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*Cali_girl_213 Blog

wow it's really been awhile

after a few months, I am back to I just stopped coming on here, don't know why. In the meantime I started my own tv blog called "TV Lexicon" you can find it at I am trying all I can to get experience writing about TV so that I can use it for a portfolio in the future. Please go and read it, I would love feedback! Thanks

it's been awhile

So I just realized I haven't written on here in 7 months. I also haven't moved very far up the level scale in this time, since I haven't really done much on here. But I'm at 86% so if I could reach level 11 that would be nice. Since I've written last, I decided some things about myself and my future. I am going to be majoring in film I believe, and then after I get a BA, go to grad school for journalism (my college doesn't have it). I realized I love writing and I love entertainment, and if I could get a job in the entertainment industry as a writer of some sort. Now I only have to decide if moving to LA is part of my future. All these decisions that scare me. I recently turned 20 and all this is flying towards me now that I am no longer a teenager. So much more responsibility in my life. But even with all this, I am so thankful for all I have right now. I am surrounded by so much love and happiness despite the economy, and devastation in our country and abroad. I did not mean for this blog to take a depressing turn, so maybe I'll try to bring it back to a happier place. I am still obsessed with all things TV, and am so happy that I had the opportunity to take a "tv culture and society" class at my college. Its great because we study the culture of the US and its TV history. It's great for any tv fan. Alright, that's all I'm writing for now. Thanks for reading, if anyone is!

level 10!

just realized that when u write more, you get higher in the levels! lol I've been working at this office for the past two weeks that is not that busy, so I have had a LOT of time on my hands to write reviews! I think I've written like 10 in the past couple weeks, and I usually dont write reviews on here. But I found out it is actually fun. And although I dont get feedback, it helps my writing for when I start working at the school paper, well if I get a job there. So yay I am on level 10! I know that is not much for those that are in the 20s, 30s and even 40s, but for someone who does not spend much time on the boards, this is a big level! lol ok back to work, well, kinda.

3 years!

So i am back home for summer! and just realized that it has been over 3 years that i have been registered @ (formerly excited to write more reviews and blogs over the summer, since I didnt have time to over the year! well, if work and enjoying summer doesnt take up all my computer time!! this summer i hope to watch: Season 1 of Buffy Seasons 3 and 4 of Instant Star Rewatch all 3 seasons of my Vmars dvds Finish Life as we know it and any other show that gets recommended to me by friends...any suggestions?

WB is Baaaccckkkkk

I havent posted a blog in forever and a day, but i feel like this is needed. I just saw the news about the new which i am extremely excited about! not only will i be able to watch One tree hill and Gilmore girls, but Veronica Mars as well!!! i'm surprised they took it from the UPN family, but WB is where it belongs. So thanks WB, you finally made a good decision regarding programming. And since they are no longer on tv (Buffy, Veronica, Everwood etc) its good that we will now have a (legal) place to watch our shows!! and i dont know if it is just me, but seeing the old WB sign makes me reminisce! so thanks WB, i cant wait for beta version!!!!!!! hopefully it will be here soon!

last blog for awhile

so im leaving this friday for i wont be able to contribute that much..but im glad i reached my goal of level five..happy to go from 1-5 in 3 for everyone that has read this..thanks..and if im writing to no one..oh was fun

all good shows are cancellled

is it just me or are all the good shows not on tv anymore? or shall i say all good WB/ CW shows? Gilmore Girls, Veronica mars, Dawson's creek (taken from syndication), One tree hill (only starting mid-season) 7th heaven (although i'm not so sad about that), Boy meets world, pulled from both ABC family and Disney, and now such shows as Greek and Kyle XY have just ended their summer seasons. Ok, i know that there are still some good shows, and some newcomers look appealing, but still, i had my routine w/ these shows and now i have to look elsewhere to find them. I guess it is just as well since I will be going to college next week, so i shouldnt be watching that much tv. But still, im going to miss them. Guess i have two choices..find new favorites, or buy everything on dvd..

current obsession

Starting last summer, a friend of mine told me to watch this show called "Veronica Mars." All I knew about the show was that it was about a girl solving crimes, and since I didnt like the crime aspect, and I never watched UPN, so I didn't really want to watch. She had me watch a couple episodes from 1st season, which were ok, but I didn't really understand it. By the time 3rd season came around, the CW was formed, and VMars was following my then fave show Gilmore Girls, so i decided to watch. I know fans from seasons one and two didn't love third season as much, but I found it very entertaining. I was instantly hooked and watched all third season religiously. Over this past summer, I felt the need to see how the show started, so therefore have been renting both season 1 and 2, to see what everyone was talking about. I am now pretty much addicted to the show, and am so sad that there won't be a 4th season. ok thanks to anyone that read that..

My fave shows of the moment

I watch a lot of tv...pretty much everything (I'm not kidding) and I've found many good "teen" shows that are on, mostly happen to be on Monday nights. If you have been watching ABC Family at all this summer, you've probably stumbled upon Kyle XY and or Greek. Greek follows Kyle on mondays which i find is a great combination for a monday. From Kyle you get the drama, adventure, a hint of comedy and of course you get cute guys. From Greek you get comedy, more good looking people and you get a look into the fictional take on greek life. Both are great teen shows that reflect WB shows which are no longer on the air. It gives us a break from re-runs that we've already seen and shows we dont want to check out. Following Greek on monday night i switch to The Hills on Mtv. I know some people think that it is so fake and stupid, but i enjoy watching the drama of Lc's life. Theres barely any storyline, but it is entertaining. so yes, if you just read the blog hope you liked it. there will be more following.