Just got home from work. Thank the Lord for getting things done early and being able to go home. :)
The weather over here has been absolute crud: rain, snow, sleet....just nasty stuff. Makes me very, very glad I managed to get my garage a couple months back. I have a lot less to do, especially when it comes to the having to move my car because of the snow plows. With the Garage, that is no longer a problem. Plus, I also have a little extra storage.
I'm currently trying to watch Law & Order here, but the cable keeps fritzing out on me. Makes me wonder if the wind here is going to blow out the lines again. That happens...but at least the power crews are quick to act when everything happens in the city. Much better than living out in the country where it takes them days to get things done.
At least I have tea. I just bought some herbal pomegrant tea from a little shop downtown and it is absolutely marvelous. The box says for additional taste I could add some warm crandberry juice or something to it, but I believe it's nice just the way it is.
As I sit here typing I have come to realize that I haven't been on here alot. :oops: It's not that I don't want to blog or anything, I just don't have a lot of time to write. And when I do have time to write it's normally boring stuff like it is now.
I am such a dull individual, it's sad. I need a life. :cry:
I suppose I'll get a life, though, once I can get everything settled and have some money put away. I want to take a vacation really, really bad this summer. Maybe go someplace nice and warm like California or Florida....maybe even Hawaii!...though I doubt I could ever afford Hawaii. I would be lucky if I could afford to go to Missouri. Who knows? I might just settle and go to the Iowa State Fair this summer. I've never been, and it's always made me curious. State Fairs are foreign to me...and, what the heck, I can't die until I've eaten something in a stick. :P But we'll have to see what happens.
I don't have that much saved up, sadly. State Fair seems the farthest I'll get for now. But if I keep up saving what I can, maybe someday I'll get in a nice vacation someplace warm and tropic. *dreams* Ah....yes, that would be nice.
Well then, I suppose that's all I have to say on this boring little blog of mine. Maybe when I get a few days off I'll travel around and try to get a little more done on this site...like a new icon for starters. I love the cute little one I have now but February's over and I can save this one for next year. Maybe I can find a good Red Dwarf one if I search...or Dr.Who...or perhaps even Flash Gordan. :D
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