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*AnimeAngel90 Blog

Zutara week and SSBB

Yes that's right, today is the first day of Zutara week. Go to DA/Youtube for more info. Read this article by a Kataanger if you want to know more about it ( Essentially, its a week of submitting various zutara art/fanfics/photos, with a different theme each day. Also, the lovely Avidzktjo is submitting a new zutara evidence video every day this week.

In other words....SPAZZ!!!!! :D

My only problem is that its hard to write fanfictions in a day (considering I left it so late, lol). Oh well, I'm getting more favourites in a day then I've ever gotten on fanfics before, so who cares? lol. Speaking of which.....I should really be writing "electrifying" now.

So this is my new reasoning why Zutara will happen, in true crazed zutarian fashion. We have a week dedicated to us. Does Kataang have a week? No. Therefore, Zutara wins. And even if it doesn't, at least we went out with a bang, and proved ourselves to be the most awesome fandom ever :D


In other news, for the few of you still reading this, lol, I completed the story mode of SSBB today. Finally beat that stupid boss after about the 5th try, and dragging my brother into it. Thank goodness we can both play the same characters, lol.

However, I was brawling with him later, and have decided I absolutely despise Ike. He just stands there and totally owns everyone in one move with his smash attack. Sure, I managed to kill him numerous times (oh sweet victory), but it wasn't enough to dispel my hatred of the

I'd say more, but I have to get back to writing now. Zutarians (as I doubt the kataangers care), wish me luck! And check out my DA page if you get really bored, for some fluffy zutara fanfics (and a couple of angsty zutara, slightly kataangy ones). Yay for shameless advertising! :D

cya, Angel ^_^

Zutara vs. Kataang - Place your bets

yeah, I joined the betting craze. I'll probably regret it, but whatever, its going to be fun :D

If Kataang happens, I have to write a Kataang fanfic (in a week), be a Kataanger for one week after the finale airs, and change my signature and icons everywhere (DA, here, the refuge etc) to the Kataang kiss/something kataangy.

If Zutara happens, my darling Spacerac has to read and comment on all my zutara fanfics (in a week), be a zutarian for one week, and change all his signatures and icons accordingly too.

Unless I find some way to "convince"/"bribe" Space into being a Zutarian beforehand ;)

Some of the many couples of the Avatar forums

Because my old blog post was boring me, and I couldn't think of a better title :P

Updates on the forums - I am apparently turning into the Katara of the Avatar forums. To date, we have titanangel (which didn't go anywhere, sorry tomtitan), spaceangel (the most epic of them all :D), spaceangeldave (i suspect that space and dave are cheating on me behind my back though....) and now AllKnowingSpaceAngelDave, which, because AKB suggested it, seems fine with me :P

Now the guys are fighting over which name should come first in the ship name (Dave seems to feel slighted for being at the end). I think they're just trying to cover up how much they wish to kick me out so they had each other all to themselves :P (mostly space and dave here, AKB seems to have just joined in for the lulz :lol:)

But in the meantime, I need to figure out which one is most like zuko ;)

Ok, seriously....(as posted on DA) *no spoilers*

Yeah. This "comic book". It doesn't scare me. A) Its apparently HORRIBLY written (not at all in tune with previous episodes) and B) Do you REALLY think Bryke would let the epic finale of their pride and joy be spoiled? Really? Uh, NO!

This is a FAN-MADE comic. Oh fine, its written by some author and an illustrator. Not everyday fans. But come on, its not written by Bryke, like the other comics were. Plus, its an adaptation. ITS NOT REAL PEOPLE!!!! Its what someone thinks is LIKELY to happen.

I do not care if it has an "official interview" with Mike and Bryan. Why? Because the story itself would then be completely ruined. Do you really think the awesometastic Mike and Bryan would allow so many spoilers of their hard work to be released BEFORE the finale? Its a complete insult to both them and their work! Sure, they might not be able to force Nick to air their episodes - that's out of their reach. But they can damn well stop MASSIVE spoilers.

