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*DPrandomQueen Blog

stupid convo 2 XD

ok another convo that took place during social studies class.... dont ask XP keep in mind that their are 3 papers and 4 people (including me)

teacher: *gives jean, marc and eric papers*
me: ..... gimee! *steals jeans paper*
jean: hey! *steals marcs paper*
marc: *steals erics paper*
jean: now eric shall steal taras!
tara: *hides paper* orrr eric is going to steal jeans paper! OR he knew i was going to figure it out, and steal mine. BUT now i know that he is going to steal mine anyway SO hes going to steal jeans!!!
jean/marc: O.o
eric:..... you have figured out my diobolical plan!!

arent we all idiots? XD

yes i know this has no point.... but im BOREDDD


wow im finally got back on the computer!!! *hugs computer*... ignore that

Anyway report cards came in!! *cue dramatic music* I got a ............ 92!!! yayayay!and i got a 90 in math! i have no idea how i pulled that off XD and i got a success award!!! have no clue about that either lol. its the second time i got it too O.o

HappY THAnSGIViNGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!

stupid convo

im boredd..... so im postin this....wooo :P

bre: ok im back wit me iced tea
me: im back wit a pepsi, wit a straw... it pwns ur ice tea
bre: i have a HUGE glass of ice cold iced tea!!!!!!!ssooo0000oooo BURNS
me: i have a ONE FOOT CUP WIT A BENDY STRAW!!! oh what now?!?!?
bre: aaawwww man
me: yesh i win!! but you get a prize too! *gives you bendy straw* =D
bre: =D

im seriouslly bored out of my minddd, and im hyper on cake, coffee and soda.... SO BEWARE!!!

omgomgomgomgomgomg so exited!

Last night (10/6) my sister had an engagment party. We had it in my house, btw, 30 in a small house is INSANITY :P so my sis called down her friends in to my basement to give them their bridesmaid thingy. My cousin, Sam and I were down there watching TV being anti-social (:P). I was completely blind isghted when she picked ME as a bridesmaid!!! YAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D *dances* I was completelyclueless!! (surprising eh?) Because i went shopping with my sis to get the bridesmaid stuff (she made these little booklets that fit each of the bridesmaidpersonality) so you can see how surprised i am!!!

YAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOTT!!1 so exited!!


*Fangirl Scream*

Ok the reason I screamed is because of THE most hottest guy on the face of the Earth (Besides Danny of course ;)).

Zac Efron


If you ever read the arcticle about him in the rolling stones magazine you can see hes not like otherstars, "While other teen stars crash and burn around him, Zac whistles show toons and works on his golf game." Its like hes trying tolive normaly or again, even though he is never going to live like a normal teen agian... i kinda feel sorry for him. He can never live like a normal teen ever again, he probably gets mobbed by fangirl eeverywhere he goes. He doesnt deserve it! They even have a "I Hate Zac Efron Club!"!!!! grr to them. Who would make a club liek that? Someone with no life... No one deserves that.

But still you cant not agree that Zac is good looking 8)

Random Song... XP

Yesterday I was watching Stuck in the Suburbs on the Disney Channel, and when it was over i had a strange sensation to write a poem... then ten minutes later it became a song XD dont have a title for it yet. Please no bad comments or steal this song, if you do youll have a a violent meeting with my Fenton Toaster Army :twisted: and suggestions for a title or lyrics are welcome.

Let Me

Far away into a unknown land
Lye my dreams
Some you won't understand
They wait in the dark
Waiting to be heard
I'm going to break these binding chains
And reach for the stars

I want to fly
Let me be free
Let me open my wings
And reach for the sky
Let me run
Let me roam
As long as you waiting for me back home

Sure I'll fall down
That's part of life
But that doesn't mean I shouldn't try
As long as you're right there beside me
Ready to catch me when I fall
Just give me a chance

I want to fly
Let me be free
Let me open my wings
And reach for the sky
Let me run
Let me roam
As long as you waiting for me back home

All I need is for you
To hold my hand (hold my hand)
Trust me
Love me
Believe in me
And I'll make it
I'll make it

I want to fly
Let me be free
Let me open my wings
And reach for the sky
Let me run
Let me roam
As long as you waiting for me back home
As long as you waiting for me back home

trust me ive tryed to write songs before compaired to this song theyre the gum under my shoe, scrapped off, eaten by a cat and spit up... dont expect more songs XD

September 11th

September 11, 9/11, is tomarrow. So take your time remembering those who suffered. Weather they were victims, or someonewho sacraficedtheir life to save another. We will never forget.

