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boredom and random thoughts.

now that i'm home from my short vacation to the forest. i stayed at a friends cabin and it was great fun. it snowed today which was cool because that was the first time i got to play in the snow in 3 years. it was so pretty there, i loved the cabin. i hope i get to go back soon. the only doenside is its in the middle of the forest so no Criminal Intent. but its so amazing there that i don't mind all that much, i just come home and watch a few episodes.

I bought the movie 'the whole wide world.' i LOVED it. its sad though, very sad. But still an amazing movie. It took me forever to find it though. i called like 9 places and no one had it. I had to order it and then wait 4 days until it came in. i thought it was worth it, but holy cow, 4 days is a long time to wait. obviously i am not a patient person. hmmm maybe i can sucker my grandma into watching it with me on saturday. more waiting. oh well.

Oh boy. i had homework over the weekend. i should probably go do that. but who likes homework? i'll just do it in first hour tomorrow. we just won't tell ma mere. (my mom in french for those who don't know. its my favorite thing i've learned in french. actually its the only thing i've learned in french. i don't remember any other words because the teacher has no control over the class so we don't do anything except listen to her yell at the 'bad' half of the class. and for any that care or want to know i'm not a bad student or a teachers pet. i do my work and then i write. because i like to write stories. im just not that great at it. but hey it passes the time in my longest class of the day. so its great.)

ok ok i'm done. i'm out of things to say. suprising huh? :D