Gir: I love this show!
Gir: Tell me a story about giant pigs!
Zim: Come, GIR. Let us rain some doom down upon the heads of our doomed enemies.
Gir: I'm gonna sing the Doom Song now.
Gir: Doom doom doom...
Gir: I'm gonna sing the doom song! Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom...
Dib: My head's not big! Why does everyone say that?
Zim: Good question. I don't care!
a mystic escape portal is in Dib's own forehead]
Zim: There! That should be wide enough.
Dib: What about me? How do I get back?
Zim: Good question! BUT I DON'T CARE!
Dib: You can't make me look! I'll just shut my eyes.
Zim: Oh, you'll open them. You have to breath sometime.
Dib: No, I - Wait... What do eyes have to do with breathing?
Zim: What are you watching?
Gir: Angry monkey.
Zim: That's one horrible monkey!
Gir: Mmhmm.
The Letter M: What's wrong with you? All you talk about is aliens and ghosts and seeing Bigfoot in your garage!
Dib: He was using the belt sander...
GIR is disguised as a government agent]
Gir: I am government man, come from the government. The government has sent me.
Zim's telescope is malfunctioning]
Zim: Gir! Come to the observatory!
Gir's head pops out of ceiling]
Gir: Yeees?
Zim: What have you done to the telescope?
Gir: Nothin'...
Zim: You haven't touched it? Something is broken and it's not your fault?
Gir: I know, I'm scared too!
Gir: Awww... I wanted to explode.
Gir: Somebody needs a hug!
Dib: [
gasping] Sorry I'm late... horrible... nightmare visions!
Ms. Bitters: It's called life, Dib. Now sit down.
Ms. Bitters: Children, your performance was miserable. Your parents will all receive phone calls instructing them to love you less now.
Gaz: [
to Dib] All I wanted was to have some pizza, hang out with dad, and not let your weirdness mess up my day!
Zim: You can't escape by teleporter, little Gaz. I cut the power! Your pitiful attempt to escape is nothing but a PITIFUL FAILURE! Stupid, stinking humans!
Gaz: Doesn't this spaceship have any escape pods?
Zim: Of course; they're right over there.
Gir: [
disguised as a dog] MEOW!
Zim: Be gone with you! I've had enough of your nonsense from your smelly mouth filled with... corn!
Dib: But I haven't been eating corn
Zim: [
shouts] Liar!
Zim: Curse you snacks! Curse yooooooou!
Gaz: Why do you have to have a head?
Zim: GIR! Unleash the monkey!
Zim: [
over video link] Soon, I'll bring the Tallest here to witness my ingenius evil! AHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA! HAAH! I said evil! AHAHAHAA!
Professor Membrane: [
from basement] Son, there'd better not be any walking dead up there!
Dib: It's nothing to worry about, Dad! And I said I was sorry about that!
Zim: My Tallest! My Tallest! Hey! Hey My Tallest! My Tallest? My Tallest! Hey! Hey! Hey! My Taaaaaaallist! My Tallest? My Tallest! Hey! Hey My Tallest! My Tallest? It's me! My Tallest? My Tallest!
Almighty Tallest Red: I was waiting to see when you would shut up on your own, but it's been three hours, Zim. THREE HOURS! What do you want?
Zim: Well, I noticed you're moving closer to the Earth than *ever* before!
Almighty Tallest Red: How would you know that?
Zim: Oh I know all kinds of theings about you. Pretty creepy, huh? Anyhow, I was...
Almighty Tallest Purple: Hey!... That *is* creepy! You're creepy, Zim.
Zim: You're nothing Earth boy! Go home and shave your giant head of smell with your bad self!
Dib: Okay... There's all kinds of things wrong with what you just said.
Zim: GIR! What are you doing?
Gir: I made mashed po-ta-toes!
Zim: Yes... and muffins...
Zim: Ha! Watch Dib! Watch as I bring a royal audience to the downfall of the human race!
Dib: I don't wanna watch that.
Zim: Oh. Ok... WAIT! THAT'S TOO BAD!
Zim: [
looking over the town for a telescope he can use] There's one, but it belongs to the Dib human.
Gir: Why not ask him? He seems nice.
Gir: [
five minutes after eating it, crying] I miss my cupcake.
Dib: Ms. Bitters, I think a pencil is lodged in my brain. Can I go to the nurse?
Ms. Bitters: How far in your brain?
Dib: [
looks at nose] Pretty far.
Dib: There are many mysteries still unsolved. I figure, you know... I'll do some of that.
Zim: You expect me to pay to ride this filthy contraption? Have you the brain worms?
Dib: [
commenting on his teacher, Ms. Bitters] Someone said she's existed from time immemorial and they just built the school around her.
Elves: [
singing] Bow down... bow down... before the power of Santa! Or be crushed... be crushed... by his jolly boots of doom!
Zim: Shut your noise tube, Taco Human!
Zim: Oh, such tacos will I give!
Zim: It's over, Tak! The Earth is mine to desecrate... and I already promised the moon to GIR.
Zim: I put a tracking device on you.
Dib: You did? Where is it?
GIR is grabbing the back of his head]
Gir: Your head smells like a puppy!
Dib: You're just jealous...
Zim: This has nothing to do with jelly!
Gir: CHICKEN! I'm gonna eat you!
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