Luke and Lorelai were waiting in the white limousine until they received furter instructions to enter The Hartford Club. They had just returned from a photo session with Ellen, their wedding photographer. Ellen took photos of Luke and Lorelai and their wedding party in front of the gazebo, and then she photographed the two of them alone in front of Luke's Diner, The Dragonfly Inn, The Crap Shack, and Luke's favorite place, by the lake. There was one set of photos of Luke and Lorelai standing on the docks, just about where Luke pushed Jess into the lake a few years earlier. Luke felt that those were the best of the bunch. This winter, the weather had been too mild for the lake to freeze over, so the water was as still and glimmering as he'd ever seen it, and there were brilliant reflections glittering off the water. He could watch Lorelai in the reflections as the photos were taken. Lorelai's favorites photos were those of the two of them snuggled together in their limousine. But that wasn't Luke's ideal location for formal photos.
Lorelai had removed her veil and wore only her tiara, allowing her shiny, full, dark curls to flow down past her shoulders and breasts. She relaxed her back against Luke, as he cradled her in the crook of his right arm.
Luke kissed her forehead. "It would be nice if we had a half hour to ourselves in here."
"Don't get too comfortable right now. We'll probably have no more than ten minutes to wait in here."
Luke took a deep breath. "Unfortunately, I know that."
"Oh, come on, Luke. This is our party. It'll be over before you know it! All these people are in there to celebrate with us."
"Just give me a couple of minutes," Luke answered, closing his eyes and wrapping both his arms around Lorelai. She had on a new perfume that made her smell like budding Jasmine flowers. Lorelai was so surprised when she found out how much Luke loved the scent of wet Jasmine trees. Was it so out of character for him to love the fragrance of certain flowers? Luke grew up with Jasmine shrubs commonplace in his neighborhood. Even his parents had Jasmine in their yard. Once Lorelai learnt about his fascination with the flower, she bought a custom-blended perfume that smelled like budding Jasmine flowers. No fragrance she ever wore smelled badly to Luke, and he liked any perfume she wore. But Luke was especially touched that Lorelai purchased this fragrance especially for him.
"So did we decide if I should change my name legally?" She asked.
"I think we left it that you'd do whatever you wanted. You're my wife whether you choose to be Mrs. Danes or not," Luke responded, still keeping his eyes shut and trying to relax for as long as possible before they were called into the reception.
"I guess that would make me Mrs. Danes to many people anyway."
"That would."
"Mrs. Danes. Mrs. Lorelai Gilmore Danes. Mrs. Lorelai Victoria Danes. Lorelai Danes."
"You can always be Lorelai Gilmore Danes. Then you could decide if you wanted to hyphenate the two last names."
"No, I definitely don't want to hyphenate the names, but I do like going by Lorelai Gilmore Danes, so people in business can still recognize that it's me."
"You can continue being Lorelai Gilmore in the hotel or hospitality industry, that would be perfectly fine with me."
"It would be too confusing to be Lorelai Gilmore in my professional life and Lorelai Danes in my personal life. Then I'd have to develop two completely different personas, and it's difficult enough keeping up with one persona."
"Tell me about it."
Lorelai jabbed her elbow into Luke's stomach making him groan. "Hey, you need to be nice to me. It's my wedding day!"
Luke finally opened his eyes and looking into his smiling wife's eyes, answered, "It's my wedding day too."
"Yes, but I'm the bride."
"And I'm the groom. Every bit as essential as the bride."
"Not if I was marrying my lesbian lover. I could be marrying my Portia di Rossi!"
"Yes, well, that's not the case, and in the state of Connecticut, that wouldn't be happening at this moment in time."
Suddenly, there was a knock on the window. Lorelai rolled down the window to see Michel standing by the limousine. He looked as he always did for wedding receptions that they had at the inn. He wore his favorite dark gray, pinstripe suit, lavender dress shirt, and a purple, black and red tie.
"Well?" Lorelai asked.
In his thick, French accent, Michel responded, "You'd think if one was a server at a place like the Hartford Club, there'd be a certain level of professionalism, but they all ignore my requests as if I were a mosquito in a haystack!"
"Michel, I may still be your boss, but I'm also a bride today. Therefore, I shouldn't have to hear your complaints. Besides, your responsibilities of overseeing the planning of the wedding are now over. Your role is now being a guest – an AGREEABLE guest. So let's all just enjoy the party. Now, are they ready for us inside?"
"Yes, they are. And it's freezing out here!"
"Well, it's February, and you're out here without a coat, so you should be cold."
Thomas, the chauffeur, opened the car door and helped Lorelai out of the car. Lorelai and Luke thanked him for his help and headed inside. A red carpet had been rolled out from the curb, up the main stairs to the front doors of the club. Once they entered the building, Michel led them through the grand front entrance with its high ceilings and beautifully ornate columns and trim. Luke and Lorelai walked hand-in-hand through the large double doors into their reception hall to everyone's applause. Even though there were only a hundred or so guests in the room, the roar of the applause sounded like an auditorium full of people, or that was what it sounded like to Luke. Lorelai raised their joined hands above their heads, which reminded him of Olympic gold medalists winning their race. He smiled and hoped that the bright lights would soon not focus on their movements.
Finally, when the lights dimmed, Luke observed that the room was decorated to look like they were having their reception outside in the snow-covered, Stars Hollow's Town Square. He knew that was what Lorelai had tried to recreate. There was one half of the gazebo that he built and others painted jutting out from the wall as they came in, and the band was set up in and around the gazebo. A white-tiled dance floor was positioned in front of the gazebo and man-made snow particles were sprinkled generously throughout the room. Silver stars of varying sizes were hung from the ceiling, and they reminded Luke of decorations for Stars Hollows' Star Light Festival. Wooden benches and iron lampposts were placed near the gazebo and scattered around the room. Ten large round dining tables were situated along the perimeter of the dance floor. Each table was set with navy velvet tablecloths. At the center of each table, there were round, mirrored placemats and large, glass cylindrical vases that held four- to five-foot, white birch branches with triangular, glass votives containing lit white candles suspended. The finishing touch was the white rose petals that were sprinkled around the mirrored centerpieces.
Luke was surprised when the band began playing the music to "I Finally Found Someone." That was the song that he personally chose since he felt the lyrics fit their story so perfectly. But Lorelai kept going back and forth between this song and the "Falling in Love in a Coffee Shop" song. The "Coffee Shop" song fit their situation well too, and he thought it was this song that Lorelai decided would provide the music for their first dance as a married couple. But she must have changed her mind – again!
Lorelai leaned into Luke and whispered, "They'll play the 'Coffee Shop' song later, and we'll dance to that too. I just figured a Barbra Streisand/Bryan Adams duet was more dramatic to make our entrance."
"It always was my first choice."
"Aww, my sentimental husband. Are you gonna start going soft and gooey on me? Won't I have any rants tonight?"
"You'll have a lifetime full of rants. Today's not a day for ranting though, it's the most sentimental day of our lives."
The leader of the band, a man that looked like a young Lou Rawls, announced, "Now for the bride and groom to dance their first dance as husband and wife. Luke, Lorelai, will you please make your way to the dance floor?"
Then the lyrics came and Luke and Lorelai walked onto the dance floor. The female and male singers voiced the lyrics loud and dramatically, which seemed to do justice to Babs and Bryan's version. Luke knew Lorelai probably coached them on that detail.
I finally found someone, that knocks me off my feet
I finally found the one, that makes me feel complete
We started over coffee, we started out as friends
It's funny how from simple things, the best things begin
This time it's different, dah dah dah dah
It's all because of you, dah dah dah dah
It's better than it's ever been
'Cause we can talk it through
Oohh, my favorite line was "Can I call you sometime?"
It's all you had to say to take my breath away
This is it, oh, I finally found someone
Someone to share my life
I finally found the one, to be with every night
'Cause whatever I do, it's just got to be you
My life has just begun
I finally found someone, ooh, someone
I finally found someone, oooh
Luke held Lorelai and danced to the music, concentrating on the lyrics and finding himself choking back the tears. He didn't want to cry, but the moment was really too much for him. Here he was dancing with the woman that made his grandest dream a reality to a song that spoke of their personal story. He looked over at Lorelai and tears were streaming from her eyes too. It didn't matter that there was a room full of people; he just had to kiss her. As they continued to dance ever so slowly, he kissed her. She held onto him as tightly as he held onto her. She was now his wife, his partner, forever. He knew that if he had never gotten Lorelai back, he would have never had the chance to experience this happiness. His brief, weird marriage to Nicole was never meant to last. Actually, he never intended to marry at all, until some bright, blue-eyed gypsy zoomed into his diner one day asking for coffee. Then, ever since that day, he wanted to spend everyday of his life looking at that face. And he had to be the one who married her. It might have taken him eight years to ask her out, but it had to be her.
Did I keep you waiting, I didn't mind
I apologize, baby, that's fine
I would wait forever just to know you were mine
And I love your hair, sure it looks fine
I love what you wear, isn't it the time?
You're exceptional, I can't wait for the rest of my life
This is it, oh, I finally found someone
Someone to share my life
I finally found the one, to be with every night
'Cause whatever I do, it's just got to be you
My life has just begun
I finally found someone, ooh, someone
I finally found someone, oooh
Whatever I do, it's just got to be you
My life has just begun
I finally found someone
The song ended and there was a pause. Luke and Lorelai stopped dancing and stood still. Everyone in the hall stood, cheered for the new couple and showered them with a long loud round of applause.
When the sound of the applause died, the band leader announced, "For all of you out there who are young at heart and in love with their partner, please get up and join the host and hostess in another slow, romantic song."
Several couples – including Sookie and Jackson, Babette and Morey, Lane and Zach, Lulu and Kirk, and even Emily and Richard – came up to join the couple. The song was "Kiss the Girl."
After the second song, Luke and Lorelai went around the room to greet everyone. Their guests all raved about how beautiful they both looked. Most people were surprised how elegant and dapper Luke looked.
"Honey," Babette said. "As gorgeous and sexy as you are, 'elegant' was not word that came to my mind when I thought of Luke Danes. But now, I'll always have a picture in my head of this day, how you look now, and it's nothing short of elegant in a Cary Grant, Montgomery Clift kind of way."
"Oooh!" Lorelai exclaimed as she leaned into Luke. "Two of my all time favorite actors!" Then she kissed his cheek.
"Are we embarrassing you, Sweetheart?" Babette examined him.
"No more than usual," Luke answered.
Everybody within an earshot laughed - Babette, Morey, Lorelai, Miss Patty, Gypsy, Kirk, Lulu, and even Taylor.
