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My day of disaster!!!!


My heart is racing like the clappers! i literally cant breath and i feel like im going to faint!

approx 6 mins ago at 7:39 i saw my life flash past my eyes, i nearly died it would either be from shock or bloody been blown up.

I'll start from the beginnig, there i was in the bathroom minding my own business just happily straightening my hair and then BOMB! the bloody biggest noise ive ever heard, a raging flashing orange light, my hairs straightners had just exploded in my hand! in my hand!!!!

I'm seriously sh!tted up sad.gif and im shaking like a leaf! And now here i am hair half straightend, and blogging my scare!

The thing is i cant live without my straightners, So anyone who has a spare pair and would like to send me them, just speak up tongue.gif

Love yous

(oh yeh and it is my last day of school today Wooo...nope i cant be hapy)

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh then more happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!


a further 3 attempts on my life!!!

1) 2 minutes after my blog i went upstairs to do the hover and i was attacked by a bee!!!!

2) On the way to school 10 minutes started raining! but i figured if i slipped over it could work!!!!!!

3) In the Car 5 mins later a car pulled out, out of nowhere infront of my Mum and AHHHHH! we could've crashed our car!!!!!

This all happened within in the morning! not too good and the funny thing is in my last lesson when i was in Eng Lit we were readind poems on death and arranging your funeral It was a crazy poooooo day!

Woop im glad its nearly over, i'll probably be on a in 30 mins when i finish the ironing!

Thanks for caring guys
Love yous