I've decided to change my font. Just to see how things work out.
While I'm not quite sure if this will work out, I'm having the hardest time at getting my paragraphs to make spaces between them and it's really beginning to peeve me off. :evil: If anyone has any ideas on how I can fix this problem, I would be more than happy to take the darn advice. Not having spaces when I look at my writing just makes me insane! Too much blended together at once without breaks just seems taky for some reason.
Today was rather uneventful here in Omaha. I cleaned the apartment while listening to my "Enchanted" soundtrack on my iPod. Yes, that's my life summed up right there. I really need to get out and get a boyfriend or something. I have friends, we're all just so busy right now it's hard to get together with anyone. On the bright side, at least my apartment doesn't smell like flu season anymore. :? One way to make sure I don't get sick again is to air out the apartment and get rid of all the nasty germs that were floating around. Bleck. Instead, the place now smells like incense and flowers. A MUCH better smell if you ask me.
I haven't had a lot of time to really sit down and watch T, but what I have managed to see has pleased me well. I'm enjoying the new season of Law & Order, even if Jack McCoy isn't in the spotlight much right now. But he IS the head of it all, so that makes it wonderful. :D The cases they had were disturbing and mind freaking, so that was great. Law & Order: SVU is back too, and freakier than ever!! The last episode they showed, the one with "The Woodsmen" made me wonder if the guys who patrol the park at night are to be trusted at all (kidding, of course)....but you always wonder. :P
It's supposed to be much colder tomorrow than it was today. I was hoping that I would be able to get rid of winter what with it growing closer to spring, but apparently Nature isn't done being her cold, nasty self. What can one do? Bundle up, that's what.
I don't really have much else to say. I'm going to go and feed Skittles and get myself some dinner before I get things ready for work tomorrow. Only 5 more days and it will be the weekend again. Maybe I'll go and see Sweeny Todd or something on Saturday with friends. I still haven't seen it and I wanna see it SOOOO badly!! Here's hoping that someone will be able to go and see it with me.