*GilmoresRock5 Blog
12. The Night is Theirs, Part II
by *GilmoresRock5 on Comments
After Luke and Lorelai did their best going around to every table and greeting their guests, they sat down at their table in between Rory and Jess. Rory sat beside Logan, Jess sat next to Liz and T.J. and Emily and Richard were seated opposite the bride and groom. As everyone ate their first course of a cranberry sorbet, they all talked about Rory's travels across the U.S.
"I really do love the adventure side of it all. No two places are exactly the same," Rory commented. "Some of the other journalists think I'm crazy. They think we don't see enough of the cities to note the cultural differences, but I like to see what I can find. I do a bit more exploring when I can get away."
"That can get dangerous – a young woman exploring an unknown city on her own," Logan commented.
"I can take care of myself," Rory responded.
"Typical independent woman response," Logan replied.
"If she says she can handle herself, I trust that she can," Jess interjected.
"Rory's a very capable young woman," Richard chimed in, commenting on his granddaughter. "But a young woman in a strange city should never feel overly confident about traveling through an unknown city on her own."
"Richard's right," Emily added. "Yet, I saw Rory handle herself throughout Europe, and she did just fine on the afternoons when I rested in our hotel rooms."
"She has always been capable of doing anything that she puts her mind to," Lorelai stuck up for her daughter as well.
"Well, I know I've always been capable of seeing an unknown city on my own. And, Grandpa, you don't have to worry that I take a non-chalant attitude walking the streets that are unfamiliar to me. What I meant when I said I could take care of myself is that I know some self-defense moves that could help me protect myself, need be."
"Self-defense?" Emily asked. "That doesn't sound very ladylike, Rory."
"Grandma, I only need to use it in situations that call for it. I don't go around making the self-defense moves on a regular basis. And I only practice them during my daily cla*s."
"Your daily cla*s?" Emily asked.
"I've mentioned my Tai chi cla*s that I've been taking to you and Grandpa."
"I do recall that," Emily answered, nodding.
"That sounds amazing, Rory!" Liz exclaimed. "How are you able to take Tai Chi cla*s while you're traveling from city to city?"
"One of my fellow journalists initiated a Tai Chi cla*s on the road. And while much of the Tai Chi we do is for health benefits, some of the moves have definitely been for self-defense."
"Good for you, Rory!" Luke replied. "It sounds like you're really doing something that's healthy and beneficial for you! Something you'd never learn from your mother!"
"Hey! You can't say things like that to me today!" Lorelai responded. "You're supposed to do nothing but praise and adore me all evening."
Luke took Lorelai's hand and kissed it softly. He then gently massaged her hand as he answered. "You're absolutely right. Have I told you how unbelievably beautiful you look today?"
Lorelai smiled tilting her head as she gazed over at her new husband. "Yes, you have. But you can keeping telling me over and over again."
"Aren't you both so sweet," Liz answered. "My big brother's finally a happily, settled married man. Congrats, Bro!"
"Thanks, Sis."
"I think it's time to chime the glasses," Liz suggested, "and get a good kiss out of you two!" Liz raised one of her wine glasses and her larger fork, and she was about to chime the fork against the glass when Luke stopped her.
"Please, let's not do that! I have my young, impressionable daughter sitting at the table."
"Dad! I've seen you and Lorelai kiss before. Besides, I'm almost fifteen. I think I'm beyond the impressionable age period."
"You're most definitely not beyond the impressionable age period! You've got years to go until I say you're out of the impressionable age period! In fact, until you're an adult and living on your own, you'll remain at an impressionable age!"
"Do you hear me, Young Lady? Even if you don't agree with me, please just humor me and agree with me."
April sighed, glancing around the table. "Fine, Dad. I'm still as impressionable as young tadpole learning how to hop around the lilipond."
Luke nodded his head and smiled. "Thank you."
"And you're welcome!" April said. "Excuse me a moment," she added, before getting up to leave the table.
"Aw, Luke, you embarrassed the poor girl," Liz remarked.
"Humiliated is more like it," T.J. added.
"She'll get over it," Luke responded.
"Rory," Liz continued, "if you don't mind, would you tell us more about these Tai Chi cla*ses your taking? I'd love to know how you manage them on the road."
"Sure, I'd be happy to tell you more about it, Liz," Rory answered.
"It still sounds a bit unreal to me to hear my daughter talking about doing regular exercise," Lorelai said. "I know I've known about you doing this. But seeing you stick to it- it's almost a miracle. And now you know self-defense moves too! Now that's nothing short of interesting!"
"A miracle, Mom? No, if you did regular exercise, that would be a near miracle. My trying to participate in exercising with my fellow colleagues, that may just be interesting, as you put it… Now to answer your question, Liz, a fellow journalist, lost a lot of weight from Tai Chi, and it has been her form of exercise and stress-relief ever since. She also met her future husband when she started."
"You're just as lean as your mother, Rory," T.J. said. "You don't need to lose any weight. We'll hardly be able to see you if you become any thinner."
"Thank you, T.J., but I don't necessarily do it to lose weight. In the beginning, Jahara was doing it by herself, and she asked me to join her just for the company. I figured it would be a good first step to making friends with my fellow journalists. Plus, I felt bad with idea of letting her exercise alone day in and day out for the length of our assignment. So, in the mornings or evenings, whenever we could fit it in, we'd have a cla*s about five or six days a week. She's really a great teacher. It's been so much fun. Now there are about nine of us who do it regularly, and many of us will go eat a huge meal afterwards if we have nothing scheduled immediately following the cla*s."
"Jess did some kind of martial arts when he was an adolescent in New York," Luke commented. "Right?"
"That's right!" Liz exclaimed. "All the young boys in our neighborhood were in to the martial arts, so I pushed Jess for about a year or two to take those cla*ses. Financially, it was a bit of a struggle to come up with the money for them, but fortunately, they let us pay on a sliding scale. But then I was out of work for a while and just couldn't afford it at all, so Jess had to stop."
"Yeah, that's exactly why I stopped going!" Jess commented. "It was a money issue."
"I take it you're saying it wasn't a money issue?" T.J. asked.
"The kids who were in the cla*s were morons. None of them ever in their pathetic lives picked up a book to read. I just got tired of Mom trying to get me to like it. She was trying to get me to be more social with the rich kids. I had my group of friends, and none of them took Tai Kwan Do."
"Those kids weren't from rich families!" Liz interjected. "Most those kids lived in our area and had small, dingy apartments where the musty smell never left, just like we did," Liz answered. "The only difference was that either they had both parents, or the fathers were involved in the kids' lives, and at least one parent in each household had a steady job."
"It sounds to me like your mom just wanted the best for you," Logan commented.
"Yeah, well, you know what they say about good intentions," Jess answered.
"I just love doing the Tai Chi," Rory continued. "I don't know how Tai Kwan Do might differ, but it's such a great way to escape from stress and life and work, and I don't exactly have a sanctuary being on the road, so the cla*ses and exercise has become my oasis."
"But you'll still have your chili fries and coffee as a late night snack, right?" Lorelai asked.
"Of course, Mom! I haven't gone completely Zen and granola on you, I promise."
Lorelai sighed. "That's good."
"You don't usually hear a mother encourage her daughter to eat junk food and worry about their children exercising regularly," Luke said.
"What happened to you adoring me all night?"
Luke sighed and nodded. "You're right. It won't happen again. I promise."
"Thank you!" Lorelai answered Luke and turned her attention to her daughter. "Besides, I just want to make sure she hasn't completely changed personalities on me. Otherwise, I'd be very suspect that either my very brilliant, precious daughter underwent a lobotomy or she was kidnapped and this individual was sent in her place… Hey, weren't you wearing a different dress at the ceremony?"
"Yes, Mom, I was. But I'm the same person, thank you very much! And it was your idea that my dress transform into a completely different dress for the reception!" Rory added. She now wore an ivory lace attachment to the bodice of the navy satin dress, so that most of her cleavage was now covered and made the dress look more Victorian than Louis XIV risqué, and the large, cumbersome skirt had been removed to reveal a new straight, narrow skirt of the same satin fabric.
April returned back to the table in one big swoosh, and she was completely out of breath. "I know you all know this quite well, but I just have to say it again. Kirk's very weird!"
"You think?" Jess asked.
"I definitely do," April responded.
"What did he do now?" Luke asked, not sure he really wanted to know.
"He's saying that in the last few weeks, he's had the feeling that someone was watching his every move. Kirk feels there's some young kid out there who wants to mimic his life. Apparently, this person likes what he sees and wants to follow in Kirk's footsteps."
"Who does he think this young guy is?" Rory asked.
"He doesn't know," April continued, "but he wishes the kid would just show his face, and then he could take him under his wing."
"Oy yoy yoy!" Luke remarked.
"Tell me about it!" April said. "Kirk said the kid could then mimic everything he does for real, except for anything that's related to Lulu, of course. But even with that, Kirk said he can give tips on how to get and keep a girl like Lulu."
"Kirk barely knows how he got Lulu," Luke commented. "I saw their first date. He was as dumbfounded as was I by what Lulu saw in him. He doesn't have a clue!"
"Does any guy know how he got so lucky to get the love of their lives?" T.J. asked, looking at Liz. "It's usually by some God-given miracle that such a beautiful woman would consider the poor shlub."
"You're very sweet, My Love," Liz said. "But it's still your turn to wake up with Doula tomorrow morning."
"That's not what I was getting at, at all!" T.J. exclaimed, sounding a bit bruised by Liz's response.
"Really beautifully said, T.J.," Logan responded.
"Thanks, man," T.J. responded. "Gosh, women! You try to be everything they want, but sometimes, you still end up in the doghouse. And you don't know what you did wrong!"
"I guess they have their reasons," Logan added, looking at Rory.
"They certainly do," Jess chimed in, looking from Logan to Rory.
Rory started to slouch down in her seat, not looking at Logan or Jess; instead she gave her mother a blank stare.
Luke asked, "Hey, Rory, would you dance with me? I love this song." He really did not have any strong feelings one way or the other to "I Heard It Through The Grapevine."
"Dance with my new stepfather? I would love to!" Rory answered, jumping out of her seat.
Before he could get up, Lorelai kissed Luke briefly. He knew she was grateful for his coming to Rory's rescue like that.
"Jess, would you dance with me?" Liz asked.
"Maybe later," Jess answered.
"Jess, go dance with your mother," Lorelai remarked.
Before Jess could respond, Logan jumped in, "If it's okay with you, I would love to dance with you, Liz."
"Thanks, Logan, that would be great!" Liz responded.
Lorelai looked at Jess who was not saying anything. "Wait, Logan! I'll dance with you. Jess, get up and dance with your mother – now!" Jess just looked at her. She knew he wanted to say something to her. Lorelai remembered the rude, teenage punk who told her off in her own house when she last tried to butt into his life six years ago when he first moved to Stars Hollow. Lorelai assumed he was remembering that moment too as he stared at her intently. But he was older and hopefully more mature and knew better to tick off a bride at her own wedding.
