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*Bleumke Blog

Curly girly and it's not Hurley

Okay most of the times I'm very good at rhyming, but it's just different in English. That's why the crappy blog title today :P
Yeah you have me after more then 3 months of absence I'm back with one of the most disturbing blogs ever (okay, okay I'm just exaggerating (I can't even speak out the word :P)) Drama is up today.

So I found out that I have another addiction. Not only Bones has been on my mind but another serie. I have to say waiting for 2 weeks everytime gets a bit boring, so I needed something else that keeps my mind occupied.
I'm typing like a mad man at the moment, words keeps flying into my brain and my fingers fly to the letters on the keyboard.

I think you really want to know now what my new addiction is, and I hope I won't disappoint you. Many people think it's such a stupid, not realistic show and every season it's the same song.
(still keeps building up the tension to what I'm going to say)

While Antironix is doing his job as a newspaper boy, and at this exact moment the doorbell rings and the delivery guy is bringing me the first Bones book named Deja Dead (what a coincidence) I'm going to give you some new news. About the Bones Books (or better said Kathy Reichs books) I have ordered the last book, not knowing what the first was, so now I ordered the first 2 also and well 1 is here, and the other is going to come very soon I hope.

Wow I'm really excited, that happens when I typ such long sentences that nobody has a clue what I'm talking about.

Now back to what I was going to say in the first place.
The show I'm watching on Monday evening that keeps me for falling asleep at night is The Bachelor (I know how lame, but still I'm loving every minute of it because I love love and making people very happy).

How come it keeps me occupied almost the whole week. Well I'm going to tell the whole story first.
For people who don't know what the Bachelor is, well it's about a guy who meets 25 women, and hopefully one of them is going to be 'the one' for him. At first it starts with us getting to know the guy and then they are introducing the women. After the first night, 10 women are already going home.
What's different this year is that I made a deal with myself. I would pick out 1 women that I thought would be the match for him,or what would be my choice (just looking at the first episode). Well if that women would be the last women standing, I would be doing a bit of a matchmaking for friends of me.
After 6 weeks of the Bachelor on Monday (for me Tuesday downloading time or even sometimes after a dramatic day on Wednesday), there are only 3 women left (if you want to know more details just look it up at www.bachelor.abc.com ). There are two things about the last episodes that are coming up, that I can't wrap my head around. Another thing I wanted to say about the last three is that my choice from the beginning is still in it too.
About the two things that are going to happen, well I think it will be three things to be exactly. The first of them is that the last Bachelorette is coming to New Zealand to talk to him (ow yeah forgot to tell you he was on the Bachelorette last time but he ended second, and the last three women are going on a dream date with him to New Zealand). Secondly there will be many things going on (another thing I forgot to tell you is that he has a son and the last 2 women are going to meet him), because I think, looking at the promo, the kid is coming to New Zealand too. Finally there is 1 more thing that is bothering me. All the other Bachelor times there will be an After the Final Rose episode (talking with the girl who ended second and interviews with the Bachelor and the women he choose). Now there will be another After the Final Rose episode, and that is really not normal, but it's the day after the other one (I think nobody will understand this whole story). So I'm searching the internet for all the scoop I can get. But I still isn't clear for me, because there are so many things that can happen in New Zealand, someone breaking a leg, Bachelorettes showing up, maybe even other crazy things. And because here is nobody that I can talk too about this, I thought I'm going to make a blog about this.

That was my Bachelor talk for now, of course I hope more people watch this show, or are going to watch after my chaotic talk about it :P.

What's happening then I my real life, well nothing much. Everyday I read my horoscope and try to see if it's true ;) But hey today is Friday the 13th so nobody knows what will happen today :).
I still haven't found any new friends on my study for this year, but we will see when we go to Berlin in March. Anything else I really would like to say, uhmmmm no not really. And when something comes up in my brain I will just post a reply to my own blog :P

ps sorry about the no colours and not much smileys. That's what adrenaline does to you ;)

Babette a.k.a. crazy person :P

I really have no clue, going very random today.

