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*DarkEclipseDr Blog

Entry Fifteen: I STILL LIVE!!

Wow. I really haven't been here in a long time. Well, I've been here, I just haven't been posting like I should. :P

Life's been busy around here. Since it's FINALLY getting warm out I've been getting my planting pots out of my storage area to get my balcony garden started again. I thought this year I would plant more than just Mums (though they do turn such a pretty color in the fall!)...maybe I'll get some Crysanthemums and Tulips. They smell so nice....

And....that's all I have to say. Dang, but I'm boring.


P.S-I have Jack as my icon!!! Yay Torchwood!

Entry Fourteen: Not Alot is New

Just got home from work. Thank the Lord for getting things done early and being able to go home. :)

The weather over here has been absolute crud: rain, snow, sleet....just nasty stuff. Makes me very, very glad I managed to get my garage a couple months back. I have a lot less to do, especially when it comes to the having to move my car because of the snow plows. With the Garage, that is no longer a problem. Plus, I also have a little extra storage.

I'm currently trying to watch Law & Order here, but the cable keeps fritzing out on me. Makes me wonder if the wind here is going to blow out the lines again. That happens...but at least the power crews are quick to act when everything happens in the city. Much better than living out in the country where it takes them days to get things done.

At least I have tea. I just bought some herbal pomegrant tea from a little shop downtown and it is absolutely marvelous. The box says for additional taste I could add some warm crandberry juice or something to it, but I believe it's nice just the way it is.

As I sit here typing I have come to realize that I haven't been on here alot. :oops: It's not that I don't want to blog or anything, I just don't have a lot of time to write. And when I do have time to write it's normally boring stuff like it is now.

I am such a dull individual, it's sad. I need a life. :cry:

I suppose I'll get a life, though, once I can get everything settled and have some money put away. I want to take a vacation really, really bad this summer. Maybe go someplace nice and warm like California or Florida....maybe even Hawaii!...though I doubt I could ever afford Hawaii. I would be lucky if I could afford to go to Missouri. Who knows? I might just settle and go to the Iowa State Fair this summer. I've never been, and it's always made me curious. State Fairs are foreign to me...and, what the heck, I can't die until I've eaten something in a stick. :P But we'll have to see what happens.

I don't have that much saved up, sadly. State Fair seems the farthest I'll get for now. But if I keep up saving what I can, maybe someday I'll get in a nice vacation someplace warm and tropic. *dreams* Ah....yes, that would be nice.

Well then, I suppose that's all I have to say on this boring little blog of mine. Maybe when I get a few days off I'll travel around and try to get a little more done on this a new icon for starters. I love the cute little one I have now but February's over and I can save this one for next year. Maybe I can find a good Red Dwarf one if I search...or Dr.Who...or perhaps even Flash Gordan. :D


Entry Thirteen: Scary Things

There's not really a lot to watch on Mondays now that CSI: Miami is only running re-runs, so I decided to check out some of the other channels and found....nothing. :roll:

Then I came across NBC and the new American Gladiators. Let me just say that the new Gladiators, male and female, scared the crap out of me!! :shock: The Gladiators were much, much, MUCH, bigger and meaner than I had ever seen them be when I used to watch the show when I was little back in the 90's. It was as if they had eaten steroid pies or something and hadn't stopped until their heads were all the sizes of peas on their gigantoid bodies! Not to mention their fighting tactics: They are down right dirty fighters! I felt so sorry for the people that had to go up against them!!

Despite all of this, though, it was rather entertaining to watch. A lot of the things in the show have remained the same, except I don't ever recall them having to swim underneathe fire at the final round...but hey, you do what you can for TV I guess.

Will I watch it again next Monday? I don't know for sure...probably if there isn't anything else on to watch. :)

And speaking of entertaining, I absolutely adored the newest episode of House. I actually watched the whole SuperBowl for the first time in my life (Yay Giants for winning!) and then watched the new episode of my favorite pill-popping daughter. It was a great episode with all the twists and turns you would expect....and the end...Cut-throat B**ch had to come back. I HATE that woman! But it's a love to hate relationship, so I suppose it's all good.