Without saying a word, Jess got up and went over to his mother. Liz laughed looking quite thrilled with the outcome, hugged her son and said, "You'll see, it won't be the horrible torture you're anticipating."
Jess gave his mother a brief smirk as he walked her out onto the dance floor.
12. The Night is Theirs, Part III
by *GilmoresRock5 on Comments
Lorelai shook her head. She was now related to the guy and probably would see him on occasions for the rest of her life. Logan came over and helped Lorelai out of her chair. "That was very gallant of you, Logan, to try to smooth things out between mother and son."As they walked onto the dance floor right near where Luke and Rory danced, the male singer started singing Sly & the Family Stone's "Family Affair." There were quite a few couples on the dance floor. On the other side of the large, white vinyl square, Miss Patty was supposedly dancing with Taylor, but she had her eyes closed and was swaying to music as if she were not a guest at a wedding in 2008, but rather at a dance rehearsal in 1968.
Logan remarked, "I wasn't so much trying to save Jess' ass as trying to bring some harmony to the table. I was taught always to be the diplomat. Trust me, in my family, I know about tense moments, and it's always best to walk away or find a way to ease the tension."
They started to dance to the music. "I know all about family tension myself, except my inclination's to bring the uncomfortable matter to the surface. If there's a subtly grey elephant in the room, I'd go in there and paint it fire-engine red! On the other hand, the rest of my family likes to ignore any tension and not dwell on unpleasant matters. They try to throw a chenille blanket over the elephant."
"Maybe that's why our parents got along so well for all those years, my parents like to cause the tension and your parents ignore it."
Lorelai nodded her head. "Yes, that could be how they remained friends, until the whole fiasco when your mother flat out said that Rory wasn't good enough for you, and your father crushed my daughter's spirit telling her she didn't have what it took to be a journalist!"
"Yeah, well, your parents certainly put my parents in their place."
"That they did," Lorelai responded.
"It would've been interesting being a fly on the wall to witness either of those conversations."
"Absolutely! I would've loved to have access to a Chinese potion that helps one be invisible and witness conversations or events that would've otherwise been unattainable," Lorelai replied.
Logan laughed. "What movie's that from? It does sound familiar."
"That's from Woody Allen's 'Alice.'"
"That's right… 'Alice'… My parents are idiots. They don't know Rory well enough to know of the spectacular individual she is now and the kind of woman she'll become. I know she'll do great things."
"That she will… So what exactly are your intentions with Rory?"
"Completely honorable. You should know that since I did ask you for her hand in marriage."
Lorelai squinted her eyes and shook her head. "Let's get serious for a minute."
Logan sighed. "Okay. We're friends. We speak regularly about every ten days or two weeks, something like that."
"How'd that happen?"
"She didn't tell you that we started speaking again?"
"No, she didn't."
"I thought she tells you everything."
"I think she's mentioned to me once that she spoke to you some time around Thanksgiving."
"That's when we started speaking again."
"Why what? Why did we start speaking again? Do you not want me speaking to your daughter?"
"Why – I don't know. I think I was the one who called her first. I just missed her and regretted how we left things. She seemed glad that I called. She said she was afraid that I would hate her forever."
"What do you want to have happen now?"
Logan shrugged. "I do still love Rory. There's not much I can do about that. I know she's not ready to settle down and move to one location just because I happen to be there."
"No, she's not," Lorelai confirmed.
"And I'm not in a position to be able to follow her either. I'm just starting to get my bearings on my own too. When she and I broke up after she said 'no' to my marriage proposal, I reacted badly. It had to be all or nothing. Somehow, I had it in my mind how everything should unfold, and I never shared that vision with Rory until I sprung the proposal and my view of our future on her. I was furious that she screwed up my vision."
"Maybe there could have been some kind of happy medium that could've been met."
"Are you saying that you think Rory and I belong together?"
Lorelai shook her head. "I'm not saying that at all. I just know that you and Rory seemed happy together for the most part. You both had growing up to do and a lot to learn, but you seemed to grow together and separately while still remaining together. It seemed that here she was this woman you wanted to marry, then, all of sudden, when she didn't have quite the same vision you had, you walked away."
"That's how we react in my family when things don't go our way - we storm out of the room or the yard, in this case."
"Thank you for being honest with me."
Logan smiled. "It wasn't right that I just made all these plans for us without discussing them with her. I totally didn't take into consideration what she wanted and needed. Just a few weeks before I put this whole plan together, I told to her to plan whatever she wanted and I would work my future plans around her. Well, that's exactly what I didn't do."
"I know all about doing what you shouldn't do," Lorelai responded. "We all make tons and tons of mistakes in our lifetime. I'm told that's how we gain wisdom."
Logan smiled as the song ended and they stopped dancing. They went back to the table and joined everyone in their second course of Shrimp and Lobster Cocktail.
Luke told everyone the story of the Valentine's Day when Logan made lobster for him, Lorelai and Rory, and it was the first time he had ever had lobster. It was one of the most amazing foods he had ever had. Logan made it perfectly.
"The first food I knew how to cook was lobster," Logan added. "Most the men in my family wouldn't know how to boil an egg, but they knew how to grill lobsters just right on the barbie," Logan finished in his best 'Crocodile Dundee' accent.
"Luke promised me back then we would have lobster at our wedding," Lorelai chimed in, "so we had to make sure it got on the menu today. It was more of a challenge than you think. We had to accomplish this without the budget getting out of hand and having everyone cracking open their own lobster while in their nice clothes."
"And of course, getting fresh lobster in the middle of winter could also be a challenge," Luke added.
"That's nonsense!" Emily exclaimed. "This is New England! You can get lobster any time of year!"
"That's true," April commented. "Mom and I would go to Cape Cod for Christmas when I was little and we always had great lobster there."
"You would go to the Cape in December?" Rory asked. "Isn't that a bit out of season?"
"Exactly! That's why my mother loved it. My uncle's in-laws live in Sandwich, which is at the very beginning of the Cape. And we would have Christmas Eve and Christmas with them out there. For a few days after that, my mom would close her store, and we would spend a few days touring through the rest of the main island, and even take a ferry out to Nantucket, which was my favorite. The year round population of the entire Nantucket Island is about 10,000, and in the summer months, it goes up to 50,000. The main island of the Cape has a year round population of 230,000 from the fifteen towns that make up the Cape."
"What's it like spending Christmas on the Cape?" Rory asked.
"It's wonderful and quaint. Very New England in an Italian-American kind of way, if you ask me. My uncle's in-laws own a big fish and seafood emporium out there, and being off the boat Italians, their Christmas Eves are very traditional with an all-out fish and seafood feast. Lobster Fra Diablo is my favorite."
"Do you think you could get us an invitation to that Christmas Eve dinner?" Lorelai asked. "I love Italian feasts!"
April smiled. "I can see what I can do about that. Lately, though, mom and I haven't gone so regularly out there for Christmas, especially now that we live across the country! I'd love to do it this year, though, if possible."
"A few years back at the Independence Inn when Sookie had just come back from a three-week Italian cooking course, she cooked all these amazing authentic Italian dishes," Lorelai shared. "There's an entire week in the summer that's dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, which is the Saint's day dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and many places have Italian feasts all week. The Independence Inn joined that tradition with Sookie making these elaborate Italian meals!" Lorelai turned to Luke and suggested, "Hey, maybe you and I can just go to Italy for a three-week eating course!"
"Sure, sounds perfectly reasonable. Maybe we can plan something after our two week honeymoon in Hawaii," Luke remarked.
"Spring's an idyllic time to go to Italy," Emily replied.
"I think Luke was kidding, Mom," Lorelai added.
"I understand, Lorelai. But it's still a wonderful time to go to Italy. Yet, it's also very expensive to go to Italy any time between April and September."
"We wouldn't be expecting to go first clas*s Mom," Lorelai answered.
"I just loved Italy in the summer when Rory and I went a few years back."
Rory smiled. "It was really a fantastic trip, Grandma."
"I've only been to Italy in the summer," Logan shared. "The sea in Sardinia is the bluest blue I've ever seen. And off of Capri, you've got the Blue Grotto. I particularly love the Italian Riviera. It's less condensed than the French Riviera and just a little more exclusive. Of course, Hotel du Cap in Antibes is as blissful and serene as any place on the Italian coast."
"Hotel du Cap's a very special place," Richard added. "The last few times Emily and I've been there, we've seen celebrities. We sat right next to Robert De Niro in the dining room a couple of times and saw him out by the pool. Emily had to contain herself to not ask for an autograph."
"Richard! I did no such thing! I wasn't the one ogling over the beautiful African-American model he was with."
"That would've been Naomi Campbell, Mom," Lorelai chimed in.
"She was stunning, I have to admit," Richard added.
"Well, if one believes what one reads in the magazines," Lorelai replied. "Naomi may be beautiful but she appears to be a bit of a crazy biatch."
"Lorelai!" Emily exclaimed.
"I was actually being tactful, Mom. The rags make her out to be quite a high-strung psycho. By the way, she and De Niro are no longer together."
One set of servers were discreetly taking away guests' second course plates and another set of servers were asking the guests if they wanted the beef entrée, or the fish or vegetarian options. The choice was a Garlic Crusted Tenderloin of Beef with Wild Mushroom Port Wine Demi-Glace, Horseradish Mashed Potatoes, Mixed Sauté of Winter Vegetables with Fresh Herb Garni or for the non-meat eaters, there was Asian Roasted Sea Bass with the same accompaniments as the beef, or Vegetable Pasta Pinwheels drizzled with Smoked Mozzarella Sauce joined by Assorted Baby Greens tossed with Herb Vinaigrette.
"I just love the food here," Emily commented as her Beef Tenderloin was placed in front of her.
Luke noted around the table and at other tables that most people did choose the beef entrée, just as Lorelai predicted. There were the one or two people per table who went with either the fish or the pasta choice. This surprised Luke very much. He had suggested that they give people a choice on the reply card whether they wanted a beef, fish or vegetarian entrée. He himself preferred the sea bass. Originally, Lorelai had said that she wanted one entrée – the Beef Tenderloin, and for anyone who was a true vegetarian or does not eat beef, there would be the pasta choice. She did not want to have the choice given to people on the reply card. Let them be surprised by what is offered. However, Emily and Luke separately tried to convince her to offer a fish option. Emily kept repeating to her how she knew very well that her father could not eat red meat anymore. Fish was the ideal option for Richard; and Luke himself would most often choose a fish option on any menu. While Lorelai did relent and allow a fish option, she still insisted that there not be a choice given on the reply cards. She was certain that most people would still choose the beef and only a handful of people would choose one of the alternative options. It looked like she was right, once again.
