On Thursday, my Aunt Linda's mother died. She's supposed to be cremated on Saturday, but I'm not gonna be able to go. I have to babysit my 3 and 4 year-old cousins.
People keep telling me that I'm psychotic for loving to babysit, but it is about the only time, except for birthdays, that I ever see my cousins. They are growing up so fast, and they are so much fun to be with. (As long as they've taken their naps and they aren't sick.) My 4 year-old cousin, Dylan, has autism. Or at least, we THINK he has autism. He's kinda slow, but he's getting a lot better with speaking.
I still have to do my Biology paper, and I don't have any way to type it, unless I can get my mom to take me to the library again this weekend. This bites!
I am in such a funny mood today. I was sad this morning when I found out my aunt's mom had died, than I was relieved to find out that my 1st period teacher wasn't here today, and now I'm trying to think of what to add to the story that mangafreak15 and I are writing. It is so...odd, I guess is the best way to describe it. It is just a bunch of nonsense that we are writing to create a story. It STILL isn't finished.
I hope I'll be able to update my blog more often this semester, because I will have an hour long study hall. I really hope to update either every day, or every other day. Bye Bye!