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Heh, back and in love with yet another show

Damn me wasting money on TV show DVDs. I just bought seasons 1 and 2 of Veronica Mars. Took me the last weekend to watch them and totally get addicted. Used a little back internet allys to get episodes 1 - 15 of Season three. And now I'm stuck waiting till May 1st for new episodes. Its like One Tree Hill all over again. Anyone else annoyed?

And what show do I have to blame? American Idol. Its bad enough that damn show takes down any Wednesday slots but Tuesday too! Seriously, someone blow up FOX, I'm sick in tired of waiting for OTH and VM!!!!

I suppose my next step is too rewatch VM, but still. I want new episodes. Although I'll give it to VM for not leaving their show at a huge cliff hanger like OTH. Oh well.