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*DarthHaggis Blog

Character Analysis

I like character analysis stuff that people post on, but I find that these fall to the bottom of the list and never get brought up much. I am notoriously bad at starting posts that no one cares about 'cept me.

So I may, if anyone is interested, do some character analysis stuff on my blog. If the reader would be interested in that and would comment/help me out, let me know. Otherwise, I won't waste my time. I already know what I think. I just like to see what other people think so I can expand my understanding.

My Stupid Icon

5/28 - Help! My icon is stuck. I changed it in jest to tease a Cubs fan (Slick), but now I'm stuck with Bartman on my icon. I guess it's better than Bill Buckner. :?

5/29 - I switched to Hurley at someone's advice hoping that I can sucessfully switch it again later.

5/29 - Still trying. I opened it on my desktop, saved as another name. Went to profile, did the upload and it appeared, but then Hurley was back. Groan. I love Hurley, but the goat is clearly superior. Plus the goat stops the Cubs from winning it all.

5/29 - Success!!! Howsda new one?

Old Timers coming back

Anyone notice lately how the old timers have been coming back lately? Paul2K, Yoda, The artist formerly known as Ackermaniv. Welcome back guys. It's nice to have some consistent posters around to entertain me. There's only about 3 big posters left besides you guys (REgulator, Lostifyed, and erm... a third guy who escapes me come to mind. Except, his name didn't come to mind. How does that work?). have fun, and stick around after the break is over.

First Blog

Wow. I am officially falling to the depths of Blogdom. To my knowledge, I've never done so. I'm just writing a general profile for kicks.

If anyone cares (and supposedly, about 43 people or so do) I'm an admittedly not a big TV watcher. I started watching Lost after hearing about it on an evening radio show on my way back from work. I ordered Season 1&2 from Blockbuster, and my uncomortable obsession began.

My wife hates Lost, by the way. She thinks that a good Christian man shouldn't be watching something so dark and negative. My only solace is that her favorite show is America's Top Model...

I keep an eye once in a while on House or Heroes as well, but heck, I don't even have cable, so I just hope there isn't a storm in South Florida when any of the above are airing. Except Top Model. I don't care if it storms then.

I am one of those ultra-conservative religious right nuts, minus maybe the ultra and religious. So I guess I'm a conservative nut. You can throw Bible believing in there if you want.

I tend towards logic when I evaluate television and entertainment, so I like hearing logical approaches to topics. I usually like reading stuff by Lostifyed, although I have no idea how he has so much time to be posting so much, and sunLust, whom I haven't seen since season 3 or so. I now hear he has been permanently banned by the thought police. I kind of think he has an alter ego though, and he is currently doing battle with Lostifyed on one of the forums. Just a hunch.

I work as a Nurse Practitioner in Florida. I long to be a welcome part of a glorious online community of Lost watchers, but I do admit that I don't quite have the time that others seem to have to post quite so often. Of course, if you live in Florida, and are waiting a little long to see your doctor, the Lost site on TV.Com may be the reason...