While the guests ate their food, the music was subdued and stuck to old standards such as "Somewhere over the Rainbow," "The Circle Game," "Carolina on My Mind," and "How Sweet It Is."
A little while later came, "Falling in Love in a Coffee Shop." This was Luke and Lorelai's cue to dance again. After a minute or two of just the bride and groom dancing, others joined them, including Rory and Jess.
I think that possibly, maybe I'm fallin' for you
Yes, there's a chance that I've fallen quite hard over you
I've seen the paths that your eyes wander down
I wanna come to
I think that possibly, maybe I'm fallin' for you
No one understands me quite like you do
Through all of the shadowy corners of me
I never knew just what it was
About this old coffee shop I love so much
All of the while I never knew
I never knew just what it was
About this old coffee shop I love so much
All of the while I never knew
"So what's the deal with Jess and Rory?" Luke asked.
"From what I gathered from Rory last night, she's confused. She cares about Jess and their relationship hasn't remained completely platonic, but she still loves Logan. She's not sure she wants to be with Logan, or Jess, for that matter. She doesn't seem to want to make a decision about either of them right now."
Luke nodded his head. "That daughter of yours, and now my step-daughter, has a good head on her shoulders. She's smart and will make the right decision for her, I've no doubt."
"See, I told you we would be able to get both songs in tonight," Lorelai said.
"I had no doubt you'd find a way," Luke answered as he held her and danced to the music. He wondered how many couples fall in love over time spent in a coffee shop.
"Are you glad I did?" Lorelai asked.
Luke smiled. "Absolutely."
Lorelai beamed. "You know, there's a lot of work that goes into a reception to make it work for everyone – the bride and groom, the families, and then the guests. But as I always tell the brides and grooms that I plan weddings for, the night's really about them. That's great if the guests enjoy themselves too. But it has to be your night. So for me, this night, this whole reception is what would work for us."
"This night is about us," Luke replied. "We're here dancing to this song that should have been made specifically for you and me, in this room that has been transformed to look like the town where we feel at home and where we fell in love."
"Of course, it was important to me that my father be allowed to have a meal he can enjoy, but the only reason I relented to serving fish was because it was what you wanted. I knew you would want fish, and this day was more than what I wanted and thought was appropriate. It would be what would make you happiest. And it was something I could easily compromise on once I stopped tripping over my own stubborn ideas."
"You stubborn? Nah. I thought your Miss Flexibility."
"Ha ha. And it's Mrs. Flexibility to you."
"Well, I thank you for going against your natural selection, and let me have my fish entrée."
"You're welcome. You give me so much of yourself. Whenever it's possible, you go out of your way to make me happy in the biggest or littlest way. I just want you to know that I want to do the same thing in our life together. Whatever little thing I can do to make your life a little better, I want to do it."
Luke closed his eyes and held Lorelai tighter. "You standing next to me for the rest of my life, that's already making my life happier than I ever thought possible. There's no way I'd be anywhere near this happy without you in my life. I love doing anything I can to make you happy because seeing you laugh or smile brightens my world. It's second nature for me to please you, because it only makes my life more meaningful."
If I didn't know you, I'd rather not know
If I couldn't have you, I'd rather be alone
Lorelai moved slightly away from Luke so that she could look at him. She smiled at him and kissed him.
I never knew just what it was
About this old coffee shop I love so much
All of the while I never knew
I never knew just what it was
About this old coffee shop I love so much
All of the while I never knew
All of the while
All of the while
© E.S.A. 2008
11. Their Big Day, Part I
by *GilmoresRock5 on Comments
Lorelai did not sleep very well last night. She was too excited. Perhaps she should have had a little more to drink at her bachelorette party which would have helped her sleep, but she wanted to be completely aware of everything today. She wanted to remember every detail of the day.
"Good Morning, Sunshine!" Rory and Sookie strolled in, carrying a tray full of breakfast foods and coffee.
"Coffee! Hmmm." Lorelai breathed in the aroma. "And Luke's coffee! Did Luke make this coffee?"
"Of course, Luke made this coffee," Rory answered. "I had to give you your favorite coffee on your wedding day! I just came from Luke's to pick it up as Sookie made your breakfast."
Sookie placed a checkered tablecloth on Lorelai's sheets and Rory set down the large bamboo breakfast tray, which they borrowed from the inn. Lorelai continued to inhale the aroma as Sookie poured coffee from the large stainless steel thermos into the accompanying thermos cup.
Lorelai gulped from the cup immediately after it was handed to her. "Hmmm. That's SO good… How can you two be so wide awake this morning when you both drank much more than me last night?"
"You're the master!" Sookie answered, "You taught us how to function after a night of drinking and debauchery!"
"Yeah, Mom. It's all about the carbs. You taught me that after my first hangover!"
"So I made us blueberry pancakes, apple fritters, potatoes au gratin, homemade pain du chocolat, and of course, the all important coffee! But, since you didn't drink as much as us last night, I made your breakfast a little more balanced to get you through the day," Sookie said, turning to the tray and pointing to each item. "So for you, we have a brie and asparagus frittata, maple turkey bacon which I marinated in maple syrup myself, with blueberry pancakes, apple fritters, and a chocolate croissant for you too! I'm sorry to say your daughter finished the potatoes au gratin."
"Yeah, Rory doesn't share potatoes well," Lorelai replied as she started to try a little of everything on her plate. "Even when we split an order of fries, if I don't make sure I get my fair share, she'll eat them all."
"What can I say? I'm just a potato junkie! I would've done well living in Ireland in the 19th century. Of course, until the Great Potato Famine in 1845, then I would've suffered like everyone else."
"I don't think any bride has had a more decadent breakfast on their wedding day, Sookie. This is incredible!" After swallowing a bite of the frittata, Lorelai waved her arms in the air and happily shouted, "Yay! It's my wedding day!"
"It is your wedding day," Rory answered. "So for the rest of the day, you're not to worry about a thing. Michel's overseeing the finishing touches here in the Town Square and also at the Hartford Club. He understands your vision better than anyone. And Sookie and I'll be at your beckon call all day!"
"Was Michel complaining about all he had to do today?"
"Of course, he was complaining! He had to be himself," Sookie responded. "But you know deep down, he wanted to do it, and if we hadn't expected him to oversee everything, he would've been very offended."
"Sookie, what about your kids and Jackson? How can you just abandon them for the day?" Lorelai asked.
"Well, we had a babysitter planned all day to help Jackson during the day with the kids, and then to watch the kids tonight. But then, all of a sudden, out of the blue, Jackson's parents decided they wanted to come help us with the kids this weekend. So they showed up yesterday and we cancelled the babysitter. But since we cancelled at the last minute, we still had to pay her for last night and part of today! Therefore, Jackson is with his parents and the three kids for most of the day. And my catering to you lends well to my avoiding the crazy in-laws and the even crazier motley crew. Without a doubt, Jackson's going to have one doozy of a headache for most of the day. The kids alone will do that to him, and the parents are just the finishing touch."
"You know, Sookie, I know you love your three little ones dearly," Lorelai commented. "But it seems to me that having the third baby seemed to put you over the edge. I think it just tipped the scale a little too far over the chaotic line."
"Yup! That's my life these days, just a little beyond chaos. And you can thank my husband's fear of the snipping procedure for that one!"
"Oh yeah! I didn't mean to bring up that sore spot again."
Sookie smiled. "It's not all bad though. Chaos has its finer points too. I mean, the way Davey and Martha are with little Corey is so precious. They take turns helping me take care of the baby. They don't freak out by poopy diapers either as you might think. Even I, at times, want to shrink away from a really stinky diaper, and I've changed hundreds of them in the last five years. Martha loves changing the baby's diapers no matter what. She's really such a little helper. Davey too. And they love playing with Corey. It's the cutest thing watching my three little ones all together. All with their chubby red cheeks, big blue eyes, and then they all have that touch of red in their hair, even Davey, whose hair's mostly brown now, but you can still see the red streaks in the sun."
"I can't believe Jackson let you name the baby 'Coriander'!" Rory exclaimed.
Lorelai and Sookie laughed.
"With Martha, we took care of all the names he was thinking of, so it was my turn to the name the baby. Remember when I was pregnant, I couldn't get enough spicy food? I was on a spice fix during most of my pregnancy, and coriander has always been my favorite spice. So I just gravitated to that name. Plus, I loved that we could call the baby 'Corey' whether it was a boy or a girl."
"Hopefully, people won't think you named your baby after one of the Spice Girls," Lorelai added.
"I'll set anyone straight who thinks that!" Sookie chimed in.
"Do you worry that anyone will think that 'Coriander' isn't the most masculine name on the planet?" Rory asked.
"It's not masculine," Sookie said. "It's more unisex. No one will be able to tell by his name if he's male or female. I love that. I always loved names like that Robin, Dana, Chris, and now the more modern names like Dakota, Bailey and Harley. And then there's little Rory, who's not so little anymore. It didn't bother you having a name that people couldn't immediately tell whether it was a boy's or girl's name. Sookie's like that too. No one knows what to make of my name. Even your grandmother! When I first met your grandparents, your mother told your grandmother that I made all the food for your 16th Birthday party. Emily then asked, 'What's a Sookie?'" Sookie laughed. "She didn't know what to make of 'Sookie St. James'!"
"I guess that's true. I used to enjoy watching people get all confused by my name." Rory answered, smiling.
"Why don't you finish your food, Sweetie, while it's still hot and fresh," Sookie suggested to Lorelai, straightening out the tray as she spoke.
Lorelai swatted Sookie's hands away. "Stay off my food! It's mine, and I will finish it!"
"Then do so, now!" Sookie responded pointing to the tray.
"Yes, mother!" Lorelai replied.
"Are you saying that I sounded like a mother, or your mother? A mother would be okay, being referred to your mother by you, I don't know how I should take that."
"I was talking about your acting motherly in general. Not my mother. If you were my mother, you wouldn't have made me breakfast in bed at all! You would have me come down to the table to eat, and I couldn't have worn my bedclothes either!"
Sookie chuckled. "Okay. Being motherly it is. I can handle that because I am a mother."
Lorelai now was plowing into the last of her meal. "I need more coffee," she retorted as chewed and pointed to her empty cup. "Pronto!"
"Yes, Mistress!" Rory replied as she poured Lorelai more coffee. "Now as you finish that up, we're going to draw you a bath with some Eucalyptus oils that will help relax you."
"Ooooo! That sounds wonderful!"
"All part of the bridal treatment today!" Sookie added.
