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Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

Hi everybody! I haven't given a good update about myself in quite a while.

It's snowing where I live right now. We weren't supposed to get snow today but we did.

Now on to more important info:

I found out a week or two ago that my mom's friend will make me a costume for Anime Boston. Now, with me not being able to sew and not having a costume for the second day of AB, I have decided to take her up on her offer. I might have her make me a pair of pajama pants for my character too. Throw out random guesses and the person who guesses correctly will win a custom icon designed by me! I might throw out hints every so often. Sugar, if you know who it is already, please do not guess.

I'm really sick as I'm typing this. I have a really bad cough, and when I cough it feels like my chest is burning. Mabye I should get it checked out...

Bye Bye!