Most embrassing moment ever!!
by *Dpbuckeye on Comments
Well today at the end of the day we had like 10 minutes to talk and junk in class. Me and my friends were talking and we were sorta of talking to this annoying smart guy we always talk to. Some how it got to who I like and stuff and so my friend to the guy to tell my crush who just happened to be in the same class as me. He ends up telling him that I like him and the nickname my friends and I used for him, Mr. Ego, before I liked him. I was mortified my face was all red and atleast one person heard about the nickname.:oops: The class ends and we go into the hallway and the guy tells the other guy who knows what else that I was to far to hear. Then when I get my stuff and walking down the hallway he talks to me and is like "Mr. Ego huh" and some other things I cant rember but about the thing and walks down the hall. I cant tell if he was joking or not beacause he is like always joking around and Im to mortified to figure it out. Now since its Friday I wont be able to know what he thinks untill Monday. I think he hates me now or if he is not whats the good about having a crush if they know you have a crush on them. Now I still have to figure out to do with the guy who told.:x