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This weeks worst job
You may think that your job is bad, but pity me for I am a Worm Taster. I'm sure you know what a Wine Taster does - he checks the quality of wines before it is bottled. You probably know that a Cheese Taster checks how good cheeses are before they are sent to the supermarket. But what about a Worm Taster? Well there are a number of Worm Breeders around the UK - they sell worms to the fishing tackle shops who then sell them to people who go fishing. Worms come in a number of breeds - some are more attractive to fish than others breeders are always searching for the perfect worm - one that the fish can't resist. That's where I come in - I spend each and every day sniffing, feeling and, of course, eating raw worms in an effort to find those new breeds that the fish will like. It's a bit of a tasteless job pardon the pun - but being confined to a wheelchair it's the only one I can get near to where I live. On top of that the pay is minimum wages. The only perk I get is an abundance of free worms so my family eat worm pie twice a week. Of course they don't know what they are eating, I tell them that it's mince pie.
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Now, whenever I'll feel down and bitten up by my job - i'm going to read this!
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