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Today is my last day of work before I get to go on vacation for a week! Yay! We're going to visit my in-laws in Ohio and Indiana so it's gonna be cold, cold, cold. The really sucky thing is that we're driving (I live in Florida). I'm really worried about how Shawn will be in the car on such a long car ride (he's only 17 1/2 months). Plus we're bringing the laptop, but I don't know how much time I'm going to get to actually be on it. I'm supposed to be hanging out with the family. So I may not be on much, if you're reading my blog wondering where I've been (I doubt it but anyway) I'll be back soon!! We're also going to go see a Colts game while we're in Indiana- I'm looking forward to that. And I'm sure I'll hear how cute Shawn is a thousand times (I LOVE that!:D). So I'll miss you all, but I'll be back by the 12th :) [QUOTE="AngelsSlayer's Stats"]

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