And I think that's all I have for now to talk about.I have a meeting in the morning so I'm going to head off and get into bed so I can get up in time to actually eat breakfast tomorrow.


I have decided that I am in love with this font. :D However, this time I'm not going to make it quite as big as I did last time, lol.

It's finally Friday, and I have a three day weekend now!! YAY!!! Thank the Heavens that I have a job upon which we get MLK day off. I can use that time to sleep in, get a head start on my taxes, and get some work out done to get rid of my 2007 fat. :P I just love my sugar cookies too much. Of course, that means I have to go down to the gym...but I need that. It's just a block or so from my apartment to the "Anytime Fitness" gym, but I'm going to have to bundle up. It's COLD out there.

....maybe I won't go to the gym after all. :x Nah, dun think so. There was a brief weather thing just on the TV that said it was going to be in the negatives tomorrow and it would be best if people didn't go outside, so I think I'll just pull out an exercise tape and do that instead.

I've been hearing a lot about Dr. Who around the net and from some of my co-workers in the office. Apparently it was a pretty great season, but I've been so busy I haven't been able to keep up. Maybe I can do that this weekend amongst other things. I've been recording it on Tivo, and I think I have the whole thing taped, but I'm not quite sure. Hopefully I do. I guess I'll just have to see.

If not, does anyone know where I could possibly download it? If you do, that would be wonderful. :)

Many thanks!

Entry Ten

I've decided to change my font. Just to see how things work out.

While I'm not quite sure if this will work out, I'm having the hardest time at getting my paragraphs to make spaces between them and it's really beginning to peeve me off. :evil: If anyone has any ideas on how I can fix this problem, I would be more than happy to take the darn advice. Not having spaces when I look at my writing just makes me insane! Too much blended together at once without breaks just seems taky for some reason.

Today was rather uneventful here in Omaha. I cleaned the apartment while listening to my "Enchanted" soundtrack on my iPod. Yes, that's my life summed up right there. I really need to get out and get a boyfriend or something. I have friends, we're all just so busy right now it's hard to get together with anyone. On the bright side, at least my apartment doesn't smell like flu season anymore. :? One way to make sure I don't get sick again is to air out the apartment and get rid of all the nasty germs that were floating around. Bleck. Instead, the place now smells like incense and flowers. A MUCH better smell if you ask me.

I haven't had a lot of time to really sit down and watch T, but what I have managed to see has pleased me well. I'm enjoying the new season of Law & Order, even if Jack McCoy isn't in the spotlight much right now. But he IS the head of it all, so that makes it wonderful. :D The cases they had were disturbing and mind freaking, so that was great. Law & Order: SVU is back too, and freakier than ever!! The last episode they showed, the one with "The Woodsmen" made me wonder if the guys who patrol the park at night are to be trusted at all (kidding, of course)....but you always wonder. :P

It's supposed to be much colder tomorrow than it was today. I was hoping that I would be able to get rid of winter what with it growing closer to spring, but apparently Nature isn't done being her cold, nasty self. What can one do? Bundle up, that's what.

I don't really have much else to say. I'm going to go and feed Skittles and get myself some dinner before I get things ready for work tomorrow. Only 5 more days and it will be the weekend again. Maybe I'll go and see Sweeny Todd or something on Saturday with friends. I still haven't seen it and I wanna see it SOOOO badly!! Here's hoping that someone will be able to go and see it with me.


