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My first blog!

This is my very first blog! I'm so excited! :) Where do I begin?

I'm actually a pretty new Bones fan. You wouldn't know it based on how well I know the show, but I started watching it during the writer's strike. I had seen a few reruns and thought they were okay, but I didn't realize what a great show it is until much later. I hadn't found a TV show that really hooked me since The X-Files. In fact when I first got into Bones, I thought it couldn't possibly be as good as The X-Files. I compared Brennan and Booth to Mulder and Scully and, at first, I thought B&B were not nearly as good. I stand corrected.

The best part of The X-Files, in my opinion, was the Mulder/Scully chemistry. I am a hopeless romantic, and I loved watching for little things that showed the M&S connection. Maybe I am biased now, but Brennan and Booth have so much more chemistry than Mulder and Scully had. Part of the difference is that Hart Hanson and the writers of Bones embrace the chemistry of their characters and make it the real focus of the show, whereas Chris Carter tried to make the Mulder/Scully chemistry secondary. I am not saying that was wrong. It worked for The X-Files. Bones is something different entirely.

What is great about Bones is that it is really a show about people, not about solving crimes. It is not CSI or all the CSI-clones out there. We tune in each week to see how the characters are connecting or sometimes, how they have come apart. The cases are interesting. The characters are hilarious. I have tried (unsuccessfully) to get my friends to start watching Bones. I've explained how funny, romantic, and dramatic it is, to no avail. I guess Bones will remain my own personal obsession.

I should add that even though I only started watching Bones a short time ago, I got hooked quickly. I bought Seasons 1 & 2 on DVD, and caught up on Season 3 online before the writer's strike even ended! I have seen most episodes at least twice, so I consider myself pretty much an expert now. That's probably not something to brag about but, hey, I know I'm not alone out there. There are others like me... somewhere... we will find each other eventually. :)