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*Catherine080379 Blog

Week off: Yay! Sick: Boo!

So I have this week off of school which is awesome, but I think I'm getting a cold. Or according to my parents my dad's "flu". But I've never heard of a flu with no flu symptoms only cold symptoms. I just wish I wasn't sick during my week off, but I guess its better than being sick and having to go to school. I thought at first it was just my asthma acting up but its been a few days now, so it mustn't be. I did get excused from jury duty by the way, I got the phone call yesterday. So that's good. I guess that's all I have to say.

Jury Duty

I got called for jury duty today. Its for a criminal case which freaks me out. But it looks like that because I'm a student I can get out of it, which is good because its a Monday that I am supposed to go in and thats the day I have all my classes, if it was a Tuesday or Thursday I could go but not on a Monday. My mom is so jealous, she wanted me to send them a note saying she'd do it but I don't think she wants to be on a criminal case jury, what if there are graphic photos? She said it wouldn't be bad, that it would just be like CSI but I told her no it wouldn't because these would be real photos. I kinda wouldn't mind doing it, depending on the case but I can't afford to miss school.

wow...that's out of the blue.

Ok, so I got a letter today from someone I used to be friends with a long time ago. (We lost contact a few years ago.)Which is pretty cool, but she is really religious and when we were friends I was quite religious as well...but I'm not anymore. So, here's my problem how can I ask her not to send me religious pamphlets and talk about prayers, etc without hurting her feelings or having her try to "save" me? I respect her religion and other other based on love and peace but I'm not sure she'll respect my decision. I want to write her back but I don't know what to say....I just needed to get that out there, I have another pretty religious friend so I'll ask her opinion when I see her tomorrow.

I think I just won't mention anything to do with religion and maybe she'll take the hint.

Fun last night


So I had my presentation yesterday and it went pretty well. And then we had a dinner and dance last night, which was so much fun. Does anyone know if there a way to make a video brighter after its been filmed? I have a really good/ pretty embarrassing one of all my profs but its kinda dark. The dance didn't really go on too late, I left at around 12:15 and the only people left were the ones I was hanging out with all night, we were some of the only ones dancing there wasprobably 10-15 people still there when I left. Considering there had been over 100 previously thats pretty lame. I'm pretty tired right now and I still need to do some reading for tomorrow.

Freaking out

Ok, so I'm really freaking out over my presentation tomorrow...but with it being at 8:30 maybe that many people won't be there yet. I don't think any of my friends are coming but chances are one om my classmates will be there so I should have a familiar face to look at. I'm over the fact my moderator is from UBC though, since he's from UBC Okanogan which is just a satellite school of theproper one in Vancouver. I'm kinda surprised he's coming though since they hate us because we're a stand alone university and they're not and we were both raised from colleges at the same time. Plus our cities are rivals in everything. Oh well, I guess he's bigger than all of that. I think I'm going to read over my presentation one more time...

Wish me luck.


Hey everyone,

I've been really busy with school lately which is why I haven't been here much. We have an undergrad conference this weekend and I'm presenting so I've been trying to prefect my presentation. I have to present at 8:30 on Saturday morning, I was supposed to present on Sunday at 10 but some presenters dropped out so I got moved up. Oh well I can get it out of the way and then enjoy the rest of the presentations I just hope that some of my friends show up for my presentation. I need a familiar face in the audience, and to make matters worse the moderator is from UBC, where I'm trying to get into Grad school. I really hope I don't embarrass myself in front of him. It'll be ok, but the closer it gets the more I freak out. There are 63 presentors from all over coming.


School starts tomorrow, I had gotten used to sleeping in. Oh well I have no classes on Thursday, one on Friday and one on Tuesday so its not like I have too heavy of a load. I'm only taking 3 classes I was going to take 4 but decided to drop one, now I just have to find out how to get my money back for the one I won't be a problem though. I still have to buy my text books, and I am not looking forward to the crazy line at the bookstore, I usually buy my books early but I never got around to doing that this semester. Maybe I'll get lucky and the line won't be that bad, I have to get my bus pass too. I guess I'll have to pay to take the bus to school...maybe they accept my old one they did in the past. I'll have to see who is driving the bus tomorrow and if its a driver I'm familiar with I'll give it a try. I can't really think of anything else to say.

PS I Love You

So I just saw PS I love You....and omg Jeffery Dean Morgan's bare a$$....if I would've known about that scene I wouldn't have had to talk my mom into going to see it with me all I would have had to do was tell her about that and we would've seen it as soon as it was released. We both really liked the movie, my mom kept asking where JDM was until he finally appeared on the screen. I should go.


Hi everyone. I went to the eye doctor today, my prescription has changed a little so I can get new glasses if I want to but I don't have to. I think I will if my Mom and I can find a good 2 for 1 sale as I don't have anything that will pay for new glasses. But I've had those lenses for 10 years and the frames for 5 so I'd really like new ones. My eye doctor took a picture of my eye, I didn't want to see it but he showed me anyway, it wasn't as gross as I thought it would be. He said that's because I have healthy eyes but if I didn't the picture would have been really gross. Does anybody else's eye doctor do this? I ordered a new coat last week and it arrived today, it is so much nicer than my old one. What else? My two blacks cats mojo and Mercutio have decided to team up against the Siameses especially Tybalt, they made him bleed yesterday but he's ok, they wait until we are all asleep and then take turns going after him. They leave Koko alone for the most part which is good because he is a lot older than the others and the people who had him before us got him declawed. Gotta go.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone. For some of you its may already be 2008, so I hope you had a good New Years Eve. For the rest its still 2007 so please be safe tonight but have fun. I'm going to dinner with my family in two hours and then we are going to watch some movies.
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