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March Updates

Since it's the last day of February, here come March's updates. Please note that I didn't get to do everything I wanted to do in February updates, so I will do some of those things as well. Right now I only want to tell you about the new updates. I recently became interested in getting wooden trains from the Maxim railway. I want to use the Erie steam engine as Black the express engine and the Amtrak/Acela high speed train as Sonic & Boom the competitive twin high speed diesels. Credit goes to Youtube's therailwayinspector for the inspiration, as Black and Sonic belong to him. (I just revised Sonic and gave him a twin brother, Boom.) Here are the following reviews I plan to post: AoStH: Full-Tilt Tails Super Mario World: King Scoopa Koopa Fire Sale Send In The Clown Here are the following items I plan to review, and my Amazon profile name is "Rowan": Super Mario World GBA Thomas Wooden Railway Rosie Here are the following parody stories I plan to post: Sonic Cee Dee (Alternate Sonic CD) Sonic Da Punchbag (Alternate Sonic Fighters) Finally, here's Funny Banned Commercials 3: Duracell Grandma. The Putterman family is worried about Grandma since she is still running on the same Duracell battery. However, they needn't worry. She is so full of energy that she could give that rabbit a run for his drums. Unfortunately, Duracell banned the series of Putterman commercials because people found their half-human half-robot look quite creepy, especially Herb's. For Funny Banned Commercials 4, please vote now, and the winner will be posted on March 31. Duracell - Parrot McDonaldland - Evil Grimace Flintstones - Winston Cigarettes Battletanx - Snuggle I really hope March does go out like a lamb this year.