Living in a small town sucks, they advertised Bones season 1 was coming out soon but since I live in little ol Gisborne it wont be out till next year around the 17th because the slackers in the big cities are closing shop and going on a long holiday.:cry:
On a brighter note I did have a dream about DB, I was at work and he came out back and was like "Are you Ayla?" and I was too nervous to answer and he handed me a big box and said "Here these are some personalised mugs with the best B/B moments of season 1 and 2 from me and ED" :D
And then I woke up it was weird.
Well im gonna stop writing now cause im at my friends house and they're not that into Bones (don't ask me why it's the best) so they're reading this over my shoulder commenting on what a weirdo I am and telling me to hurry up so I had better go.