"Dad! You need to relax!"
"You need to stop telling me to relax, April. There's stuff I need to see to today. I can't just goof off!"
"I would like to see you goof off any day," Jess remarked.
"Okay, smart ass, make yourself useful! Go see if Caesar needs any help!"
"Caesar's fine, Dad," April responded. "He has Zach and Lane helping him right now, and then after the breakfast rush, he can handle things the rest of the day. Tonight, most of your regular customers are going to be at the wedding anyway! Jess is here as your best man to help you for the rest of the day."
"That's what you're here for, to help out your old man."
"No, I'm not! I'll be here for a while, but then since I'm a bridesmaid, I have to join the rest of the girls and do my bridesmaid's duties. You'll have Jess all day, then T.J. and Zach'll come and help later. Jackson won't have time to do any pre-wedding groomsman duties, but he will definitely be there later. Kirk offered his help if we needed another groomsman."
"You've got Larry, Curly and Moe to help me? I don't think so! I think Jess and I can manage things until Jackson can get away."
"Which one's Curly?" April asked. "I never thought of Zach as Curly. He must be Larry, because he's definitely not so incompetent. He seems to handle things pretty well in the diner. And you seem to give him lots of responsibility when you're not there. And Kirk who does tend to make messes of things, I'm not so sure he's Curly. He must be a long lost Stooge Brother. I can definitely see T.J. as Curly. Wow! I think you hit that one dead on, Dad!"
"Do you always have to go off on such tangents?" Jess asked.
"I didn't go off on any tangent. Dad's the one who mentioned 'The Three Stooges.' He was also the one who compared Zach, Kirk and T.J. to Larry, Curly and Moe. I didn't bring that up. I was just going along with what he said," April responded, pointing to her father.
Jess looked at Luke who was just looking at him smiling with pride and answered, "Some statements are rhetorical and don't need any kind of response."
"What about your comment?" April asked.
Luke laughed. "She's got you there, Cowboy!"
"Can we just get on with whatever it is we need to do?" Jess asked.
"Sure. I know Dad thinks there's all this stuff to do, but there really isn't. Everything's being handled by other people. We just have to make sure he shows up wearing his suit and all the groomsmen are dressed appropriately too."
"There are definitely things to do!" Luke stressed. "I need to pack up everything, then clean this place from top to bottom. I'm sure there are places in this apartment that haven't been properly cleaned in years. After tonight, I'll bring most of my things over to Lorelai's. April, you should too. I'm sorry, for now, you and Rory'll have to share a room. Then when we get back from the honeymoon, one of the first things on our agenda is to look for a bigger house so you and Rory can have your own rooms."
"Don't worry, Dad. It's only one night that Rory and I'll have to share the room, and it'll be fun - a true sisters' adventure. Then Rory leaves to head back on the road tomorrow evening, and I'll have the room to myself for another two nights... But I'll miss my alcove here. I loved our times here even though it wasn't mine for all that long. We really got to know each other when I stayed with you. We bonded. It was like the best father-daughter movie you can think of! It was 'What a Girl Wants' but even better, except for the fact that my parents didn't end up together, but that's okay because Lorelai's perfect for you!"
"I loved having you here with me for those two months… And Jess slept here before you. In fact, I built this room when Jess came to live with me."
"I know, Dad. You've told me like a hundred times."
"Oh. Sorry about that."
"That's okay. So, Jess, do you have any nostalgic feelings about Dad giving up this apartment?"
"It's an apartment that was meant to be an office. What more can I say?"
"Come on, Jess," Luke said. "You were at home here for two years. The second time you came to stay, it was your choice!"
"Okay. It was nice. I liked it here. It had its…nuances."
Luke patted Jess on the back. "No need to get too sentimental, Son. It was just the place I tried to make a difference in your life. Set you on a positive path for the rest of your life."
"Are you ever gonna shut-up?" Jess asked, moving away from Luke and grabbing a soda from the fridge.
Luke smiled and shook his head as he winked at April.
All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door.
April answered the door to Zach and Lane carrying plates of food. Zach and Lane quickly deposited the dishes on the kitchen table.
"What's all this?" Luke asked.
"We arranged to have breakfast up here with you, away from the crowd," April answered.
"It's a Smörgåsbord!" Lane exclaimed. "Happy Wedding Day, Luke!" Lane came over and hugged Luke.
"Yeah, Happy Wedding Day, Boss," Zach said. "Enjoy it while you can, it'll be over before you know it!"
"Thanks, Guys," Luke responded, beginning to get all choked-up. He knew that today would be an emotional day, but right now he was feeling more than just emotional. He had a myriad of feelings, including nostalgic memories, coming to the surface. Today, a dream of his was finally coming to fruition. Many a time, it seemed like 'The Impossible Dream.' But it wasn't so impossible now. He knew it was going to happen, and he wasn't nervous about the wedding at all. Luke was, however, concerned about how Lorelai was faring today and wished he could share the preparations of the day with her. But she had insisted that they follow the tradition of not seeing one other for a full twenty-four hours before he saw her walk down the aisle.
"I figured you'd want your typical oatmeal," April continued, "and there's also a fresh fruit plate for you. For me, I'm having French toast with bananas and, of course, a side of extra crispy bacon. And Jess wanted 'The Everything Plate' with eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, French toast, and juice. But actually, Lane, technically this isn't a Smörgåsbord," April commented. "A Smörgåsbord is a buffet, and more specifically it's a buffet of first cold dishes then separated by either another table or served after the cold dishes, a buffet of different hot dishes."
"I just meant that you had the scope of different breakfast foods before you," Lane replied.
"Don't worry about it, Lane," Jess answered. "April's just a savant who has to take things too literally."
"We'll be right up with drinks and the extras," Zach said as he and Lane rushed out and back downstairs.
"Jess!" Luke bellowed. "Be nice to your cousin! She's not a savant! She's just my very brilliant daughter."
April smiled. "Thanks, Dad. But I didn't take offense to what Jess said. His comment is just Jess's way of showing his affection for me. Jess doesn't know how to have a close bond with family without sarcasm and caustic comments entering the picture. It was almost brotherly love I felt from him."
"Can you please stop trying to analyze me now?"
Luke chuckled. "It sounds to me like she has you pegged."
"I hope you don't treat your girlfriends the same way," April remarked. "I don't think that treating them this way is the best way to get into their pants."
"April! If you don't mind, I would rather not hear my 14-year-old daughter say such things around me!"
"Dad! I'm almost fifteen, and everyone talks that way!"
"Please! Just humor me, even if it's only for today. It's my wedding day, so that has to earn me some points for getting my way."
April sighed. "Okay. I won't say such comments anymore - "
Lane and Zach rushed back in with the freshly squeezed orange juice and some butter, jam and syrup. "Here you go," Zach came in saying as he placed everything out on the table. "We have to head back downstairs, it's a madhouse down there. I think everyone was hoping to get a glimpse of Luke on his wedding day."
"They can see me later in the Town Square when I'm standing under the chuppah," Luke said, as he took a seat at the table.
"Enjoy, all!" Lane exclaimed as she and Zach raced back downstairs.
11. Their Big Day, Part II
by *GilmoresRock5 on Comments
April came into the apartment that was now surrounded by boxes and various sorts of luggage– duffle bags, suitcases, and Bloomingdale's plastic garment bags. "Wow! Look at this place! You guys really made a lot of progress after I left."
"Yeah, once you left, there was less talking and more working," Jess answered.
April smiled and lightly slapped her hands to her cheeks. "Aww, the warmth and affection I get from you, Cousin, is just so heartwarming!"
"Yeah, yeah," he said.
Suddenly, Luke came out of the bathroom, "Okay, how do I look? This is as good as it gets!"
Luke had a professional shave and haircut earlier as his soon-to-be father-in-law insisted that he have on his wedding day. He had on the Hugo Boss navy suit that Lorelai found for him one day when they went shopping for wedding suits. She said she had in mind exactly how she wanted him to look, and this suit was exactly what she pictured. He didn't even have a chance to argue that he generally didn't wear European designer suits. The suit was even marked down 40% since they bought it right after Christmas. Lorelai said it was practically a miracle to find a Hugo Boss on sale in his size. Supposedly, 42 Regular was a very popular size in European-made suits. Luke had on a formal white shirt with French cuffs and gunmetal cufflinks. And he wore a metallic navy tie that made the suit look even more formal. Lorelai encouraged that he buy formal black Oxfords with a very high gloss leather finish. Those black, thick loafers, which he always wore with his suit would not be suitable with his wedding suit. That was what Lorelai and all the sales associates assured him.
"Oh my God, Dad! You look SPEC- TAC-ULAR!"
"You sure don't look like you wear flannel shirts and jeans everyday for work," Jess said.
"Absolutely!" April remarked. "You look like you could be going to the Academy Awards!"
"I would settle for I look like I'm getting married today."
"Definitely that too!" April exclaimed, still dumbfounded by her father's appearance. She kept bobbing her head up and down as she took in how elegant and sophisticated he appeared. "You look better than any movie star I've ever seen!"
"Now come on!" Luke said. "I know I look pretty dapper, but I'm certainly not one of those pretty boys! I'm no George Clooney or Ben Affleck!"
"No doubt you're much more handsome than either of them!" She exclaimed.
"I think you have to have those new glasses of yours checked! But I appreciate your enthusiasm."
"No, I'm serious, Dad. You clean up very well! Fortunately for me, half my DNA comes from you."
"You certainly don't look like you flip burgers for a living," Jess said.
"See," April said, gesturing at Jess. "If he says it, you know it's the truth! Jess doesn't seem the type to me to give false compliments."
"Hello, Everyone!"
Entering into the apartment was Luke soon-to-be father-in-law. "Ahhh- Hello, sir."
"Oh, come on, Luke! We're about to be family! You can't call me "Sir"! It's Richard or Dad if you prefer!"
"Richard, hello. You remember my daughter, April and my nephew, Jess."
"Of course, I do, we all conversed the other night at your rehearsal dinner. I'm sorry I had to miss your bachelor party last night, Luke, but something I ate earlier in the day just didn't sit well at all in me."
"Don't worry about it, S – Richard," Luke answered.
"Wow! You certainly gussied up for the big event! You look positively resplendent!"
"Thank you, S – Richard." Luke was starting to feel very self-conscious and didn't really know how to change the subject.
"Where's the rest of your wedding crew? I'm told that Lorelai has a heavy crew there leading before her down the aisle. You must have more than your nephew here!"
"Yes, I do. Fortunately, I got the others to go their respective homes to get ready and leave me in peace. I told them to meet me at the gazebo at 15:00 hours for the first round of photos. Until then, go bother their wives and children."
