READ THIS POST LOL, SOME OF YOU ARE BLIND. You should look at the Areas of concentration. ATI PERFORMANCE: 34 FPS 9.2/10 NVIDIA: 68 FPS Visual Quailty: 5.6/10 Open Thou Eyes Brothers, The time will come when you msu decide. Look, If you have 2 GBs of Ram, And a Killa Processor, Go for a X1950 If you have 1 GB of Ram, And a Not so Killa Processor, Go For the Nvidia. Simple as that. The War in a NutShell (Can't Believe I took this long to Relise IT)
Heh,jjarvis321, heres some advice... Spend the Money on a motherboard which is supported by your Processor, Ram, And has the PCI-E Slots you need to survie this onslaught of technology, trust me, had the same Motherboard in my computer for 4 years, works like a charm, and my 2.41 Ghz is lovely for the time being. Then Buy a G-Card, Life will be a WHOLE lot easier.
Recent Test By Anard, Well i think is Annard, Shows that games like oblivion, with a resolution of about 1600-1200, and AA0 and Anti-A-0 the Winner is the Nvidia Geforce 7950, But if you add the AA and the Anti-Aliasing, and cranck the resolution up from 1600 to 2100 the 7950 drops like 20 frames from 47 while the ATI 1950 only lost a frame or 2, WOW... Well, I'm New to this Nvidia Vs. ATI stuff, Hardernd Pc Vs. mac Person... I'm Sure Nvidia will release something that will annilate this card, then ATI will creat one that will annilate that card, and so on, ah forget it... Its an Endless battle until someone else comes along, or one of them drops out...
*Azerel's comments