Entry Nine (Long Time No See)

Wow. I haven't posted here in a long while have I? I guess I've just been so busy with other things I haven't had much time to do anything. Well, let's see what's happened so far: Christmas went pretty well this year. It was nice seeing my cousin again, and Skittles loved sleeping on her head in the guest room, lol. Sadly though, she had to leave and I had to go back to work. :( But that's just how things are. I was sick during New Year's (I had the flu) so I had to stay inside and celebrate the New Year on the couch with a barf bucket and crackers. Not the best way to bring in the New Year, but at least I was better by New Year's day. That's about all I have to say. Not much of an update, but it's enough to prove that I'm alive. :)

Entry Eight (Without a Cold)

Hallelujiah the cold is gone! :D

I was sick all week and I awoke this morning with no sniffles, sneezes, or a sore throat. It feels wonderful! It also meant I could finally put up my Christmas tree, something that I was planning on doing last week but, with said could...yeah, not so much. But now the tree's up and Skittles is busy attempting to take down as many ornaments as possible. Sometimes I think that cat knocks them off just to toy with me. I know when he really wants to mess with me because he'll stuff things like part of the garland under the couch. Such an annoyingly cutue kitten he is. :twisted:

I also put down my deposit on a locking garage today! *many happy squeals for one and all!* Now I have someplace safe to lock my car up at night and I won't have to worry about stupid ice and snow piling up on my car anymore! I won't have to worry about it overheating or getting hail damage in the summer either!! Also, I'll have a place for my cousin to park her car when she comes over for Christmas.

As for right now, I'm just watching TV and zoning. I did a lot today besides just put the tree up: I cleaned the apartment, got the dishes done finally and managed to sneak in some Christmas shopping as well. But, don't worry, Faerie. I didn't go to Westroads here in Omaha. I went across the border to the Mall of the Bluffs in Council Bluffs. Westroads is just too expensive and with the recent shooting....yeah. I don't want to go there. Ever.

I just have to get the gifts wrapped now. I was going to do that today, then found out I had forgotten to by wrapping paper, bows, and name tags. :oops: But that's okay! I was going through the newspaper today and found a coupon for a complete wrapping set for Christmas for just $5 at the Dollar Store a couple of blocks from here. So not only can I get a good deal on wrapping supplies, but I can also save some money on gas by walking there! Double bonus!

I just lost my train of thought....

I guess that's a sign I need to go and do something else, then. Bye!

Entry Seven (With a Cold)

Yes. I have a cold. All thanks to the lovely weather that we had this weekend.

It took me an hour to get my car swept off from all the snow, then it took me another hour get all the ice scraped off! Honestly, living on the Nebraska/Iowa border is complete and utter heck. :evil:

So now I have a bad cold and will most likely have to call in to work tomorrow and take a sick day in order to get this stupid fever down.I hate taking sick days... *sigh*

I am defineately saving up money to rent out one of the garages that the apartments provide for a little extra here. It will be well worth it the rest of the winter, and even in the summer. Not to mention I wouldn't have to worry about my car getting broken into every night like I always worry about (I have an alarm system on it, but in Omaha you can never be too careful). Also, it would give my cousin someplace to park her car as well (the garages are big enough for two cars) when she comes and visits for Christmas.

That's my post for tonight. I'm going to bed.

Entry Six

I managed to survive this Thanksgiving Weekend. Yay for that!

I caught "House" and "Bones" on Tuesday while I was packing to go, and have to say that I loved the "House" episode with the magician. My favorite part had to be the ending though, when House revealed what it was the magician had: (warning: Spoiler!)

"Finally! A case of Lupis!"

I laughed so hard when he said that. Of course, you kind of have to watch the show and be a major fan of it before you actually get why it was so funny. ;)

When I was driving through Iowa on Wednesday I was lucky enough (note sarcasm here) to hit Des Moines right in the middle of a downfall of snow. It was....blechk! Thankfully there was a rest stop nearby and I was able to pull over for awhile until the snow died down, but that made it where I didn't get to the family in Chicago until VERY late that night. It was annoying, but at least Skittles (my cat) and I made it in time for Thanksgiving. Stayed until about Mid-Saturday-ish before I decided it was time to pack the cat and the leftovers into the car and head back to Omaha. I wasn't sure how the weather would be on Sunday and wanted to get back as soon as I could before Monday.

Now, I'm back at work finishing up my lunchbreak. I have about 20 minutes then it's back to the Cubicle. Guess that means I'm going to sign off for now and get things ready before I head back.

Until I post again, Eclipse out.

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