Just recently, I got Windows XP Home Edition SP2, and was successfully able to play DOOM 3. I had problems when trying to play it on Millennium. I bought DOOM 3 the day it was released. This game, I have been waiting for, for so long. I actually have been expecting this game since I stopped playing Classic DOOM, for a while.
Since, maybe, back in '98. I was in the phase of trying new systems and games at the time. But, I played Classic DOOM so much in the past, that it got glued to my mind. For at least 4 years I was Hardcore in classic DOOM. I even had crazy nightmares. The kind of nightmares a war veteran would have if he had bad experiences in war. Night sweats and all. I had them at least up until the point of Turok: Dinosaur Hunter for the N64. LOL, thats when games and other life issues started intertwining with life issues in my nightmares and dreams. I dont know. It must have been my male hormones, puberty, or something.
Anyway, the reason I liked the classic DOOM games so much back then, was because they were interesting. Let me elaborate. First of all, I thought those where the best and most realistic graphics at the time. Even some of the 3D stuff, back then, didn't look as good as Classic DOOM. Next, the back-story. At that time in my life, supernatural, paranormal, and extra-terrestrial all interested me. And this game offered that all. Plus it was fun. And Hell yes, it was scary back then. Now, at 23yo, I dont give myself time to be interested in the paranormal. I have much more important things to think about. Like my life, and getting ready for the big world. Although, I like to be entertained my sci-fi still, through movies, tv, and games.
Today, I really had the chance to sit down and trance into the world of DOOM 3. From what I remember of all my Classic DOOM experiences, this game brings it back at a whole new level. The game is amazing, and I dont care what anyone says, otherwise. Like those people that say "It's the same old classic DOOM linear game." Well, if your a DOOM fan like me, its not an issue. Not all linear games are bad. The shadows, dark corners, and lighting really make the game dramatically horrifying. That is, if you have a system thats supports such graphics. I got lucky. And I also have heard whimpers about how the textures are plain, pale, and dull. First of all, this is on a Hostile planet. where weather is constantly tearing at man-kinds creations. I have seen many colorful textures in the game. In fact the way they did the textures really brought me back to some classic DOOM moments. It also makes the game extremely realistic. And thats what makes the game even more scary. The sound is also another plus. I thought classic DOOM's sound was good, back then. Well, this is far better than any other games, and I have a older sound card, without surround sound. Ok, I use headphones. Hey, it works for me. I'v also heard people complain about weapon sounds. Like they aren't real enough. To me, they are the most realistic sounding ever. Oh and about the flashlight weapon switch. DONT MOD IT. I think ID intended for that to be, to add to the horror of the game. Believe me, it works. Besides, you dont always want to see the ugly faces your shooting at. It could give you nightmares:). And its true what they say about playing late in the dark. Although, you can still get a couple chills playing on a sunny day.
Anyway, I'd like to close with: Thanks to video games, and my desire for art and computers, I have planned to make video game art and design part of my future career. Or, at least, something like it. I've been drawing and playing games since I was 5.