I have wanted to write a blog for about 14 days now. I'm always forgetting what I want to write. Just like now, I had some ideas but no idea how to make a story of it.


Things I wanted to say:
This morning my opposite neighbour was shearing the hedge (I had to look up the whole sentence in the dictionairy, so it has been there for about 5 hours now :P). What fascinated me the most was the whole shearing thing. When you look at a hegde it is a dark colour green. When you start shearing it turns light green, and I could just smell the hedge in my bedroom (of course I had the window open :P) By the way, it made me feel like Christmas a little bit, okay much.

Talking about Christmas, I'm already getiing way in the mood for it. Family time, a tree, lights, dark stormy night ;) No I'm serious, the music will start on the radio stations too. I was already listening to it last wednesday. But one of the best things about Christmas is a Bones episode, in which I hope something big will happen. Ow and like my family says it's getting about time you introduce a nice boy to us :P (okay they have been wishing me a boyfriend for New Year for 3 years now)

Okay another thing I wanted to add here is that yesterday when I was working I spend half the evening chatting with a girl that works in the kitchen, about almost every show that I know. She even told me Grey's Anatomy spoilers, which I found out today when I watching the show myself. It really was awesome.

Wow this is a strange color, which I hope you can read :P So, let me think what else I can come up with. Well I stole a quiz from my buddie/homie or like I would say mattie (it a strange belgian (if people overthere even say it) word for homie). So here it comes, I will put it in red.

It was to answer the questions with the 3rd letter from your name. Am I glad that my name is Babette :P And it rhyms too ;) (or like the english boys from holiday liked to say Batbat (so I'm a Bat from now on)
1. Famous Singer : Barry Mannilow
2. Four letter word : Butt :D
3. Street : Broadway
4. Color : Blue (my favo with red)
5. Gifts/Presents : Bbq (well it's kind of big and expensive). Let's go for a nice Bracelet :D
6. Vehicle: Batmobile because it starts with a B and I'm a bat :P
7. Things in Souvenir Shop : Baby Dolls (okay whom of you found a baby doll in a souvenir shop? Raise your hand now)
8. Boy Name : Booth (just kidding). Let me think hmm I would go for *has thought about it for over 3 minutes* Bob (it's my cousins name and because you can read it backwards too :P)
9. Girl Name : Brennan (kidding again, I'm so full of humor *coughs very loudly* Babette of course :D Okay now serious time, if I have to choose I would pick the name *thinks about this also 3 minutes* I want to stay with Babette that is definately the best I can come up with
10. Movie Title : Bones: The Movie or Bones: The Pairing of Brennan and Booth, wait wait I have it. Bones everywhere
11. Drink : Beer??
12. Occupation : Barber (it's just the first thing that comes up to me)
13. Celebrity : Barbara Streisand (do I write it like that, I don't know exactly)
14. Magazine : Bones the magazine
15. U.S. City : Like I would know man, I live in the Neths ;) Bonesville? I can't think anymore but I think there is a really easy one. Borderville? No ideaa
16. Pro Sports : Baseball (one of the sports I really want to go to, like the music ;))
17. Fruit : Banana (my dad figured that one out, happy for me that in dutch and english it both starts with a B :D)
18. Reason For Being Late To Work : Banging my head on the bathroom. Or being stuck on the bathroom even better :P Breakfast got cold and I had to heat it up again.
19. Something You Threw Away : The hard thing that's around a banana (I can't come up with the name for it :P) Like we say a Banana 'schil'
20. Something You Shout : BONES!!!!!
21. Cartoon Character : Bugs Bunny (Gix_to_the_frizzle_Mix mentioned the Looney Tunes)
22. Song Title: Barbie girl (because my mom is coming home and starts singing that song :S) I think she is mentally ill or got struck on the head.

