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I miss tvtome for one big reason (although I have many others). Because I could actually load it on my home computer. Now I can only get on this site on my laptop (which takes awhile to get started, so I don't get on it...or atleast not as much as I used to) and at the library. I used to get on tvtome all the time! Usually more than once a day. Now, for anyone who decides to visit my profile because they've met me on boards or just saw one of my post, or woke up this morning saying 'Hey, I'm going to go on and look and Hana's profile although I don't know her', I want you to know that Adam Lamberg (that really hot guy on my banner that all of you should know about) is acting on an indie film 'When Do We Eat', and if that is in a film festival near you then you must watch it. Hopefully they can find a distributor and it can have a wide release, seeing as though none of the film festivals are near me or any other Adam fans. Now, I just finished the book 'A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy' and it was hilarious. I am especially fond of Eddie and Aurthur was amusing too. I figured that since the movie was coming out it had to be a worthy book (and knowing it was a favorite of Adam Lamberg had something to do with it too). I haven't seen the movie yet (but after I read and liking a book I find myself rather disappointed with the movie, so I'm in no rush) but I'm hoping it is worthwhile. Well, I'll be heading off on a mini vacation tomorrow morning.I haven't packed, but who doesn't wait for the last minute on those things? This summer has been pretty good (except some car troubles leading to money loss, but I'm supposing I'll live. LOL). Nice having a break out of everything, but it's getting cooler and I'm afraid summer's almost gone. Another year if my life has gone by fast (I'll stop right there or else I'll be making the whole I'm getting older speech, and how everything is fastly passing me by). But hell, I've got many things that are going to happen in my life in the future (hopefully all good, but you know how that goes). I hope everyone is doing well and if you do get a chance to see Adam Lamberg's film 'When Do We Eat?' soon tell me all about it! -Hana