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Alaska- an intro!

Upon a request(Suze!!), I shall make a blog about my home state: Alaska! Woot. What to say? Well, it gets really cold there in the winter - like around -50 degrees F. have to plug your cars in during the winter, like an actual plug into a socket. It's totally cool, and it's only so that the battery doesn't freeze.

I can't really remember alot, since I was only seven when we moved to Japan and then to Germany, so I'll try to wing it!

Um, I have a few pictures but not alot. I'll add more pictures after I get back from Alaska in December. Yesh, I'm looking at colleges and all that happy stuff.

Funny story: When we moved from Florida to Alaska, I was three. Yesh, I'm from Alaska because I lived there the most in the States. I could very well say I'm German but I'm Alaskan because I'm American and well...I lived the longest in Alaska. (I have a confusing history) Anyway, when we were flying to Alaska, I saw the snow out the plane window, and got so excited that I threw up. Hehe. Also, when we got out of the airport, I just ran straight into the snow, no snow suit or anything. See, snow and me were meant to be!

Me when I was four and a half in the summer. Look at the mountains!!! SNOW!

Old fashioned riverboat, complete with the water wheel thingy.

The Sleeping Lady, a famous mountain in Anchorage-not where I'm from. Fairbanks all the way!!

Portage Glacier - In the summer and in the winter. It's so pretty there.

The Kenai river. It's this amazing blue green color. The picture does not portray it well. It's so beautiful!

And one final picture of the pretty snow!