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Guess what!

Well, any of you who read my last blog know that I have a ton of VAs that I want to meet. And one of them is Vic Mignogna. Earlier this week, I decided to go on, Vic Mignogna's fan club website. I decided to look up what cons he is going to. So I looked, and found one called JumpCon. And it was going to be in Boston this summer! I was like 'Oh my god! Vic's going to be in Boston!' so I looked up the tickets for JumpCon, and found out that if you paid $65, you could have lunch with him! I freaked, and had a fangirl spaz attack at lunch that day (sugar can vouch for me, she was there). Since it's in July, I asked my grandpa if he would get the ticket for me for my birthday (July 8th), and he said yes.And we just bought the ticket today! So now I'm going to be counting down the days til I get to meet Vic! Yay!