JK Rowling doesn't control when the movies come out. She damn well controls the merchandise though. She would sue your ass if you released spoilers of her hard work, at ANY point in the series! If you made a T-Shirt saying "oh yeah, and Voldemort dies" or whatever before the final book came out, she would hunt you down and hurt you! However, if you said something like "All the dead come back to life, and they all live happily ever after in a world of sugar and rainbows and happiness!!" she wouldn't care less (well, she could sue you for using the HP name, but that's besides the point. Moving on....).

My point is, Bryke might not be able to control when the episode airs (they just control who can air them by selling it to them), but they definitely control the merchandise. They control the production of posters, books, and comics. If its not done and certified by them, its not official. If this merchandise gives something away, like what ship happens or who dies, and its not done by THOSE SPECIFIC TWO PEOPLE OF MIKE AND BRYAN, its not real!

Nickelodeon might piss off fans by not airing episodes, but do you really think they would piss off Bryke by releasing MASSIVE spoilers of their hard work? No! Nick would get sued BIG-TIME! No-one would ever give episodes to them again if they thought Nick would give away the ending like that. Nick would be out of business! They are not THAT stupid people!

So yeah. Don't belive ANYTHING you read in this comic written for young children by people OTHER THAN BRYKE, until you see the episodes for yourself!


When the episodes air, we can all laugh at how many people believed what was written in this comic, while we simply enjoy every heart-stopping moment.

Besides, no matter what ship happens, Bryke would do it in a wonderful way that makes even the doubters like the ship (or at least do it in a way that makes us temporarily forget all the things wrong with that ship *cough*Kataang*cough*). Not like the way this book apparently does it

For Avatar!


I want my good quality, action-packed, and just plain fantastic episodes! I don't want any part of the finale to be spoiled! I don't care if Kataang or Zutara happens (seriously, I practically don't anymore), I just want to spend the whole 2 hours glued to my computer screen, screaming with joy, gasping with shock, squealing at all the fluffy romance stuff (no matter what side its on), and just plain enjoying every heart-stopping moment. I want my quality time with my episodes! I want to be surprised! I want to love the finale without knowing whats going to happen!

So no spoilers. Anyone spoils ANYTHING about the finale to me from this stupid book that bloody freakin Nick released before the god-damn episodes were released (those freaking bastards), and I WILL find some way to get you back. I WILL find some way to piss you off too. Hell, I'll even stalk you incessantly with rude messages under a variety of usernames if I have to! Just don't spoil it for me! Else I WILL make you regret it!!

Why I think Zutara is likely....from Zuko's perspective.

Ok, this is a post I made in the zutara/kataang battlefield, but I decided to put it here as well (though why, I'm not sure. Because I think people actually read it here? :P Doubt it, but I know some of you are watching me now......which makes me kinda worried for your sanity :P)

anyways, without further ado, why I think Zuko likes Katara (in my opinion, love, but it works for close friends too :P. In response to a question by AllKnowingBeing)


Maybe not love, but we know he definitely likes her (take as friendship or "like" like, however you want). Reason for this: In XRoD, he doesn't yell at her when she insults him (because I know if I say FBM, you'll just say she threatened to kill him and he didn't want to piss her off. However, notice how he yelled at Aang quite happily, and at Sokka when Katara was right there).

Anyways, back to XROD - Zuko doesn't blow up at Katara when she's insulting him. He just sits there and takes it (which is VERY unlike Zuko at this point in time). And before you say 'omg, he was a changed person from the Guru' or whatever, notice how he immediately reacted when Aang taunted him ("saving you, that's what". Zuko: Grrr!). So it was just for Katara. And this nice respect type thing or whatever it was was BEFORE she offered to heal him, so that can't be used as a reason either.

So yeah, I am of the opinion that Zuko respects/likes Katara, simply because he treats her differently from the others. He doesn't yell at her, he doesn't get angry when provoked/threatened by her - yet he seems all too happy to explode when the others tease him (Aang, Sokka, etc). And you would think Aang's opinion would matter most to him, considering Aang accepted him first during WAT and whatnot (so you think he would want to stay in Aang's good books and not yell at him. But he does!). But no, it seems to be Katara's opinion that matters.

So yeah, there's my reasoning why I think Zuko likes Katara. Scoff all you want, its my opinion, so I'm the only one that has to like it :P


And there you go. To the few that read this (still can't believe people are watching, what do you think? Kataangers (Space, I'm looking at you :P), care to dispute my theory? Zutarians (probably Amari), do you agree? And yeah, this isn't saying I think Zuko is in love with her (well, I do think that :P) but its mostly just to point out that he obviously likes or "likes" her :D

*lurks* BR was pretty interesting.......