"I see," Richard answered. Richard looked around the apartment. "This is an interesting place where you live, or I should say lived. Very functional and home-y in its way."
"Thank you. My father used this as his office when he ran his hardware store, where I now have my diner. It felt more like home to me when he passed away, since he had spent so many hours here in this office, when he wasn't running his store."
"Yes, I understand," Richard said, shaking his head up and down. "Speaking of fathers and sentiments, would it be an inconvenience if you and I had a few moments alone before I have to go to see to my daughter?"
"Of course," Luke said, as he patted down the sides of his suit and then stretched his hands out. "I mean, it wouldn't be an inconvenience at all!"
"I have to continue tending to my bridesmaid's duties as well," April said as she started to head towards the door.
"April, sweetie," Luke quickly added before she left, "you look spectacular too."
April smiled. "Thanks, Dad." Under her good, burgundy wool coat, she wore a long, navy satin bridesmaid's dress. She had her hair in an updo with curly dark tendrils hanging down either side of her head, and her makeup made her face sparkle and highlighted her dark eyes with dark eye shadow on her eyelids. She also wore the dainty, dangling pearl earrings and a double-strand pearl choker that Lorelai picked out for all the bridesmaids and maid of honor to wear. The final touch were the silk pumps that were dyed to match her dress. "I'm going to try to take my glasses off walking down the aisle and then again for the posed photos."
"Whatever you want," Luke said. "But you look beautiful even with the glasses. You can barely notice them on your lovely face."
Richard said, "Yes, I agree with your father. You look ravishing even with the glasses. Lots of beautiful women wear glasses now. It's not such a stigma as it once was in my day. And nowadays, they have such sophisticated frames, such as yours, that compliment a woman's features. That comedienne I've been seeing a lot of in the news and on the TV, Tina Fey, she's a very attractive young woman and I always see her in her glasses."
"Thanks," April said as she headed out. "I'll think about it."
Jess followed right behind her. "I'll come with you," he said as he ran out and closed the door.
"I know you have to be heading over to the tent very shortly," Richard said to Luke, "so I won't keep you long. But I just wanted to speak with you briefly before you marry my daughter."
"Of course," Luke said.
"I know a few years back, you didn't receive such a warm, welcoming greeting from my wife and I when you started seeing Lorelai as beyond friends… I'm truly sorry about that. If it's one thing the last few years taught me, it's to keep your loved ones near you and to appreciate them. The ones that love you the most will stay by you when the chips are down. I know you love my daughter more than Emily and I ever realized and she loves you just as much. It wasn't fair that we tried to push her towards Christopher when it was obviously you who made her happy."
"Thank you, Richard. I really appreciate your kind words, but we went through this a few months ago, when Lorelai and I first got engaged."
"I know. I'm sorry to repeat myself, but I'm trying to segway myself into what I really need to discuss with you."
"Sorry. Please, go on, then."
"Yes, well. Let me just add that Emily and I are so relieved and thrilled today because Lorelai's finally the happiest I've ever seen her. This is the kind of happiness I always dreamed for her. And so I thank you for all you've done for her and my granddaughter, and even myself when I was in the hospital last year. You've certainly proven yourself to be the kind of son-in-law a man could be proud of."
Luke cleared his throat. "Thank you, Richard. I don't know what to say, but thank you. And you're right that I love your daughter more than I ever thought I could love someone. She has been my better half long before she or I ever recognized it."
"I understand that, Luke. I do. And it's because of that, and since I don't have any sons of my own, and just my one daughter, that I think you should have these," Richard pulled out of his pocket a black velvet box and handed it to Luke.
"Richard, you didn't have to give me anything, really."
"Please, just open the box."
Luke opened the box and there were a pair of silver cufflinks that were clearly quite old but well maintained. They were elegant but simple. They each had a script "G" engraved in the middle of them.
"They belonged to my great grandfather. In that day, it was much more common to have gold cufflinks, but my grandfather had an infinity to silver collectibles. In fact, he collected antique silver candelabras and all kinds of silver pieces with great history to them and he wanted silver cufflinks to wear for the right occasions. Then when, my father got married, he gave them to him on his wedding day, and then my father had instructed before he died for my mother give them to me on my wedding day, and now I want you to have them. I know it's not your initial, but I hope they'll make you feel like part of the family. Because in my mind, today you're becoming a Gilmore."
"I don't know what to say."
"Just say, 'Thank you,' and that you'll wear them. You and I have another commonality. My father was long gone when I got married, and I know your father passed quite a few years ago. I understand that there's a part of you that's very sad that you father and your mother can't be here for probably the most important day of your life. So even though you are unbelievably happy, there's a great sadness and longing too."
"Yes, well. There's not much that can be done about that. I do think they would have loved Lorelai. How could they not? Everyone loves Lorelai! Even the UPS delivery man loves Lorelai!"
"People do seem to gravitate towards her, don't they?"
"That they do. Thank you, Richard. I'll definitely wear these." Luke already began removing his gunmetal cufflinks.
"I hope you don't find this condescending or overstepping myself, but I just want to also say that I know you and Lorelai didn't have a quick and easy road to get to this day. And everything you've done and become to get here, I'm proud of you."
Luke sighed and smiled with relief. "Thank you, Richard." Luke held out his hand, and Richard shook it with both his hands.
"I'll leave you now," Richard said as he started to turn around and head out. Before he left, Richard said, "Good luck, Son."
Luke smiled. "Thanks."
11. Their Big Day, Part III
by *GilmoresRock5 on Comments
Luke and T.J. were waiting for Liz in the diner. Liz was upstairs in Luke's apartment changing Doula.
The rest of the groomsmen were at the tent greeting and seating people. Luke was not in such a rush to help his groomsmen. He wanted to appreciate these few moments he had away from the crowd. He was also beginning to feel a little light-headed and dizzy. In less than hour, he and Lorelai would be married. He had just finished taking photos with much of the wedding party, even him with Rory and the other bridesmaids, and then photos of him with April, and April and Rory, and then April with Liz, T.J. and Doula. Lorelai was insistent that she and Luke not take any photos together until after the ceremony. She didn't want him seeing her beforehand. He was glad about that. He always regretted those few moments when he saw her in her last wedding dress. So many times during their year apart, his mind drifted to that image of her coming down the stairs looking at him so happy and lovingly in her wedding dress. He definitely didn't want to see her in her dress this time until he saw her heading down the aisle towards him.
"Do you realize that I haven't looked at my wedding photos in years now," T.J. said. "Liz and I looked at them a lot the first year we were married, but after that, the album has just been sitting on our bookshelves collecting dust. I told Liz that I thought we should move them to the attic so that we'd have more room for Doula's things, which were taking over the house. And she just looked at me outraged, saying that 'Our wedding photos will not be discarded to the attic!' Trust me, Luke, after the first year, you'll forget about all these photos."
"T.J., shut-up, please! Wedding photos are important. I have wedding photos from my parents' wedding and even my grandparents' weddings that I've looked at often throughout the years. They're not something to be taken lightly."
"Whatever you say, Luke. I'm just saying you and Lorelai went to so much trouble finding this fancy photographer from Boston. You could've just gotten someone local to take your photos and saved yourself some money."
"Ellen's not some fancy photographer from Boston. She used to do lots of events in the area, and then when she got married, she moved to Boston. But Lorelai remembered her work and knew she wanted her to be our photographer. She only moved to Boston a couple of years ago, so she isn't that established there yet, and she gave Lorelai a great deal because of all the work Lorelai threw her way over the years. She even offered to take the photos for free and have us pay for the developing of the photos, but Lorelai insisted on giving her something for the job."
"Whose brilliant idea was it to take photos by the gazebo? Didn't they realize that it was the middle of February and it would be frigging freezing outside?"
"Lorelai and I made that decision, and yes, we knew it would be cold, but we still wanted it there. Look, we had the sun and there were heaters to help cut the edge of the frigid air, and it was all done in 20 minutes. I wasn't cold at all."
"Of course, you weren't cold! You're about to be shackled for life, so your adrenaline's pumping. For the rest of us, it's just another wedding we're attending."
"Thanks, T.J. I'm glad my wedding's touching you so much. I'm glad you're so happy for me and Lorelai!"
"That's not what I meant, Luke! Of course, I'm happy for you guys! I'm not losing a brother-in-law, I'm gaining a sister-in-law and I guess a niece-in-law, or a step niece or whatever Rory would be to me. What would she be to me?"
Liz finally entered the diner with Doula in tow. "That's a good question, Hon. We'll have to refer to Martha Stewart or Emily Post to know her exact relationship to us. I'm fine just calling her our niece in the meantime."
"There you go!" Luke said. "Now, can we get a move on to the tent and get things moving along?"
"Of course, Big Brother! It's time to get you hitched!"
As they started walking to the tent, Luke added, "Plus, it wasn't as cold as it could've been. Look, it was colder earlier in the week when we had the snowfall, now it's rather pleasant in the 40s. It won't be that bad in the tent either."
Liz handed Doula to her father as she started to walk carefully along the path to the tent. "I'm just thankful you and Lorelai were mindful enough to put rugs and mats everywhere so that I didn't have to walk in the snow or the wet, frozen ground in these heels. I'm not so used to wearing these things now. As a mother of a toddler, I'm usually wearing comfortable shoes to chase after the little one."
Jackson greeted them as they entered to tent. "Finally! There you are, Luke! Everyone's asking where you were, hoping you weren't getting cold feet."
"Nope. My feet are very warm, thank you."
T.J. took off his coat and looked from his gray suit and metallic gray tie to Jackson's gray suit and tie. "It's very weird for me to see someone else dressed the same as me. I'm not used to it at all since I'm not a twin or anything like that. My mother never dressed me the same as my brothers."
"Yes, T.J.," Jackson replied. "You mentioned that during the photos too. Other than at someone's wedding, I'm not used to wearing the same thing as other men either."
"T.J., why don't you make yourself useful and see if anyone needs anything," Luke said.
"I myself could use one of those hot ciders the waiters are serving."
"Just don't spill anything on your suit before the ceremony, T.J." Liz said.
"Yeah, T.J.," Luke replied. "Maybe you should just stick to hot water with lemon."
"Hot water with lemon? That sounds perfect! Just exactly what I want. Thanks!" T.J. sprinted to the back of the tent where there were tables set out with hot beverages for the guests.
"Hey, Big Brother, I'm glad we have a minute alone. Wait a second, I'm going to pawn Doula off on Babette or Tilly." Liz found many volunteers to watch Doula. "That was easy! Okay, come with me," Liz said as she took her brother's arm and guided him away from the guests to the side entrance of the tent where people were still entering, but Liz shifted herself and Luke off to the side so that no one would disturb them.
"What's up?" Luke asked.
