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The Review- Red Sky at Morning. It's up!

Okay, so I liked this episode. It was rather funny. I dunno, but Bela is starting to grow on me. Don't get me wrong, I don't like her, but that's just because of her character.

So, it starts off with this girl running. She looks up and...she sees this ghostly ship. This really reminded me of Pirates of the Caribbean. Not that I mind, since it's like one of my favorite movies. Just one thing about the opening scene, the girl takes the weirdest showers. I don't shower like that, but then maybe it's me. Okay, so, something enters the shower and...she's dead. Uh oh....what could it be?

Next, we go to Dean and Sam. They're arguing about the Colt. Dean has noticed that there is one bullet missing.

Dean: So, I've been waiting since Maple Springs. You got something to tell me?
Sam: It's not your birthday..
Dean: No.
Sam: ...Happy Purim?
Sam: Dude, I don't know! I have no idea what you're talking about.

Hahaha. Happy Purim. Yay, a tribute to a Jewish holiday. But that certainly was a random one to pick... I remember celebrating Purim when I was younger. Good times...good times.

So, Sam and Dean go check out the mysterious drowning of the girl in her shower. They talk to her aunt, an old lady. Well, she totally has a thing for Sam. Yuckness. The old lady mentions that the girl saw a ghost ship before she died. Hmmm..... So, they leave the old lady, and they go back to the car...and it's missing. This was hilarious. Dean starts to hyperventilate.

Poor Sammy, he looks so uncomfortable.

Strange finger groping.

Oh, the lip bite. *faints*

Dean: This is where we parked the car, right?
Sam: I thought so.
Dean: Where's my car?
Sam: Did you feed the meter?
Dean: Yes I fed the meter. Sam, where's my car, did somebody... stole my car?
Sam: Hey-hey, calm down. Dean.
Dean: I'm calmed down. Sombody stole my c...
Sam: Wow, Dean. Hey-hey-hey-hey, take it easy, take it easy.

Dean: Can I shoot her?
Sam: Not in public.

Next we go to a man in his bathroom. His bathtub suddenly fills up with water. Okay, let's think about this, bathtub mysteriously fills up all by itself. You don't go and investigate, you go run away and find Sam and Dean and cuddle!!! :oops: Okay maybe not the cuddle part, that's just my dream there, but you still go and find them so they can save you from the evil thing. As you can guess, he dies.

We find Bela asking the brother a few questions as a reporter. Then Sam and Dean show up and shoo her away. They find out that the brothers both saw the ghost ship. UH OH!!!

Sam and Dean get out the big guns, because they're gonna be heroes and save the guy, or at least try to. So, they scope out the guy's place. He notices them and gets mad. He insults the Impala.

Peter: You're not cops. Not dressed like that, not in that crappy car.
Dean: Hey, no need to get nasty.

Anyway, long story short, he dies because he was a total buttmunch and didn't let Dean and Sam save him. It's his fault, he had to be mean. :D

So the boys have a moment in the car. How they can't save everybody. *cries* You just want to hug them!!!

Dean: You can't save everybody, Sam.
Sam: Yeah right, So, so...what? You feel better now, or what?
Dean: No, not really.
Sam: Me neither.
Dean: You got to understand...
Sam: It's just lately I feel like I can't save anybody

So, back at the hideout, Bela comes in. She wants to make a deal. She knows about the ship, she's identified it. So, there's a hand of glory taken from a sailor who was hung. One problem, it's in a museum and Bela needs help. This doesn't sound good, does it?

Okay, so then it goes to Bela, she's yelling at Dean to hurry. He comes down in a tux, while the theme to James Bond plays. Awesome.

Oh, please let me take him home! PLEASE?

Bela: What is taking so long? Sam's already halfway there. With his date.
Dean: I am so not okay with this.
Bela: What are you, a woman? Come down already.
Dean: All right, get it out. I look ridiculous.
Bela: Not exactly the word I'd use.

Bela: You know, when this is over, we should really have angry sex.
Dean: Don't objectify me.

Sam and his date. Oh god, this is one....excited old lady. Poor Sammy, the old broad is just hitting on him. So, while Sam entertains his date, Bela and Dean find a way to get to the hand of glory. Bela faints, making it easy for them to get upstairs.

Awww, doesn't he look so pitiful?

Now back to Sammy. His date is getting a little frisky. She's started groping him!!! *wipes tears of laughter away* Poor, poor Sam. He's just too hot to resist. Even old ladies can't resist him.

Gert: You remind me of my late husband. He was shy too. Till he got me on deck.

So, Dean gets the hand. Easy as pie, right? So it seems. Now back to Sam. He's having an awful time at the party. Someone really needs to cheer him up, someone more his age....

Sam: Man, this is one long song.

Gert: I hope it never ends.

Now, the old lady was good for something. She gives Sam the information he needs. The connection between the vicitms. Each one had something happen where a family member died because of them. In the case of the brothers, they killed their father. The girl-a car accident killed her cousin. Hmmmmmmm.

Anyway, they leave the party. Sam and Dean are in the car, when they realize that Bela did it again. She stole the hand of glory. That woman has some very sticky fingers. Grrr. We should have known.

Need help Sammy? I volunteer!

But it's okay. Because Bela sees the ghost ship. So who did she kill? Makes ya wonder....

Dean is enjoying Bela's plea for help waaay too much. But it's okay. He's allowed to gloat.

Anyway, they can't destroy the hand of glory because Bela sold it already. So, Sam thinks of a plan.He summons the sailor that was hung and his brother because that's who killed him. The plan works. Instead of killing Bela, the sailor goes at his brother and they vanish or whatever they did.

Does he really think zipping his coat up is gonna keep him dry and away from the gutter thoughts of me?!

This man looks great wet. Doesn't he? I mean, you just want to....*blushes*

His expession here gives me guttery thoughts. :oops:

And here's another wet Winchester. Going back into guttery thoughts....:oops:

All is good in the world again. Bela pays them a huge amount of money.

Ooooh, looks like they got paid alot. Hmmm, wonder what Dean is thinking....probably gonna go gamble it all away!

In the end, they have another heart felt conversation. Dean talks about the CRD. Why all these emotional scenes? :cry::cry::cry::cry:

Wow, this is just a nice picture of him. His lips...oh gosh, they're just so...PERFECT!

Sam: You know what Dean? Go screw yourself. I don't want an apology from you. And by the way, I'm a big boy now. I can take care of myself. So would please quit worrying about me? That was the whole problem in the first place, I don't want you to worry about me, I want you to worry about you. I want you to give a crap that you're dying."