So, ive finally gotten back to Finally! ive jus been so busy lately with everything else in my life that i didnt really get time to go on the computer all that much. where to start?!?! idk even kno... Well ill start by sayin happy 4th of july to everyone!.
so a week or so ago i sprained my ankle playin volleyball league for my high school. yea that sux major a$$ but oh well i gotta deal with it. And also im gunna wear my brace evvvverrry day for practice and games i am NOT spraining it again. ive already done it once before. actually just last year(inoctober i think) right before basketball season-that wasnt fun. and then i hurt my knee later in the season(still bball). so this year i have decide that im not goin to play bball for my high school anymore because i end up gettin hurt too much in that sport. i want to save myself for track(THE BEST SPORT IN THE ENTIRE WORLD)ok so im entitled to my opinion n thats fine. but i dont know what i would do without itand this year im takin all precautions to not get hurt(weightliftin n not playin bball) cuz i missed last season cuz of mono. yes i had the kissin disease ha ha laugh it out.....ok ya done yet? lol but neways so i had no track season last year i wannna be really good. i kinda would like to go to college to run track but i gotta have a good season this year in order for the colleges to start lookin ya kno? well other than sports i really dont have a life so if i talk about sports all the time i apologize but thats jus wats happenin!
but another i do alot is i watch my fav shows and i cant bear to miss an eppy! i jus rlly sad about GG leavin! but i really hope they do the movie..all i have to say is alexis bledel you better commit to the movie there is no way we can do it without you!!!! but yeah thats i feel like sayin for right now jus keep checkin back here for more updates il try to make one everyday but ha not with my hectic life lol talk to when we talk next(who knos when!)
~Bethany(thats my real name by the way)~