my sisters i still like living there. and my new school is awesome.... i like it there, a lot. and i actually passed everything this year. psh i need to get my act together and decide on a college. theres just soooo many to choose from, i don't know.... i don't even know for sure what career i want....this could be problem-matic....Eh i'll figure it out...

Have we heard any news as to when they could possibly release another season set of CI? probably not...see i wouldn't know...i swear having no tv or internet is like being cut off from the world...well the CI world.. i have no idea WHAT is going on with the show....we get a new season don't we? i think i heard that we do...well thats exciting!! i do get the opportunity to check my email for work, its like a 2 minute project, no time to come here....but if anyone hears the date and time the new eppies are going to air, could you email it to me? that would be amazing. then i won't be so far out of the fact any new news about CI would be welcome.


thanks a ton to anyone who decides to take on the task of keeping me informed lol...its much appreciated.

hmmm anything else new i want to discuss? well my boyfriend, but i doubt anyone else wants to hear about him lol....hes a cutie though...*sigh* i should be at work today, but i've managed to get sick again and i can't be around anyone else for 2 i'm in a sort of fun at all.....

well i think i'm done now....hopefully it won't be too long before i'm able to come back here again...but we'll have to see.....

just for a while.

i probably won't be online for a few weeks for the fact that i'll be moving in with my older sister. i have to swich schools due to my attendence problem and the only choice i have is to stay with my sister and go to school in the town that i grew up in. so i'm happy about that part at least. but that means for a while i'll be watching less CI and i won't be able to come here and obsess and that makes me sad. i will miss you all.

boredom and random thoughts.

now that i'm home from my short vacation to the forest. i stayed at a friends cabin and it was great fun. it snowed today which was cool because that was the first time i got to play in the snow in 3 years. it was so pretty there, i loved the cabin. i hope i get to go back soon. the only doenside is its in the middle of the forest so no Criminal Intent. but its so amazing there that i don't mind all that much, i just come home and watch a few episodes.

I bought the movie 'the whole wide world.' i LOVED it. its sad though, very sad. But still an amazing movie. It took me forever to find it though. i called like 9 places and no one had it. I had to order it and then wait 4 days until it came in. i thought it was worth it, but holy cow, 4 days is a long time to wait. obviously i am not a patient person. hmmm maybe i can sucker my grandma into watching it with me on saturday. more waiting. oh well.

Oh boy. i had homework over the weekend. i should probably go do that. but who likes homework? i'll just do it in first hour tomorrow. we just won't tell ma mere. (my mom in french for those who don't know. its my favorite thing i've learned in french. actually its the only thing i've learned in french. i don't remember any other words because the teacher has no control over the class so we don't do anything except listen to her yell at the 'bad' half of the class. and for any that care or want to know i'm not a bad student or a teachers pet. i do my work and then i write. because i like to write stories. im just not that great at it. but hey it passes the time in my longest class of the day. so its great.)

ok ok i'm done. i'm out of things to say. suprising huh? :D

ASVAB career test

Back in october we took the ASVAB test at my school, and we finally got the results today, and i learned that i scored average or above in all the subjects. Which is impressive considering the legnth of the test. I was in there for like 5 1/2 hours answering questions that didn't exactly interest me. After the first 2 hours i was thinking about getting out of there and almost nothing else, but i did manage to answer the questions and i got a good score according to the test guy (the one who helped us read the results) Anyway in class today we had to go through and answer even more questions which then gave us a list of careers to look into. I honestly don't know exactwhat i was expecting my results to be, but i know i wasn't expecting what i got. Three of my best matches: Pediatrician, Psychiatrist, or Sociologist. huh. I can't picture myself as a psychiatist, I have enough of my own problems without having to deal with anyone elses. But i guess you never know. Sociologist sounds interesting though. I had never even heard of it until today. As for a pediatrician, i don't know that I could do that. I'm good with kids but its hard for me to see a little kid hurt...I'm still not sure what I want to do after high school. I guess I'll figure it out eventually. I hope I eventually have a successful carrer, I'm scared that I'll end up like certain members of my family that I don't want to end up like. 

Oh No!!!

i decided to watch probability earlier today but when i opened my dvds THE DISK WAS MISSING!!! i thought i was going to have a heart attack. i looked in my dvd player, my moms dvd player, the other dvd boxes and, god forbid, the floor. Just when panic set in i remembered i watched "see me" when i was at my grandmas house. I called grandma and i almost fainted with relief; the disk was left in her dvd player. whew thank. god. Except she went to California so now i have to wait to get it back and i really wanted to watch probability. She said she might have my dad drop it off but it doesn't look like thats going to happen thanks to mom. *curses family issues*  Hopefully grandma will be back on tuesday so i can have my dvd then...But wow what an event that was. I don't think i've ever been so scared in my life lol


Arizona is NOT supposed to be this cold. for 2 consecutive days we've had lows under 30 degrees...I've lived here all my life, i'm used to the hot weather not these freezing temperatures...and to make matters worse our heater went out so we haven't had heat for the last few days, and they can't fix it until tomorrow arms are sore from chopping wood so we can keep our fire going. nights are the most fun of course...the entire family is camped out in the living room, in front of the fireplace and heaters. we look like Eskimo people, all bundled up in sweaters and two layers of clothes. i think the temperature is in the 50 's just in our house. and yes i may be whining but come on i'm FROZEN. and our poor parrots, we have to keep them covered to keep them warm. and they don't like that so they've been screaming all day everyday...and it's driving me up the wall...but on a good note, i ended up getting sick, and that may sound like bad news but i look at it this way, i can't go to school so i get to stay home and watch criminal intent all if i could just get mom to put the dvd in for me...

money and my grandma

so every saturday i work for my grandma, and i make good money doing it. i saved the money i earned after 2 saturdays and i had oh about $180. i asked grandma to take me to best buy cause i wanted to buy the law and order: ci dvds. she agreed but would inly let me buy season 1, even though i had enough for both 1 & 2...we went back to best buy a few days later so my sister could buy a cd and i bought season 2...which irritated grandma. but shee got over it and even watched a few episodes with me. so on the last day of winter break grandma took us to the mall. i went into suncoast movies and what did i happen to find? law and order: ci season 3, on sale. i had just enough tto buy it so of course i did...but after we left the store grandma told me that she thought i wasted my money and i should have saved it for something i really wanted, and that she wasn't going to give me anymore money if i was going to just throw it away like that. i told her it WAS something i really wanted. she knows im obsessed. law and order:ci is like all i ever talk about, all i ever watcch. i didn't waste my was my money anyway...i worked for it, i earned it, i bought what i wanted with it.

and here it is friday afternoon and i get to go work for grandma again. i honestly hate working for her...i love her but hate the comments she makes...

i guess you have to know my grandma to truly understand why it made me so mad.

my first blog

and its about this dream i had...

i was walking down a hallway with Dr. House and i sniffed his shirt (i dont know why) and there was something on it that made me pass out..Warrick (from CSI) was worried about me (i think we were dating..why? dont ask me) so house got really sick and so did i cause i sniffed his shirt...wilson cured house and a week later i was walking down a hallway with house and cuddy and i sniffed cuddy's shirt (still dont know why) and the same thing happened...Warrick figured out that house and cuddy had slept in front of a fireplace and fumes from the fire had made us sick.

yes it was weird...i didnt even watch house or csi before bed lol idk im a weirdo i guess :D