Ok, reason I'm not posting as much in the relationship discussion topics and zutara vs. kataang battlefields is not because I have given up hope. Its because I'm laughing too much to type replies. Or simply can't think of replies to such annoying repetitive comments.

Seriously, some of the arguments I'm seeing are just ridiculous! Are people blind, or just stupid? And kataangers say us zutarians ignore all the facts....ha! Blindness to obviousness is on both sides!

I'll say it here because nobody reads my blog, so I can't be flamed or bashed for what I'm saying. However, in case someone actually does read this boring insight into my avatar mind, the following contains SPOILERS! Also contains particularly confusing "discussion" of shipping post-BR. Emphasis on confusing (Even I can't follow whats going on/what I'm trying to say, and I'm writing it, lol).

Watch as I mutilate the English language and the term "explanation" :P But first....SPOILERS AHEAD!!

Do you hear me? SPOILERS



Ok, you have been sufficiently warned. Read on at your own risk.

Ok, so Boiling Rock was pretty epic. I love how everyone is getting so obsessed over the shipping and saying zutara is dead when this episode was not really about the main shipping. This episode was pretty awesome (or at least, the second part was). This episode was mainly about Zuko earning Sokka's trust and doing good things to erase his past wrongs, like he did with Aang in FBM. However, despite the fact that I didn't want to get in a shipping war from BR, I have to say this in retaliation to certain peopl:

BR killed Maiko.

Now, kataangers will laugh and scoff at me, saying how I'm blind and whatnot, but I don't care. I gave up caring about what you people thought ages ago. Most of what you say to me is stupid in my eyes anyway. Anyways, Maiko. It is dead. Why do I say that? Current storyline is Zuko redemption - fixing his past mistakes by doing good deeds. He saved Hakoda/Suki/Sokka, thus earning respect and admiration in Sokka's eyes.

But this episode was also about resolving his problems with Mai. Problems as in, what happened when he left? Are they still together? Answer is a big resounding NO.

Why do I say this? After all, Mai LOVES Zuko. This means Maiko is so obviously canon, I just sound stupid saying its not.

-__- No no no. This is exactly the same argument kataangers use. Just because aang loves katara DOES NOT make kataang canon. Aang can crush on her all she wants, but unless she likes him back (highly unlikely considering her reactions to his kisses), kataang IS NOT canon. Neither is Maiko. Mai loves Zuko, but zuko does not love Mai.

Why do I say this? well, to put it bluntly, other than the beginning of the episode where Sokka directly asks a question about her, Zuko is clearly not thinking about Mai. He is surprised when she shows up, leaves her behind quite easily, is very surprised when she starts beating up guards for him, and doesn't even seem to care about the danger she's in. (Sokka: "Come on zuko, let's go!" Zuko: Azula had to get here somehow). When Mai risks her life for him, he's only thinking about how to escape. Pretty selfish if he loves her, don't you think? And don't say 'oh, he just knows she's capable of doing things herself'. Even if my boyfriend was freaking near-invincible and went off to fight some dangerous guys and risk having a pissed-off person shoot lightning at him, I'd be pretty worried. Zuko does not appear worried - he seems quite calm about it.

Also, I loved his reaction when she said 'because i know you so well'. He is clearly confused, indicating that he is well aware that Mai does not know him very well at all. She doesn't understand him, further emphasised by their argument about why he left her/the FN. She doesn't understand that he's doing what is really right, rather than just letting the FN destroy everything/itself. She doesnt' understand him, and he knows that. They are two completely different levels now - they have grown too far apart. And Zuko knows this, thus why he officially broke up with her (assuming he hadn't done so in the letter, which I suspect he did, juding by all the broken heart references. If he wasn't breaking up with her, he could have just said " I'm leaving, but I'll come back for you" or whatever. Clearly, he didn't. He freaking broke up with her in the letter, people, else she wouldn't have been so upset!