By the way that friend of mine (the guy who gets up at 1 am to make himself a steak) he is even more Boothish as I thought he would be. He is always teasing my best friend form uni. Well it is like this. She (let's name her R) and he, well I and another friend (I call her In) we think they are ment for each other. But hey is just a big tease, so everytime In and I are hanging out with them and trying to get them closer he just plays along making her feel uncomfortable, which I truly think is adorable. But still we think they fancy each other. I'm feeling more like Hodgins thinking they already have a secret relationship :P

Feeling really strange

I have been acting very crazy lately. Friday my best (male) friend said to me that the previous night he was hungry at 1 am and made himself a stake :P (OMG so Booth)
So yesterday I also had to work and I kept thinking about Bones (how obsessed am I, I really am becoming crazy). The frase 'I need to satisfy my biological urges' came up in me I think 30 times in 3 hours :S
I also found out that my mom doesn't say 'I don't know what that means' but she always uses the snetence 'I don't understand you' to be annoying :P

Today yet again was very crazy. This morning I didn't wanted to get up for my clarinet lesson, so I stayed in bed sleeping untill 11.30 am. Then I started reading fanfics on my laptop until 12.30 pm. Then I ate something, took a shower. When I was down then it was 2 pm. Ate some more and wanted to do things for school but yet again there was fanfiction to read. When it was 5 pm we had to go to orchestra practice. Another 1,5 hour of waiting (of what I don't know). But I have been jumpy all day and feeling very strange. Tonight I didn't dress up but make up(ped) :P Put on the webcam and friends were like wow what have you done and you look pretty. I was like wow I AM crazy ;)

So next time I hope another crazy blog (tomorrow work) and monday school yet again.
See ya later alligators :D

Finally, happily, endlessly

Well that title comes from when I was looking at my new banner :P
It's been such a long time since my last blog. I wanted to thank everyone for the cool posts on my house and everything.

Well a lot has happened since the last time. Not only with me or every one of you, even this site has been renewed. Altough many people don't like it, even I hate it a bit (if it would work properly then it would be nice but still too white) we have to live with it. Like I said I have a new banner but I also have a new icon. Which I definately love. I have a new music download program called Blubster (never heard of before but it's okay). The best thing that happened to me at school was that I figured out how to get on the internet :D With a little english manual it all worked out good.

So I first wanted to do a Bones part of my life. It sounds strange but it's just about things that happened with me that made me think about Bones.
First about last week. I study at the university and the hospital building is builded against it. So I saw a guy with an eye-patch (is that correct English? :P) And the first thing I thought was AAARRGGGG pirate where is your parrot. Even my friend started laughing when the guy walked pass us.
Second thing that happened. There is this guy in my group for school. He is just like Booth. Altough I don't fancy him and neither does he. He is just friendly, doesn't ask too many questions, always wants to help and very good at giving a presentation, ow hilarious too.
Last thing that happened to me was actually today. I was at the train station and I looked to a guy (in his eyes). They were chocolate brown, I melted :P I was thinking of a season 4 quote which I'm not going to tell because I don't want to spoil it for other people.

I'm also getting nuts because I keep seeing nice guys. Lovely guys, cute guys. In the train, at train stations. Walking by, at the fair everywhere. It's driving me really nuts. Talking about the fair I went to a fortune-teller. The experience was very cool. She was going to read my hand. Told me I was going to do a course (I want to do a Spanish one), then she told me in the future for work I'm going to take a job abroad because I would earn more (thinking about studying abroad for a while). Also said to me I was going to live abroad (I want to immigrate to England or maybe warmer ;)) And the last thing she said that there would be 1 guy that would be the right one for me and I was going to meet him (so if something goes wrong with me and him then I will be bachelor for the rest of my life) :P

I also need some pictures in this blog. Now only pics I make is from new episodes of any series what so ever. Okay I found out I am a spoiler person. So for those people who don't want to 'see' spoilers don't watch. For all the other people who like hunks and stuff, WATCH OGLE AND DROWL ;) :D
There are so many pics from so many different persons. I'm maing a map on photobucket and post the link here so you can watch yourself. Don't click on the Bones map it has spoilers in it from season 4 :D Tell me which person you preferred :P


Speak to you next time people!!

