Today is my eighteenth birthday! YAY! I'm so excited... but at the same time I'm not cuz I liked being a kid, so I'm not going to think about growing up today... gimme presents! lol
I'm actually not celebrating my birthday today because pretty much everybody in my family has to work :cry: so instead I'll be blowing out the candles this weekend. But if my brother, Andrew, gets off early he might take me to a club :D One of the clubs he goes to has a goth night every once in a while and we've been looking forward to going.. and now that I'm 18, I can get in!!! yay!
It's funny, my brother and I hated each other ten years ago, but now were kind of becoming friends. I mean, I'm friends with my sis, Rachel, and other brother, Mark, but it took longer for Andrew and me. We still have a ways to go, but I think we're doing good.
Also, now that I'm eighteen, my mom doesn't have to sign a waver when I get my next tat. (I have the most awesome mom ever) I think I'll get it on the back of my shoulder- kind of a painful spot, but it'll be worth it- but I'm not sure what I'll get. I want something original and timeless (I dont want to be regretting a tat of a cartoon character in twenty years) I was thinking angel wings, but it's not very original... Ooo! Bat Wings!!
Sorry, I'm rambling. Anyway, "Today is the first day of the rest of my life". I guess I should go think about who I'll be voting president.... (lol)
~The Ghost
Edit: Aww, My brother, Mark sent me flowers!! and earlier today, My mom and sister, bought me a "lucky bamboo plant".
I feel so special!