Nickelodeon is......[insert desired adjective here]

Omg, I cannot believe it. After showing us an AWESOME avatar trailer, getting all the fans riled up some more, and releasing all these spoilers of future episodes.......NICK IS MAKING US WAIT UNTIL BLOODY JULY?!?! WTF!!!!

This is SO NOT FAIR!! We've already waited bloody 5 months for new episodes, and they are making us wait another 2? Come on, this is just getting ridiculous! If I didn't want to see the episodes so much, I'd suggest boycotting Nick. However, it doesn't matter to me, as I'm an Aussie, and we are so far behind I just watch everything on the internet anyway :P

Hmm....where did the rest of this post go? Oh well, I believe I should reinforce my hatred of Nick by saying I hate them more than rabid shipper fans. And that's saying something.


BRING BACK AVATAR YOU SCUMBAGS!!!! *shakes fist and throws random pointy objects*

Zutarian to the end!!

Yes, that's right. No matter how much kataangers bash me or my choice in ships, I will be a Zutarian to the end. Why? Well, half the reason I joined the Zutarians was because I hated most kataangers for picking on the zutarians. (then I fell completely in love with the couple).

And don't say it doesn't happen. Even the 'respectful' ones bash the hell out of Zutara and they only ever offer Kataang proof when Zutarians try and make a decent argument. Speaking of which, i am absolutely sick of Kataangers using the same bloody arguments over and over again. Can't you guys come up with something more convincing then "omg, they danced together! And Katara kisses his cheek all the time! Clearly she likes him! And then she kissed him back! Like omg, they are SO meant to be together!"

Problem 1: People dance together all the time, doesn't mean they are in love. As for the 'jealousy' thing, Katara has been the focus of Aang's attentions (whether she views him as son or best friend) for 2 whole seasons. Of course she will be upset that he's paying attention to another girl. Like when your best friend gets a new boyfriend/girlfriend - even if you don't romantically like your best friend, you're still upset/jealous of the new person in their life. Yes, I realise On Ji was only a 5 second thing or whatever, but after Aang lavishing attention on her all the time, even that would threaten Katara's position in Aang's life as his best friend (in her eyes). She would fear her best friend moving on.

Problem 2: Katara kisses Aang's cheek and hugs him. Now, I don't know about you, but if I have a crush on someone I don't initiate hugs with them, and I certainly don't kiss them on the cheek. I would just find it embarrassing - and encounters with crushes are usually embarrassing enough as it is. So yes, Katara kisses Aang's cheek, but would she actually do that if she had a crush on him? Of course not! This also applies to the Headband - even after their cute little dance, she once again simply kissed his cheek. Nothing changed. So even after their supposed 'lovey-dovey' moment, she still kissed his cheek without a hint of embarrassment, which signals to me (in a real-life scenario way) that she DOES NOT LIKE HIM IN RETURN. She sees him as a good friend, no more, even after their dance.

Problem 3: The Kataang kiss. Oh god, where do I start? Let's see. Ok, sure, I'll admit that the reason Katara's reaction was left ambiguous so Mike and Bryan can make more money screwing over all the fans by not letting them know who Katara likes her, and they can thus cackle at us behind the scenes, but come on! If this was the ONLY REASON Katara's reaction was so ambiguous, why the hell have a kiss at all? Why not just leave it as another hug/kiss on cheek? Why did the creators make them kiss halfway through the season and then not act on it? Why not just leave us all in complete suspense until the end? It would make more sense, and would actually be better for the creators if they had done nothing as there would be more Zutarians to torment until the end.

Ok, those are my main issues. Now for some other problems with Kataang.

Back to the Kataang DOBS kiss. But first, let's look at the NaDD kiss. In Aang's dream, Katara returned his kiss quite enthusiastically, and seemed to return his feelings. The actual kiss in DOBS could not be further from this - yes Katara kissed back, but only at the last moment, and as shown by her downward glance, she wasn't entirely comfortable with it. If she knew then that she liked Aang, she would have kissed him back like in his dream. But she didn't - apparently for the sole purpose of tormenting fans, she did nothing. Does this sound stupid yet? It should. Katara has never hidden her feelings inside her. She was open about her crush on Jet, and open with her general feelings about Haru, both of whom she barely knew (blushing around Jet, discussing mother with both, hugging Haru). Yet with Aang, who she knows far better than either of those two, she remains unsure? Yes, in fortuneteller she considered him a potential love interest, but nothing happened. Their relationship stayed exactly the same (I'm not saying they had to make out or whatever, I'm just saying they could have changed in some subtle way). But they didn't!

