Good evening!! How is everyone? I decided to write a little something before bed...but not much to talk about. Went to the library good books. I watched a little of the 9th Annual Michael Douglas and friends golf event but besides that nothing...anyway that's about it...message me!!:D
~Chloe*Chloecit Blog
by *Chloecit on Comments
Good day tired. I went to this party last night and didn't get to bed until 2:30!! And this one kid Zach burnt himself with a marshmallow!! It was all swollen and gross. But anyway enough about that we went swimming and that was really cool and we jumped on the trampoline. That was cool I got burns though lol oh well it's worth it. anyway I'm off to the movie with my bff's!! BYE!
by *Chloecit on Comments
Hello people....Boredom here so I decided to come here and chat lol. But today I am going to a party, how fun right? It's a swimming party and we are all going to this water park thing in my town it's really cool. Well that's about it so I guess I'll go listen to some music :D
by *Chloecit on Comments
Good day people. I decided to get on in hopes there would be people to chat with and my horrible case of boredom would go away...It's helped slightly. I watched that movie Edges Of the Lord and the first time I saw it...made no sense. Then last night I watched it again and it was actually really good. I missed parts from the first time I saw it so I think that's why it didn't make any sense. But it's highly recommended, very good. Anyway that's about it I'm off to go chat...or something. BYE!
Night Time!!
by *Chloecit on Comments
What's up everyone? Anyone up to anything....yeah me either LOL just chatting on here and staring at my LOVELY new movies. I ordered The Sixth Sense and Edges of the Lord and got them both today which is so awesome...has anyone ever seen these? I've seen The Sixth Sense (which I LOVE LOVE LOVE!!)but I haven't seen Edges Of the Lord. Anyway that's about it I'm going to go watch them now! ttfn.
I'm Back!!
by *Chloecit on Comments
Hi! I'm back on and now I'm just sitting working on my account. So that's about it besides I hope everyone had a Happy Fourth Of July!!
by *Chloecit on Comments
Ello ppl! I am so bored right now...just got dont watching NBB and now, here I am. Chatting on IM and trying (not succeeding) to find out when Battle Of The Bands is going to air. But yeah im not going to go and get ALL obsessed....atleast try not to. I am downloading a bunch of useless stuff lol!! Its loading up my computer it is being so slow. But yeah besides that absolutely nothing. Its hot and miserable outside....maybe I'll go ride my bike....well laterz!!:D:D:D
by *Chloecit on Comments
Still working on my new acc. But it looks better doesent it? lol well it really doesent. I still havent got my NBB dvd yet.....but there is no mail on Sunday so I prob. wont get it 'till next week. Anywayz leave me a comment! Or messege me, considering I cant get any on my other acc. Later!
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