Something about sesamestreet again and shots of everything

I found out that the big bird that you call Big Bird and is yellow in America, we call her Pino and she is blue :D And we also don't have Snappie or what the elephant's name is.
So here is the Elmo Song, one of my favorites ;)

Here are some of my (our) house pictures:

The front

The back

Another back pic

The windows are my room (altough I still don't have room photos)

Our living room

Front of the garden

The street next to us

Wow that were many. Over to Symfonica in Rosso pictures (they aren't the best quality but hey what can I do about that :P

Mister Lionel Ritchie himself

Alain Clark and his father

Ballerina Girl

Candy Dulfer (dutch famous saxophone playster) and the violist of the orchestra (also the orchest leader, he is like the pop version of Andre Rieu)

Lionel and his dancers (altough my mother said; look there are the chippendales. So we laughed very hard)

Guitar player from Lionels band, the only white guy in it

And last but not least very well know dutch singster Trijntje Oosterhuis

I think you don't know many of them but you have something to think off ;)

And now the link to the Bones episode: 4.03 The Man in the Outhouse (I didn't tag any of the pics, but I hope you understand the moments I took them or else I will later post some tags just tell me)
http://s71.photobucket.com/albums/i126/betsie_incretsible/Bones%20season%204/ (I hope you can open them or else I will try to change it) :D

Enjoy my very fun (if I may say so) blog :D :D :D

Sesamestreet on 'prinsjesdag' and many snaps

I was watching Sesamestreet for a couple minutes this afternoon. Couple things I wanted to say about it. My favorite person/animal in it is of course Elmo. I always act like Tommy, and Bert and Ernie I can imitate too :P You know, I thought it was shocking, Pino is a women :D *sorry having a real laugh here, listening to a crazy song too* (about a woman who wants to do it but the man isn't in the mood ;)

Because today is Prinsjesdag (I'll explain if you read further) I made this blog in red, white and blue. Prinsjesdag is the day in the year for everything about our economy to be read out loud by our queen Beatrix :P They show a Millions Note (Miljoenennota) all the numbers in our country. And the royal family gets in the Golden Carriage on the way for the speech of the queen. It's really cool to see. And all the politics from different parties speak all bad about the other parties. That's that for now on to the next thing I wanted to do.

Here are some pictures of our house, Symfonica in Rosso with Lionel Ritchie and episode 4.03 The Man in the Outhouse. I'll post only the link so no worries I'm not going to spoil your day ;)

Okay the pics are coming later on when I post a new blog, my photo site doesn't work properly, sorry for the inconveniece :P

See you next time :D

Church, fall, level up and party time

Last saturday I had to go to church, anniverary for my grandpa.

My fall shedule for watching tv is here :D


1 September: Prison Break
22 September: Heroes


3 September: Bones
24 September: Lipstick Jungle
1 October: Pushing Daisies
1 October: Private Practice


25 September: Grey's Anatomy
9 October: CSI


7 September: Entourage
28 September: Desperate Housewives
28 September: Californication

Maybe the mentalist on tuesday too, but still deciding, if someone is going to watch tell me ;)

Then I just wanted to say I'm at level 9, 99,9% hihihihhihihihi I'm good at this :P

So last thing about the party time. I'm living in party month. Since my birthday I have almost every week a new party :P

I have some more pics for you too (nice boys again :D)

It's Freddie Prinze Jr.

Simon Baker

Adrian Grenier

So I hope you like them :D ;)

Birthday party in a dutch villa on the waikiki beach

As you may have seen, my birthday blogs are all in another text styl :D But nonetheless I'm the same even if I'm 1 year older now. I got a pm from pirateJess asking me how old I'm now. Well as it said in the last blog I'm 19 now!!!! In my friends group from the highschool I'm the youngest (again). Even in my family I'm the youngest one. Still enjoying my life though ;)

Now I wanted to trow a party today, as you may or may not know, I waited untill Gix_Mix was back from her vball thing so we can celebrate with everybody that I'm older and wiser and more grown up :P *starts laughing very loud*