Also, going back to Jet/Haru, why has Katara told those potential crushes (and Zuko :P) about her mother, but not Aang who she apparently loves so much? Anyways, back to the Kataang kiss, even with the creators creating suspense issue, if Katara was truly supposed to like aang by that stage as so many claim (using 'The Headband' as "evidence"), she would not have shown any confusion or lack of feelings at that kiss. Instead, she should have thrown her arms around Aang.

Ok, I need to stop there before I go ballistic. I'll post more Zutara/anti-kataang evidence later. For now, suffice to say that I currently have a grudge against repetitive, disrespectful, and just plain rude kataangers who use the same stuff EVERYTIME. And don't whinge at me and say 'oh, so you're insulting all of us'? If you take issue with what I'm saying, clearly you think of yourself as being in that idiotic category. So, instead of whining at me about how insulted you feel, try doing something about it.

That said, I do not have a grudge against Kataang. In fact, I think it is quite cute. And I do admit to squealing slightly at the Kataang kiss. However, I was highly disappointed in WAT when Katara goes 'we need to talk' specifically to Aang, and then it turns out to be a discussion about their daily lives. how boring and pointless. Get my tiny (and now non-existent) kataang hopes up? Well, I'll convert more strongly to Zutarianism. However, the lack of anything leading up to it/after it, plus considering majoy anti-kataang/zutara evidence convinced me that Kataang is just not meant to be. That is my opinion, and that won't change. Deal with it already.

More to be posted at a later date when anger is not so much an issue, and ice-cream is in higher abundance (as in, there actually is some) in my house ^_^

cya, Angel

Zutara is NOT just a crackship!

Ok, the following is a post I made to the "Official Relationship Discussion" topic on the avatar forums. It pretty much sums up my current feelings. The post before this pointed out that the reason we haven't seen Aang and Katara actually 'get together' (acting like a couple) is because Mike and Bryan just want to prolong letting us know which ship 'won'. This is my response:


Well, although I agree that Mike and Bryan just want to prolong telling us which ship actually happens, you have to consider that they had this whole story planned out before they started airing it (well, we assume they did, as thats just common sense). That means that they planned all these supposed Zutara moments, and all the supposed Kataang moments. It was all planned in advance (well, most of it, or at least the points relevant to the plot - obviously some little moments were added in as they went along), before they even knew if there would be avid kataangers and especially before they knew if their actions would create rabid zutarians.

All I'm saying is if they are just stringing us all along for awhile, they had to have planned it, meaning that had to have planned Zutara to be a possible ship on the show (thus meaning it can't be a crackship or a ship created solely by the fans) even if it doesn't end up canon.

So all I'm saying is that even if Kataang does happen, Zutara was possible all along, because Mike and Bryan had to have planned it that way. They couldn't just decide in season 2 or whatever - "hey, i know what will make more fans! Let's just chuck in a whole lot of random moments that could make people think the romance is supposed to be between katara and zuko, hope the audience picks up on it and creates a fanbase, and then prolong having aang and katara getting together for as long as possible so we get viewers from both fanbases watching until the end! Even though the zukoxkatara fans will have already been watching the show anyway, so we technically gain nothing! Yes, this is the perfect plan!"

I mean come on, doesn't that seem just a little ridiculous? This also works well with the people who often point out that this show isn't just about the romance - its about the plot, the bending and everything else that makes it so awesome and got most of us watching it in the first place. If so, why would the creators need to chuck in another possible pairing if it was just to keep fans watching the show? Isn't the show good enough without the zutarian and kataanger show-downs?

I don't know, that's just my opinion. Not saying Zutara will definitely happen, but it does certainly have a chance, considering the creators had to put it in there purposefully.

I hope someone understands what I'm trying to say, Zutarian or Kataanger, lol.


So yeah, thats about it. Even if Zutara doesn't happen, I shall take comfort in knowing that it was a definite possbility - simply because it was completely illogical and pointless to just chuck it in there to piss off some fans, lol.

cya, Angel

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