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Ugly Betty, Gossip Girl

I haven't reviewed or blogged this week at all.... but all the episodes (that were on and that I watched were really good..

Ugly Betty was really good and cute. I'm glad that Henry and Betty were all right at the end but i sort of enjoyed it when they weren't exactly getting along. Seeing him dance was funny. The whole plot with Gio was funny and I liked how at the end of the episode, Hilda told Gio that she didn't think that she was the Suarez that he liked... Wilhelmia and Marc were funny also in this episode. Slater magazine wasinteresting and it was hilarious when theie people weren't getting paid and quit. Also, Wilhelmina's feud with the other woman wassooo funny! The ending was a bit gross with her asking the medical examiner ti take sperm from Mr. Meade's body and then impregnate herself with it.

Gossip Girl was simply amazing! I loved it! It had lots of Rufus and lily which I absolutely loved, but while it didn't end on a happy note for Chuck and Blair even that can't diminish it. It's sad because I read some of the books and loved Nate and Blair together, yet in theshow I like Chuck and Blair together better! So for me as a Chuck and Blair fan it was pretty sad. I loved thoughwhen she (Blair)went and was talking to Nate whilehe was beingfitted and she kept textingChuck and was giggling and then after thatNate asked her who shew was and wherewasBlair Waldorf! The ending was sad with Chuck goingaway... Poor CHUCKIE!!! Chuck was hilarious and amazing as he hatched his plot to convince Nate that it was that other guy that went with Serena! It was great... I loved Serena's grandma- she was a real biatch I hated and loved her! I'm glad though that Dan and Serena were ok at the end! I also loved her for telling rufus why Lily left him, that was great! When Rufus called Lily and said that he never should have let her leave him i was jumping up and down throughout that whole conversation! Rufus and Lily forever!!! Anyway it was a great episode!