"I just wanted to see how you were doing."
"How am I supposed to be doing? I'm marrying the woman I love. I guess you can say I'm at peace."
"You're at peace? That sounds like you're dead! And you're not dead. How about you're blissfully happy?"
"Of course I am."
"I know you were married before, but for me this is the only one that counts since you had no witnesses or family members at the last one, and you were in love with Lorelai even then… Yes, you were, there's no need to make faces or start getting defensive about it!"
"What's your point?"
"April may now be your closest family here, but I'm still your sister, and I've known you longer. I just want to make sure you know what you're doing."
"What are you talking about, Liz? You just said a second ago that I was in love with Lorelai long before we got together. Now you're asking me if I'm doing the right thing?"
"That's not exactly what I meant. Although if the occasion called for it, this would be the point where I would tell you to run. But that's the last thing you should do now. I just wanted to let you know that I'm so proud of you, and also so incredibly happy for you!"
"Thanks, Liz."
"No, I mean it. You're finally doing something so unbelievably good for yourself. Mom and Dad are up there loving every minute of today, and they would most definitely love Lorelai."
Luke's eyes suddenly became a little moist. "Thanks, Liz. I think so too."
"Lorelai's perfect for you. You couldn't have done any better, Big Brother!"
"Thanks. I think."
"Now just let me just give you a bit of advice. This is the relationship you were meant to have. You need to respect it and respect Lorelai. But there'll always be wormholes and you'll have to fill in the gaps of those wormholes."
"Meaning… Keep Lorelai close. Communicate to her. I know communication isn't your strongest point but do it no matter how uncomfortable you feel spilling your guts. It will get easier, and I promise you she will never disappoint you when you do. Lorelai will be there for you when you need her and ask her to be. That's just her nature. And she wants to be there for you."
"I know she does, and I will." Luke smiled and hugged his sister. "Thanks, Liz, for being here."
"Hey, Big Brother, there's no other place I'd rather be!" Once they separated from their hug, Liz wiped around her eyes. "Okay, now I have to go be a bridesmaid. I'll see you at the chuppah!"
Luke nodded.
After Liz walked away, Luke stood alone to the side of the main entrance and watched as guests strolled into the tent and took their seats. They all had a look of joie de vivre about them. Stainless steel heating lamps were positioned around the perimeter to comfortably heat the air in the tent. Evergreen garlands intertwined with fragrant white jasmine flowers encircled the floor lamps. The tent was aglow with hundreds of tiny electric sparkle lights and candles in clear glass votives suspended from the ceiling around the chuppah. To the right side of the chuppah, a keyboard, flutist and violinist played the 'Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy' from Tchaikovsky's 'The Nutcracker Suite.'
Suddenly, Luke noticed that Miss Patty and Babette were headed his way.
"Oh my God! How's the groom doing?" Babette asked in her loud, echoing voice as she and Patty were still about ten feet away. "Why are you secluding yourself in a corner, Sugar? You're not having second thoughts at all are you?"
As the two got closer, Patty responded in a softer voice. "Of course, he's not having second thoughts. He's waited for this moment for the past eleven years! Am I right, Luke?"
"I don't know about that, Patty," Luke answered.
"Who are you kidding, Sugar?" Babette responded. "We've been through the whole thing with you! This whole town knew how desperately you wanted Lorelai from day one!"
"Yeah, Luke. There's no denying it. You wanted her bad. I've seen desperate hunger from men often enough to recognize it when it was right in front of my eyes everyday, year-in and year-out. For many of those early years, when Lorelai came into the diner and stood within reach of you, you had this look on your face like you just wanted to grab and kiss her! I was just waiting for the one day when you would finally give in to those desires. But you never actually did anything so dramatic or romantic," Patty answered disappointedly. She then slapped his arm. "Why didn't you ever do anything so romantic to sweep her, and the rest of us vicariously, off her feet? It would've saved you years of grief!"
"Hey! Stop hitting me, Patty! It's my wedding that's taking place right now, so I must have done something right!"
"Yeah," Babette replied. "You might've finally done something right, but you certainly made everyone wait a heck of long time! Think of all the babies you and Lorelai could've had by now!"
"Thanks, Ladies, for the pep talk, but would you mind taking your support over to your seats?"
"Oh, okay, we'll stop bothering you now, but I insist on having a hug first," Babette replied.
"Me too!" Miss Patty added.
Luke hugged them both individually. "Thank you both. I know you were early supporters of Lorelai and me being together."
"Oh! The whole town was, Honey!" Miss Patty remarked. "Well, except for maybe Taylor. But even Taylor had his moments. We all wondered when you'd finally make your move. At the rate you were going, Lorelai would have gone through menopause already, and then there would be no little Luke and Lorelai babies."
"You both have to get off the baby track! Please don't start hounding Lorelai about this now. If it's meant to be, we'll procreate. And if it's not meant to be, we won't. It's that simple. Please! You'll be one of the first to know if it ever happens. Okay?"
Miss Patty and Babette looked at each other and then they both replied, "Okay." They went to take their seats towards the center of the third, where Morey was already sitting.
11. Their Big Day, Part IV
by *GilmoresRock5 on Comments
Jess suddenly entered the tent and made his way directly to Luke.
"Where have you been?" Luke asked.
"It was my job to find out when the women would arrive so that we would know when it was time for us to take our places. Therefore, I went up to the house to check on how things were progressing."
"We could have also figured that out when the cars began to pull up. Did you go up there to see Rory?"
"What are you talking about?"
"You forgot to add 'Willis' to that question," Luke added.
"What are you babbling about now?"
"From 'Different Strokes.' I guess it was before your time…Anyway, what's going on with you and Rory since you've been back? Was Logan there too?"
"Logan had just arrived when I was getting ready to leave."
"No, 'Ah.' Rory and I are just friends. By the way, the women are ready and will be here momentarily."
"Is this your way of preventing me from asking further questions?"
"By all means, if you would rather have an inquisition right now and delay your wedding, I'm fine with that, but I thought you'd want to get hitched already."
"I guess, we'll find out soon enough," Luke replied. As Jess started to move away from him, Luke took hold of his arm and added, "Wait, Jess. I mean it, please, don't make problems between you and Logan and Rory. Let it be a happy night for everyone."
"If Rory wants to spend her evening with Logan, I won't stand in her way."
"What does that mean?"
"There'll be no problems with Logan and me. Okay?"
Luke knew he wasn't going to get anymore out of him. "Okay."
The music suddenly changed to a faster tempo. This was the cue for everyone to take their seats and for Luke to take his place at the right side of the chuppah. Reverend Skinner stood in the center under the chuppah.
For a moment, the musicians stopped playing and everyone in the tent stopped talking. When the music began again, a singer joined the group. She sang the Beatles' 'All You Need Is Love.'
Jess escorted Emily to her seat in the front row. Emily wore an elegant, lavender, wool crepe suit with a long double strand of pearls. Luke was relieved that she smiled as she walked down the aisle. She didn't look disapproving at all. Even after Emily and Richard tried to make amends with Luke for their earlier treatment, Luke expected to see her look of disapproval. In fact, she appeared to be as happy as she seemed for her own renewal of vows a few years earlier.
Love, love, love.
Love, love, love.
Love, love, love.
There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game.
It's easy.
Liz and T.J. were the first couple to walk out together. Liz wore her navy satin, long sleeve gown and held her bouquet of dark magenta calla lilies and pale green hydrangeas. Luke had never seen his sister look so elegant and glamorous. Nor had he ever seen her wearing a simple pearl choker and earrings. They were a far cry from her usual jewelry of colorful beads. T.J. as well, looked unlike his usual self in his gray suit and magenta calla lily boutonnière. Luke thought the guys should wear red rose boutonnières, but Lorelai insisted that the boutonnières should match the bouquets. What did he know? Liz and T.J. slowly marched down the center aisle and moved apart as they approached the chuppah. T.J. stood to the right of Jess, and Liz stood on the left side of the chuppah, awaiting the other ladies.
Nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time.
It's easy.
All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need.
Sookie and Jackson were next to walk down the aisle. Sookie also wore a navy satin, long sleeve gown, but it was cut slightly differently than Liz's. Liz's gown was simpler with a round neckline and free flowing. Sookie's dress had a V-neck and appeared as if the fabric was wrapped around her and tied on the side with a thick, navy satin bow. She too held a bouquet of calla lilies and hydrangeas. Jackson wore his gray suit and boutonnière, but for some reason his smirk was a little too weird for Luke. For a produce man, he seemed a little too comfortable in the limelight. Did Jackson think he was Matthew McConaughey walking the red carpet of some awards dinner or something? When they reached closer to the chuppah, Sookie stood between Liz and the chuppah, and Jackson winked at Luke like 'I've been there, Buddy' then stood in between T.J. and Jess.
All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need.
Nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy.
Next, in walked Zach with Lane on one side and April on the other. The three beamed brightly as they marched down the aisle. In fact, April watched Luke the entire way, and could not stop smiling. Luke was certainly proud of his remarkable daughter, even if she ignored his subtle suggestion to wear her glasses for the wedding. April was already a unique, brilliant individual with such spirit and spunk. And it was clear that every time he saw her, she seemed more mature than the previous visit. She was certainly blossoming into a beautiful young woman. Luke hoped that he had some influence on the wonderful young woman whom she had become.
All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need.
All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need (love is all you need).
When Rory walked into the tent, a hush and exclamations whispered out. 'Oh my!' 'She looks just like her mother.' 'Wow! She's beautiful!' 'Va va voom!' Those were some of the comments that Luke heard. Rory's dress was also a navy satin, long sleeve gown, but it was more dramatic than the others. Her dress looked as if it belonged in 18th Century European high society, like a ball gown that belonged at Versailles. The bodice had a square neckline and was so tight that her cleavage had nowhere to go but up and out of the dress, and the hoop skirt poofed out all around her. To go with her 18th Century-sty*le dress, she also wore her hair partly up and part down at her shoulder in large, single curls. It reminded him of hairsty*les he'd seen Michelle Pfeiffer or Uma Thurman wear in 'Dangerous Liaisons.' Luke wasn't sure he approved of Rory wearing such a provocative dress. Even though, she was now grown-up, she still had that innocent, angelic waif look about her. With her plunging neckline and pearl choker, her creamy white skin was definitely on display, and it made Luke uncomfortable knowing that there were many men out there appreciating the view. But Rory beamed at him, and he couldn't help but smile back at her. Officially, she was now going to be his stepdaughter, but she had already been like a goddaughter to him for the better part of a decade. He still remembered when she would come in to the diner without any make-up or airs. Her big blue eyes were still full of wonder, but the mystery was much more sophisticated now. She did in fact inherit quite a bit of her mother in her.