Think about the love inside the strength of heart
Think about the heroes saving life in the dark
Climbing higher through the fire, time was running out
Never knowing you weren't going to be coming down alive
But you still came back for me
You were strong and you believed

Everything is gonna be alright
Everything is gonna be alright
Everything is gonna be alright
Be strong. Believe.
Be strong. Believe.

Think about the chance I never had to say
Thank you for giving up your life that day
Never fearing, only hearing voices calling out
Let it all go, the life that you know, just to bring it down alive
And you still came back for me
You were strong and you believed

Everything is gonna be alright
Everything is gonna be alright
Everything is gonna be alright
Be strong. Believe.

(Again today, we take into our hearts and minds those who perished on this site one year ago, and also those who came to toil in the rubble to bring order out of chaos, to help us make sense of our despair)

Wanna hold my wife when I get home
Wanna tell the kids they'll never know how much I love to see them smile
Wanna make a change or two right now
Wanna live a life like you somehow
Wanna make your sacrifice worthwhile

Everything is gonna be alright
Everything is gonna be alright
Everything is gonna be alright
Be strong. Believe.

Everything is gonna be alright
Everything is gonna be alright
Everything is gonna be alright
Be strong. Believe.

Think about the love inside the strength of heart
Think about the heroes saving life in the dark
Think about the chance I never had to say
Thank you for giving up your life that day

(The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here)

Torturing Vladeh..... hehe

Yes another story created by insanity XD

*Danny is be fed grapes by me and Taya is torturing Vlad*
Danny: Youknow this isnt so bad
me: ^^ *feeds Danny grape*
Taya: *hasVlad tied up to the cactus over a pit of fire and is lowering and raising the rope making him scream :P*
Vlad: *Taya drops him closer to the fire* AHHHH!!!!!!!!! *Taya raises him* whew *Taya drops him* AHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Danny: I am enjoyingthis *gets fed another grape*
Taya: Ok switch! *we switch places*
me: *accidetly drops VLad into fire*
Vlad: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Danny/Taya: O.O
me: oops
Taya: -.- *feeds danny grapes* ..did you HAVE to do that?
Danny: Yeah! I mean.. I know hes a bad guy and all.. but...
Taya: But he's a fruitloop. And we like fruitloops.
Vlad: *in fire* NOT A FRUITLOOP!
Taya: Did you hear that?
me: NOO!! WE'RE BEING HAUNTED BY VLAD!!! HE'S COMING BACK FOR REVENGE!!! AHHH!!! *runs around like an idiot*
Taya: ..uhh..we dont know her.
Danny: Right.
me: *is still running around like an idiot*
Danny: *is still getting fed grapes* -_-
me: *accidetly kicks bucket of water over fire and sees Vlad* AHHHH!!!! *hides behind Danny*
Vlad: *is badly burnt* i......cant......................move.......
Vlad: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! *faints*

yeah....... :P:P:P

Bad News ='(

Im not going ot be on that long any more. *all gasp**cue dramatic music* -.-; anyway there are a few reasons why:

1) School/Homework
For me schools starting on Tuesday, (Sep. 4th) and since im going into 8th grade I have to take test for highschool and such. I really dont know how much homework im going to get. I hope its better then last year though.

2)Art school
I may go to a highschool that specializes in art so my regular 2 hours are now three hours on SATURDAY AND SUNDAY!!!. Im goin to die X.x But i may not do that either.... not sure yet.

3)Highschool prep
My mom made me take this THREE HOUR TEST PREP for higschool on sunday X_X JUST KILL ME NOW!!!!!!!!

4)Animal Shelter Volunteering
Ok this one is a little better. Im voluteening at my local animal shelter. I always wanted to volunteer when i was little but of course the closets one was afew miles away. But now therees a new one thats much closer and i can walk there. And my friend is there to as a bonus! And my other friends may volunteer too. (But i think there going to kill the animals XD)

5) Baton practice
I do a sport called baton twirling. And now i do it twice a week, because of the nationals X_x each practice is 2 hours long. But i maydecide not to do the nationals :D

I think thats it... WAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! *sobs* I CAN NOT SURVIVE THIS SCHEDUALE!!X.x

Ill be on whenever i can! IPROMISE!!!

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