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*Beenybaby Blog

Geez, I'm so...

lonely... or whatever. I need more friends on this site. I mean, I post gorgeous pictures of the-one-and-only Paul Walker and I don't even get a simple "thanks".

Paul Walker = Perfection

Am I the only one who thinks Paul Walker would've been the perfect person to play Dr. Carlisle Cullen in Twighlight. In the books Bella says, "He's better looking than any other movie star I've ever scene." After reading that line Paul Walker was the first person who popped into my mind.

*Sighs* Is he honestly not the best thing your eyes have ever seen?

(Aw boohoo. I'm still at too low of a level to post pictures. I had the hottest pics of Paul Walker and now they're gone. I'm gonna go find a rock to cry under now)

Bored Time = Rant Time

Yeah, so I decided I'm going to rant and I have no idea what I'm going to rant about. So right now, I'm going to take a breather and pick the first thing that comes to mind.


Okay, why are boys so stupid? I had a boyfriend of 6 months and we recently broke up because one of his friends said they had sex with me(even though I'm a virgin). I'm not 12, I know when someone is dumping me because they don't like me anymore. Truth is, I was glad to break-up with him but I was pissed because he couldn't just tell me upfront. Also, this new guy who I'm talking to gets mad everytime I label is girlfriend/boyfriend but when I call him just a friend then he get pissed. :roll: Boys never know what they want.

I really wish I can date older men but everytime you try to date an older man then people say "they only want one thing". Even if that is true, younger boys seem to have their eyes set on the same thing, so what's a girl to do?