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*ClaudiaScott Blog


HI Guys long time no blog LOL!

Unfortunatly this isnt gonna be a long one, cuz im sick :( its crazy school has just restarted and im ill what are the chances and the fact is even though most people dislike i dont and know i have a stupid cold *curses stupid british weather* I guess i should invest in a umbrella as in the first week of school i got rained on 4 times and i wasnt even wearing a coat wooops!

Clauds x.

p.s Season 6 OTH is amazing!!!

p.s.s Season 8 Smallville on the 18th! wooo!

Happy Days and Sad Tears

Happy days and sad tears is the perfect definition of today. Over the years i've said goodbye to many people, i've seen them come and go as they please but today it hit me. There is one person who i didnt want to say goodbye to that same one person who i've only known for under a year but one of the people who changed my life forever. She was a force to be reckoned with, a woman with such a fiery personality but at the same time had such a sweet disposition that made me feel safe and at ease in her presence. As i suspected the tears flowed and my emotions wrought out of control. Hard. That only just about describes how hard it was, to say goodbye but even though i knew it was the end i knew that someday we would meet again. Letters, emails, telephone calls all promises meant to be kept, but i know deep with such hectic lifestyles connection will dwindle and memories will be all that is left. Some may say that i'm not trying hard enough that im not going to do my best to keep in contact but when the false facade lifts, reality sets in. I wanted to express in words what she meant to me and how she helped shape my future but nothing seemed to be enough. I was once told that my future was bright and that when i put my mind to things nothing would stand in my way until i had acheived said thing. You probably wouldn't beleive me if i told i never reallly believed what people told me, that i would just shrug my shoulders until someone changed the conversation. It all changed in the short time i got to know her she reassured me that all those things said about me were true and that all i needed to do was believe in myself and i know this may sound cliche but for once in my life i open my ears and listened. Thats what makes it so hard for me. The fear of knowing one day i might have forgotten this amazing person who ultimatly was a great friend and confidant. Happy days is what brings me here, as those are a few of the things that will probably help me through the the sad tears. I know im being a bit vague but too many details open up wounds and wounds make me angsty and it hurts. It just hurts. I just want to thank everyone in advance who take time out of their busy hectic lives to read a girls thoughts it just it gives me hope that people care. x


Stephanie Meyer is GOD! sheer brilliance!!

OHH my i have become the biggest geek know to this world!! i was recently introduced to the wonderful world of Edward and Bella on Monday and it has changed me forever!, i brought the first book online and it arrived on Monday and i read it that same day!! And then on wednesday i bought the new moon and eclipse and i finished them last night! 3 books in 3 days!! Total geek, but i love it :D

I miss all you guys, i can never seem to catch up with anyone at the moment lol!

School finishes for good on Friday so i might be able to speak to you lovely people!!

Roll on Sept 1st...One Tree Hill! Smallville!

Love you all

Claudia xx


a few pics that i love: wooooooooooooooooo!

Cookie Monster!

Hey Girlies and Boys,

I've been M.I.A for a few weeks wink.gif

not much to tell other than i have been majorly busy ,

I have nearly finished my exams i have one Left on Tuesday Yipee!!

Summer is here soon! Yay!

the only crappy thing is that im not going on holiday!

i really dont have anything interesting to say, im slightly bored and quite hungry!

*eats cookies* Mhmmm!

*shares cookies with my people* wink.gif

Miss you all wink.gif

C x

My day of disaster!!!!


My heart is racing like the clappers! i literally cant breath and i feel like im going to faint!

approx 6 mins ago at 7:39 i saw my life flash past my eyes, i nearly died it would either be from shock or bloody been blown up.

I'll start from the beginnig, there i was in the bathroom minding my own business just happily straightening my hair and then BOMB! the bloody biggest noise ive ever heard, a raging flashing orange light, my hairs straightners had just exploded in my hand! in my hand!!!!

I'm seriously sh!tted up sad.gif and im shaking like a leaf! And now here i am hair half straightend, and blogging my scare!

The thing is i cant live without my straightners, So anyone who has a spare pair and would like to send me them, just speak up tongue.gif

Love yous

(oh yeh and it is my last day of school today Wooo...nope i cant be hapy)

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh then more happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!


a further 3 attempts on my life!!!

1) 2 minutes after my blog i went upstairs to do the hover and i was attacked by a bee!!!!

2) On the way to school 10 minutes started raining! but i figured if i slipped over it could work!!!!!!

3) In the Car 5 mins later a car pulled out, out of nowhere infront of my Mum and AHHHHH! we could've crashed our car!!!!!

This all happened within in the morning! not too good and the funny thing is in my last lesson when i was in Eng Lit we were readind poems on death and arranging your funeral It was a crazy poooooo day!

Woop im glad its nearly over, i'll probably be on a in 30 mins when i finish the ironing!

Thanks for caring guys
Love yous






































CLaudia is SOOOO BORED!!!!!!

The Early Morning Blog

So its exactly 7:34 am and i've decided before i go to school i do a little blog about my weekend, i can honestly say that this weekend has been the most boringist weekend in the history of weekends on saturday i got up i cleaned my room i cleaned it so good it could be have been Monica Clean.

Then after much persuasion from my mum i had to go to work, i work at Subway so im on my feet like literally all day. I came home had Mcdonalds and then watched pushing daisies which premiered on ITV1 and after 2 mins of watching it i finally realised what my life has been missing The Piemaker :oops: Sunday was my lazy day i thought yes one day a week i get a lie in but no Mother had to go wake me up at 9, 9 frickin o clock in the morning :P

Trinity school here i come! i've got triple french today and then a free afternoon so ill probably be home early yay! So last week was hectic i had my Drama exam which was why my life has been so mad lately with non-stop rehearsals but if i say so myself i was amazing :P

Lol this is a Pic i sent to Jenna on her birthday, but i couldnt resist sharing it with the world :D,

Love you long time

Claudia xx

Ahhh i just remembered OTH is on tonight yay! i can watch it tommorrow now yay and GG is on next week Yay!

ipod quiz (that i stole off Karine Muhahah:P)

Okay so i've going through a faze of of doing short silly blogs so heres another one to add to the list :D

To do this quiz, put your iPod on shuffle and go through songs for each of the questions below.

What will next year hold in store for me?
Rockstar - Knickelback (haha looks like i got some haley James in me :D)

What does my love life look like?
Gimme Stitches - Foo Fighters (whoopsie...)

What do I say when life gets hard?
All At Once - The Fray (umm....)

What song will you I dance to at my wedding?
excuse me Mr. - No doubt (well its not my first choice)

What do I want as my career?
Mama - Spice Girls (well i suppose :P)

My favorite saying?
Somebody Told Me - The Killers (i love it)

What do I think of my parents?
Free Me - Foo Fighters ( Ha i Wish :P)

Where would I go on a first date?
Cops and Robbers- The Hoosiers(ha I used to love that game ;))

Drug of choice?
Shaddap your Face - Joe Dolce (oh yeh say No to drugs!)

Describe myself?
Oh my God - Pink(well....)

What is the thing I like doing the most?
Walk away - Kelly Clrakson (Peyton..Much!)

The song that best describes the president?
Promises - Take That (lol anyway I'm not from the i'll change it to Prime Minister)

How will I die?
Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis (thats pretty dramatic but i like it :P)

The song that'll be played at my funeral?
Someone to Save You - OneRepublic (i think it would be a bit too late maybe....)

Seven things...

so here is seven things that you should know about me:



Yay! i made an acrostic with my name!

Ahh 99%

This site is mean when i comes to levels I want Level 7!!!!!!!!

i love this icon very well done!!!:D

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