Ten Fun Things about Me
by *Geri08 on Comments
1. I can do animal sounds eg. cats, dogs, horses, sheep, cows, donkeys, chickens although I sound more like Donald Duck and Tweetie Pie. 2 . I love a good storm, thunder, lightening and heavy rain. 3. I am terrified of heights, once getting stuck half way up a cliff about 300 feet off the ground and had to be pulled up the rest of the way. 4. I once was wheeled down a hill late at night from a restaurant to a pub in a shopping trolley. 5. When I was a kid I was known as the 'wanderer' because I used to wander everwhere. One day I took my younger sister and we went our our triclcyles to a local river where we took off our shoes and socks and went paddling in the water. There was a search party sent out looking for us and they met us on the way back. My sister was missing a sock and but otherwise we were fine. 6. When my sister was a baby she won a 'beauty baby' contest. Seemingly I was so jealous that I took her out to the glasshouse and buried her in the clay. My mother found her when she saw her big brown eyes looking out from beneath the clay. 7. I have done 2 marathons, 2 half marathons, 17 mini marathons and 2 maracycles. 8. Even though I am terrified of heights I have paraglided. 9. On holidays in Greece once I swam out about a mile in the sea until it suddenly dawned on me 'what was below me'? Needless to say I got back to shore alot quicker. 10. I write poetry.