Okay, so I just rewatched 'The Magnificent Seven' again.Here's a few things I noticed or I have to comment on.
1. If your trash cans are moving like freaky weird things, would you really go over to them and check them out? The correst answer is no you would not, you'd run into your house as fast as you could. Not wait until the last moment when you see the black smoke cloud thingies! Obviously, the trash cans know more than you do. You should heed their warnings.
2. What is up with the license plate number? I know it changed but...I miss the original one. Sure, they probably had to change it because of the whole, being hunted down by the evil FBI agent, Henricksen still on their trail. But KAZ - 2Y5 is the licence plate for the Metallicar! Not CNK 8003. Grrrrrrrr.
3. All the gore. Personally, I like it. Sure, its a little gross at times. But it was all good in the end. I actually thought the part with Envy was awesome and funny. "I want those shoes." Mwahahaha. Awesome. Killing people for shoes!
4. The whole empending death of Dean. I thought all his jokes about it were funny. Yet, I still have a slight complaint. They brought it up way too much, and the jokes kind of ruined some of the moments. I think that if there is more angst it will be a little more believable. I understand that Dean deals with serious issues with humor, but I think with something as important as his death(which won't happen until he's old and wrinkly and grey) he would be a bit more serious than with other issues. This is just my thinking though, you might not think the same as me.