Before festivities start I just wanted to give you a heads up (I'm so hard trying to use english sayings, but it's more fun when they are totally incorrect) on all the gifts I already got. It started with the mail, of course many crazy cards for even crazier friends, I had so much fun opening them. Then there was a mysterious card from a theater (do you even say this, I doubt about everything) then I found out I was going to a very funny and crazy person in the Neths. Her name is Tineke Schouten and she is a cabaret singer (that is what my translate program says :P)
I think it was half past 2 when finally somebody came home, it was my dad. First 'real' celebration of that day. Then my sis and finally at 6 pm my mom was homes too. My sister made a pasta dish specially for me :D
After dinner it was time for presents, because everybody had other things to do I had to hurry. Come on people who has to hurry on their birthday, has to do all chores in the house, and is most of the time alone :( (but I don't care it was fun).
So I started opening my presents. I started with 2 hipsters from Pusy Deluxe (my mom works in a lingerie store and I can only spell 1 s now :D) There was a dvd of Tineke Schouten so I could laugh all day long, my parents think I don't laugh enough but I'm the person at home that is funny every day ;) Then there was another Suske and Wiske strip. Those are comic books I collect. There are 300 comic books out now (50 in black and white, real collecters items) and 250 in colour and I have I think 220 comics now (and even 1 black and white) ;)
And the blaster of the evening, yeah a real blaster a ipod dock suround system. Really cool, I tried it of course and I'm saying it's not that loud but it's damn good :P

So now pics of my gifts (don't look at my happy face, I was acting weird it was more drama then something else :P)

(dvd ow and my mom :P)

(the hipsters, no it's not my body altough it looks like it ;))

(me, my sister and my comic book and the tickets to the theater)

(my philips ipod blaster :P)

And now it's your turn to come up with some good gifts, I told my friends I'm happy with hugs and kisses too, but you have to keep them coming all party long.

Last thing I wanted to say that yesterday we went out to celebrate my birthday me (donkey in front as we say in the Nehts), my sis, and 5 other good friends of me :D It was awesome, I even had been decorated with a Hawaiian boa :P

Now lets start the party before you all have fallen in sleep with my ultimate boring story!!

The 8 other candles I already ate, they are eatable too :D

So take all that crazy Hawaiian stuff out of our closets because that's the party theme :D
Cocktails, limbo dancing, sand, sea, sun, beach, pinata, palm trees, everything is included :P
And for food we have all sorts of fruits and coconuts :P

Enjoy the party and last thing I wanted to say we have a karaoke machine there too :D :D :D :D

I want to hear the drums

Tadaaam!!!!!! You know it's actually a surprise but still if you promise not to tell anybody that my birthday is tomorrow and I will be 19 years old :P

Btw party is sunday but this whole weekend is this blog available for best wishes, gifts, kisses (can someone find me a boyfriend it would be fun for the weekend :P)

Greetings from you princes that needs to be saved, Babette

We are going to have a pool party all weekend long, so enjoy already

Cute isn't it :D

What a disaster

Ow man I'm watching hockey for the bronze medal, and those people from Down Under are kicking our Dutch as s :P

That's why today is a nominee for 2 hockey players and one vballplayer ;)

I'm going to start with the first nominee of today, a dutch hockey player called Robert van der Horst

The next one I have for you is Matt Wells a Australian hockey player :)

Last I have for you (to be honest a little bit for frizzle because she just loves vball ;))
His name is Reinder Nummerdor, first he played for the vball team and know he plays beach vball (btw he is the one on the right of course :P)

That's it for the nominees of today.

So lets talk about me again (I know it's boring but sometimes you have to do boring things).
I've been very busy this weekend. Yesterday I had to work (I work in a restaurant) but I had to do the dishes because there was no one there for that job, so it was very hot in there.
Then today I had to get up at 8 am because I had clarinet lesson it was quite fun, teacher is way too funny. Tonight I have a dinner with the family, my uncle is celebrating his birthday and he is retired now.
Tomorrow I have to work again from 11 am till 5 pm (again very boring, like usually on sunday). And in between I have to study again which is too boring to be true :D

Let me think if this is all...yep no other thing I have to say. Well maybe that I have a bit of a breakdown :P

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