So this episode was really cool. I'm absolutely fascinated with the original fairytales by the Grimm brothers. I've actually studied them in ToK (theory of knowledge) when we were discussing morals. Totally awesome. I never knew that Little Red Riding Hood had a whole other meaning. Anyway, on to the show.
It starts with three brothers who own a building company. They're arguing about building materials, one wants to use wood and another wants to use bricks. Sound familiar? They get attacked by some unseen force that distinctly sounds like a wolf. Werewolf?
So, then it goes to Sam and Dean. They're arguing about dealing with the Crossroads Demon. Sam wants to summon it, and with the Colt, kill it. Dean is, of course, very against this. He does not want Sam to drop dead, and neither do we! So, they have a case about a psycho killer. Oooooooh.
Sam and Dean go and investigate. They visit the poor brother who is the only survivor. The guy basically tells them what happens. The boys ask about the attacker, like about his teeth, fingernails. The guy says it was just a human.
Sam definitely won't be an artist when he grows up.
So Dean talked to the doctor, and he basically gives Dean the Coroner's Report.It turns out that its not a werewolf. Uh oh, what could it be?!
Next we go to a couple hiking through the woods. They get lost and stumble upon a little cottage owned by a sweet little old lady.Okay, let's think, haven't they read fairytales? Don't they know you're not supposed to accept help from a stranger, even if she is a nice little old lady? Guess not. Anyway, as the couple is walking into the cottage, she gets this creepy smile....
She feeds them pie. :) The scariest thing is she's smiling the whole time she's stabbing the man.
Now, outside the cottage a little girl is watching. Calmly. It's a little strange.
Naturally, the boys go and question the wife, who's been sent to the hospital. She tells about the old lady, and how she suddenly went from nice grandma to pyscho killer with a knife. Seems to be a pattern. Normal person turning suddenly crazy. She asks Sam and Dean if they little girl was okay. But she just "vanished into thin air," according to the woman. Freakyness. Sounds like a spirit to me!
So, Sam and Dean go and check out the cottage. And guess what they find...EMF readings. Sam begins to figure everything out. He links them to fairytales, and not "the disney flicks and bedtime stories" kind. Hehe.
Sam: I've been thinking of fairytales.
Dean: Nice. Do you think of fairytales often?
Brilliant! So, everything is starting to be explained. P!ssed off spirit making people reenact the original Grimm Brother's fairytales. The brothers were the three little pigs and the couple was Hansel and Gretel. Hmmmm. Starting to be explained. Dean researches deaths and disappearances of little girls with black hair. And he comes up with nothing. Strange indeed.
They find a frog, and it makes this weird ribbit. Dean finally believes that it might be fairytales.
Dean: Okay, maybe it is fairytales. But there's no way I'm kissing the damn frog.
Anyway, the see a pumpkin and a mouse on a porch, and Sam in his geek way, jumps to the conclusion that it's Cinderella. Naturally. Dean makes fun of Sam. "Dude, could you be more gay Don't answer that." They check it out and they find a girl, tied to a cupboard, her step-mother just went crazy. .....its the pattern again! The little girl shows up and turns into an apple in front of Dean. Yeah, I thought that was a little funny. It's a clue! Snow White!
Sam guesses it again, and tells Dean the story. The whole step-mother poisoning the girl, leaving her in a coma. So they check out the hospital. Turns out the doctor in the beginning has a daughter whose been in a coma for about ten years. And he reads her the Grimm fairytales. Coincidence, I think not!
Anyway, old woman gets attacked in her van, while the doctor reads his daughter Little Red Riding Hood. *cue suspenseful music* Paramedics bring her in, Sam links it to Little Red Riding Hood and Dean goes to find the granddaughter, while Sam talks to the Doctor. Everything turns out good in the end. It's a little sad, the doctor had to let go of his daughter after he accepts the truth about what his wife did. :cry:
Now the interesting stuff happens at the end. Sam sneaks out during the middle of the night and summons the Crossroads Demon and tries to makea deal. She tells him tough luck, a deal's a deal. Sam threatens to shoot her, if she doesn't release Dean, and let them both live. Now, the CD says that its not up to her but her boss, he really wants Dean's soul and there's nothing she can do. UH OH! Anyway, Sam shoots her and its the end. :( He's being more evil...It's scary, yet kind of sexy. Hehe.
Okay, thanks for reading. BYE! :D:):D:)