I have wanted to write a blog for about 14 days now. I'm always forgetting what I want to write. Just like now, I had some ideas but no idea how to make a story of it.
Things I wanted to say:
This morning my opposite neighbour was shearing the hedge (I had to look up the whole sentence in the dictionairy, so it has been there for about 5 hours now :P). What fascinated me the most was the whole shearing thing. When you look at a hegde it is a dark colour green. When you start shearing it turns light green, and I could just smell the hedge in my bedroom (of course I had the window open :P) By the way, it made me feel like Christmas a little bit, okay much.
Talking about Christmas, I'm already getiing way in the mood for it. Family time, a tree, lights, dark stormy night ;) No I'm serious, the music will start on the radio stations too. I was already listening to it last wednesday. But one of the best things about Christmas is a Bones episode, in which I hope something big will happen. Ow and like my family says it's getting about time you introduce a nice boy to us :P (okay they have been wishing me a boyfriend for New Year for 3 years now)
Okay another thing I wanted to add here is that yesterday when I was working I spend half the evening chatting with a girl that works in the kitchen, about almost every show that I know. She even told me Grey's Anatomy spoilers, which I found out today when I watching the show myself. It really was awesome.
Wow this is a strange color, which I hope you can read :P So, let me think what else I can come up with. Well I stole a quiz from my buddie/homie or like I would say mattie (it a strange belgian (if people overthere even say it) word for homie). So here it comes, I will put it in red.
It was to answer the questions with the 3rd letter from your name. Am I glad that my name is Babette :P And it rhyms too ;) (or like the english boys from holiday liked to say Batbat (so I'm a Bat from now on)
1. Famous Singer : Barry Mannilow
2. Four letter word : Butt :D
3. Street : Broadway
4. Color : Blue (my favo with red)
5. Gifts/Presents : Bbq (well it's kind of big and expensive). Let's go for a nice Bracelet :D
6. Vehicle: Batmobile because it starts with a B and I'm a bat :P
7. Things in Souvenir Shop : Baby Dolls (okay whom of you found a baby doll in a souvenir shop? Raise your hand now)
8. Boy Name : Booth (just kidding). Let me think hmm I would go for *has thought about it for over 3 minutes* Bob (it's my cousins name and because you can read it backwards too :P)
9. Girl Name : Brennan (kidding again, I'm so full of humor *coughs very loudly* Babette of course :D Okay now serious time, if I have to choose I would pick the name *thinks about this also 3 minutes* I want to stay with Babette that is definately the best I can come up with
10. Movie Title : Bones: The Movie or Bones: The Pairing of Brennan and Booth, wait wait I have it. Bones everywhere
11. Drink : Beer??
12. Occupation : Barber (it's just the first thing that comes up to me)
13. Celebrity : Barbara Streisand (do I write it like that, I don't know exactly)
14. Magazine : Bones the magazine
15. U.S. City : Like I would know man, I live in the Neths ;) Bonesville? I can't think anymore but I think there is a really easy one. Borderville? No ideaa
16. Pro Sports : Baseball (one of the sports I really want to go to, like the music ;))
17. Fruit : Banana (my dad figured that one out, happy for me that in dutch and english it both starts with a B :D)
18. Reason For Being Late To Work : Banging my head on the bathroom. Or being stuck on the bathroom even better :P Breakfast got cold and I had to heat it up again.
19. Something You Threw Away : The hard thing that's around a banana (I can't come up with the name for it :P) Like we say a Banana 'schil'
20. Something You Shout : BONES!!!!!
21. Cartoon Character : Bugs Bunny (Gix_to_the_frizzle_Mix mentioned the Looney Tunes)
22. Song Title: Barbie girl (because my mom is coming home and starts singing that song :S) I think she is mentally ill or got struck on the head.
By the way that friend of mine (the guy who gets up at 1 am to make himself a steak) he is even more Boothish as I thought he would be. He is always teasing my best friend form uni. Well it is like this. She (let's name her R) and he, well I and another friend (I call her In) we think they are ment for each other. But hey is just a big tease, so everytime In and I are hanging out with them and trying to get them closer he just plays along making her feel uncomfortable, which I truly think is adorable. But still we think they fancy each other. I'm feeling more like Hodgins thinking they already have a secret relationship :P