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*ChenandlerBong Blog

Red Hot Chilli Peppers Concert !!!!

I've been looking forward to going on their concert for half a year now. It was a first time that they were somewhere close to me, I even bought tickets and what do I learn today??

That I have the most important test this year on the same FRICKIN' day :evil: :evil: :cry:

I am totally scr3w3d...

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I'm back !!!

Hey everyone... Finally the hell month has ended not too good for me but hell at least I have time to write something now and not spend 6 hours per day, at least, leaning over books...

... now it's only 4 hours per day :D ...

I still have a lot of exams (considering I failed one this month) but they are not packed together now so expect me to join into discussions any day now hopefully you didn't forget my annoying presence ;)!

A leave of absence !! ;)

I haven't been really active in the last few days and I believe that's going to be the case for awhile now...

You see I have about 1000 pages to learn till April 10th and I'm really really lazy :twisted:

I need to concentrate on my studies now and when I turn on this site I get stuck for at least an hour thinking of all the other things and I end up losing 2-3 hours and then I can't stand to be in the house anymore and I lose the whole day without touching the books... So... Cya in about 2-3 weeks :cry:  :wink:

Thursday Night !!!

Yesterday I was lying around...

...when a friend called me to tell me he won 500€ in the casino and he wants to celebrate...

I got so drunk I was unsteady on my feet... girlfriend saw us and hid behind the corner and when we were aproaching the corner she "ambushed" us...

So all in all it was a very good night... :D :P

I passed!!!

I already mentioned I was a law student. I'm at my first year and just started the 2nd semester.
We have an option for one of the subjects to do the six small-tests or mid-tests. (don't really know how to translate the word used in my language). If we pass all six we don't have to take the whole exam at the end of the year.
Well, yesterday I wrote the first of the six and today I learned that I passed!!! I had 7/10 correct answers and that's pretty good. The subject is Basic Theory of Law and State.

I kicked ass...

...and tomorrow I'm gonna chill out...

...and dance !! :P :D :P

Storm Front Trailer

In my videos you can see the trailer for this weeks Dresden Files episode Storm Front.

Storm Front 
is the name of Jim Butcher's first novel.

It seems good, very good.

Can't wait!!!  :P

Shot Through The Heart - Barney Stinson story

If you like Barney from "How I Met Your Mother" check out my videos I posted the best of Barney a great video by Ben Regan (I don't know who that guy is but I'm not gonna take credit for the hard work he did).

Music featured is from Barney's "Get Psyched Mix"  Bon Jovi's You Give Love a Bad Name

It's AWESOME and absolutely LEGEN - wait for it and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second part of this word is - DARY !!! :D :D

If you do not know the song it goes like this :

Shot through the heart
And you're to blame.
Darling, you give love
A bad name ...

...and so on...


This is my first post (hopefully there'll be many to come) and I'm gonna use it to introduce myself.

It already says in the "ABOUT ME" box - I'm a 20 year old law student. (Actually I'm still 19 but my birthday is coming up soon so...)

I'm a freshman and I have a sh1tload of books to study. I mean a whole bunch of them and most of them are boring as hell.

I'm an easygoing guy who loves to read books hang with his friends. I play guitar although in the last several months I've been neglecting that hobby.

My father died when I was 15 from a third heart attack and couple of weeks before that I promised him that I'll never smoke cigarettes because he did for 30 years and he stopped after he had the first heart attack.

I have other vices though - drinking , gambling and women ;)

I think this is enough for now...