The music paused when Rory took her place alongside the chuppah. At the tent opening, Lorelai stood with her father by her side. When he first saw her there, Luke thought he might faint. The traditional 'Wedding March' began and Richard and Lorelai proceeded arm-in-arm down the aisle. When Lorelai looked directly at Luke, he had to remember to breathe. He could have been shot at that moment and would never have known it. All he saw was Lorelai's face under the thin veil. She was smiling at him, and her eyes were glimmering with moisture. He couldn't look away even if he tried. She continued to look straight at him. He knew there were lots of people next to them, around them, but he suddenly felt as he did the other night when they were all alone in the tent. To him it seemed as if only he and Lorelai were there. The tent even appeared brighter and warmer with her presence. And he loved her dress. It was the most perfect dress, and she looked more beautiful than he had ever seen her. It was an antique white lace, long-sleeve sheath that fit her like a glove. There were shimmering beads scattered throughout the dress that glimmered in the light. It had a V-neckline. At her knees, the dress and the lace fanned outward, and he could tell there was a train of lace behind her, which he saw Babette straighten out as she made her way down toward the front. Suddenly, Lorelai stood there in front of him. Luke stepped forward, and Richard placed Lorelai's hand in his. Richard smiled and winked.
Standing behind Luke, Reverend Skinner said, "Who gives this woman to this man?"
Richard looked ahead and said, "Her mother and I do." Then Richard sat down in front row center corner seat beside Emily.
Luke thought he knew how he would feel finally marrying the love of his life. It took about the same amount of time for Harry Burns and Sally Albright to marry in 'When Harry Met Sally.' Lorelai made him watch that movie the other night. For the last two weeks, all they watched were movies about people falling in love and getting married, or just about the wedding itself.
All he could do was peer into her deep blue eyes. She had on a tiara-like headband that held her veil in place, but he could still see her radiant skin beneath the veil. Gazing at Lorelai, Luke was mesmerized and it seemed to him that every inch of her glowed and glimmered.
He was about to marry the craziest, most unique and zany woman he had ever met. She had more courage and strength than any ten men he knew. He could not wait to spend the next 40 or 50 years seeing where she took him and what she asked of him.
Reverend Skinner's words penetrated his momentary paralysis. "Please come forward."
Holding on to Lorelai's hand, Luke stepped forward so that the two of them were standing under the chuppah with Reverend Skinner. Sookie moved to Lorelai's other side and Jess stepped to Luke's side.
The minister began talking about what marriage meant, and how the union between a man and a woman was the most holy and beautiful union there was. Luke suddenly felt very warm. It might have been the middle of winter outside the tent, but Luke was getting warmer by the moment, and when he looked over at the minister, there was a glow about his face too. It could have been the bright lights or the many warm bodies around him, but Luke felt as if he was struggling to get air into his lungs. Luke turned to Lorelai and she gazed at him. When he looked at her, he saw hope, grace and understanding and was once again able to breathe easily. She gave him strength and clarity. Marrying Lorelai today was the best thing he had ever done.
"Do you, Lucas William Danes, take Lorelai Victoria Gilmore to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only unto her as long as you both shall live?"
Luke took a deep breath. He knew the two words he had to say now, and there was no hesitation. "I do."
Lorelai's face brightened even more. She appeared relieved.
"Do you, Lorelai Victoria Danes, take Lucas William Danes to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only unto him as long as you both shall live?"
"I don't think I'll let him go in death either, but… I do." Everyone laughed, even Luke. She never could do anything in the same way as everyone else. But he never wanted her to let go of him, even in death, so her uttering those words brought him consolation and relief too.
The exchange of rings went quickly and easily. For her, they had picked out a solid platinum band that would fit well under engagement ring. For Luke, his was a solid gold band. Lorelai had tried to get him to choose something with a design etched in the gold, titanium, silver or platinum, but he had insisted that he wanted the standard gold band.
"By the power vested in me by the state of Connecticut, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Earlier, Lorelai had instructed Luke that their kiss should be solid with a little tongue but no saliva transfer. She showed him exactly what she wanted when they watched 'The Wedding Singer' and Drew Barrymore's character kissed Adam Sandler's character to demonstrate a 'Church Kiss'. But that scene in that silly movie didn't seem to matter now. He just lifted Lorelai's veil above her head, locked his lips to hers and brought her close against him. In the movie, the kiss only lasted a brief few seconds, but after several seconds, Luke was still not ready to release Lorelai, and his lips held onto hers for just a little longer. Lorelai seemed to be right there with him since she did not let go of him either. It didn't matter that he smudged her lipstick.
Finally, when he did let go of her, there was clapping and shouts of joy from the guests around them. She grabbed his hand and began pulling him down the aisle. He followed her but pulled her to his side. As they walked, both of them squeezed the other. They made their way outside, where their photographer Ellen, took several shots of them together, their first photos as husband and wife. He now recalled the sporadic flash of the camera throughout the ceremony. But as he was so completely absorbed in the moment, it didn't dawn on him then that they were being photographed. When the rest of the wedding party and guests were biting at the bit to greet the newly married couple, Ellen instructed that she wanted to photograph them with their families and the wedding party at the front of the gazebo, and possibly some other places in the area after they were done greeting everyone.
All their family and friends surrounded Luke and Lorelai outside the tent. Rory helped Lorelai put on her off-white, wool cape, and Jess brought Luke his dark gray wool overcoat.
It was overwhelming for Luke to stand here with his beautiful bride at his side, gathered with all these friends and family, who had come to share this most amazing moment of his life with him. He had to admit that for many years, these people had meant so much to him and he was touched that they cared enough about him and Lorelai to come join in and make their special day one he would always remember. © E.S.A. 2008
10. Rehearsing on Valentine's, Part I
by *GilmoresRock5 on Comments
Luke and Lorelai had decided, actually Lorelai was more resolved than Luke, that for the week prior to their wedding they would abstain from sex until after the wedding. Lorelai thought it would make everything seem more traditional and romantic. Moreover, since Luke would be staying at his place with April, he did not anticipate any problems with that request. However, after reciting their vows earlier, then heading back to the house so Lorelai could freshen up, it took more than a little effort not to escalate things. Also, there were guests waiting for them to arrive at seven o'clock to for their rehearsal dinner at the Dragonfly Inn. It was exactly one minute before seven when they arrived back at the house.
Luke and Lorelai could not stop touching each other during the entire car ride back from the wedding tent to their house. Lorelai sat right up against Luke as he drove. Not five minutes later, as soon as the front door of the house was closed, Luke and Lorelai locked in a passionate embrace. They kissed each other with such fervor that they repeatedly banged into the stairway banister. What purpose did banisters serve other than to keep one standing? Luke continued to kiss Lorelai, absorbing the taste of her mouth. He knew that he needed to stop, to let her go, and allow them to reach their rehearsal dinner. The abstaining rule that Luke allowed her to implement would be over in two days, but he had to endure two more days of this utter frustration. This week of celibacy felt more like months. There wasn't a single night in the last seven days when he didn't reach for her in his sleep. Finding an empty space beside him, Luke would wake in a panic until he remembered that their separation was only temporary. In only a matter of days and they would not have to be apart again… He tasted berries on her lips yet he wasn't even sure if she had eaten any berries today. But that taste of her was intoxicating and addictive. Last night, Lorelai had him watch a Gene Wilder interview in which Gene compared Gilda Radner to chocolate cake. Luke knew exactly what Gene meant and in his mind, Lorelai was Crème Brulée, which was his favorite dessert, with mixed berries on top and a raspberry coulis on the side. While raspberry coulis didn't even go with Crème Brulée, at this moment it seemed to go perfectly.
As they kissed, they took off their coats and draped them over the banister, another practical use for the banisters.
"We should stop," Lorelai said after a moment of catching her breath.
Luke kissed her again before he answered, "We're already late."
"I know," Lorelai answered with her eyes closed and her lips pressed against his.
"But nothing can start without us," Luke said, holding her tightly.
"That's true too," she replied before giving in to another passionate onslaught of his lips and tongue. When she caught her breath again, she added, "I don't want to stop what we're doing. It seems imperative to me that I stay in your arms just a little longer."
He kissed her again. "I don't want to let you go either. We have the house to ourselves, for crying out loud!"
Lorelai ran her hands up and down Luke's back under his suit jacket. There was still a shirt and undershirt between her hands and his skin, yet Luke only wanted to feel the softness of her hands caressing him directly, but he knew that even this would torture him more. For several minutes, they simply stood locked in an inseparable embrace. Lorelai laid her head in the crook of Luke's neck as Luke ran his fingers through her hair and held her head close to him. She breathed into his neck and tickled his skin, but he ignored the tickle because he didn't want either of them to shift an inch. Finally, after several moments, Luke took several deep breaths and loosened his hold of her.
"Okay, you better go upstairs and fix yourself, before we can't leave and won't have a rehearsal dinner at all!"
Lorelai moaned for a bit without saying anything, then suddenly released her tight grip on Luke and raced up the stairs looking back at him as she went.
Twenty-five minutes later, Lorelai came down looking beautifully put together again and as poised as if a half hour ago she wasn't limp in his arms.
"All set?" Luke asked as he took Lorelai's coat and held it open for her.
"Don't I look 'all set'?" She asked as she slipped on her coat.
"You look beyond all set. You look incredible!"
She smiled as he put on his own coat. "Good answer."
Luke smiled back. "Thank you. You've taught me a thing or two. But you do look incredible," he said, looking at her up and down, then back again into her eyes.
"Okay, time to get out of here before we delay our guests any further!"
"Right," Luke said as he opened the door and held it open for Lorelai.
Luke and Lorelai were more than fashionably late for their rehearsal dinner. Fortunately, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, talking, drinking and listening to Old Blue Eyes in the background. Their guests were scattered throughout the cozy first floor of the Dragonfly, and the moment they stepped foot into the inn, people stopped what they were doing. A few people yelled, "Finally! They're here!" Then everyone clapped. Luke and Lorelai stood together holding hands as everyone applauded for them. After a minute, Luke lifted his free hand and said, "Thank you everyone, but that's enough!"
Roars of laughter erupted throughout the gathering of their guests. Rory, April and Jess approached Luke and Lorelai as they removed their coats. One waiter also stepped towards them offering a tray full of mini potato pancakes with applesauce. Lorelai gathered several pancakes, but Luke shook his head. "Not right now, thank you!"
"Well, hi, Jess!" Lorelai exclaimed. "It's been a long time since I've seen you."
"Yup," he said with a smile of sorts on his unreadable face.
"I guess we're going to be family now," Lorelai remarked as she finished her first potato latke.
"It looks that way," Jess said, glancing at Rory.
"Those chatty Danes men!" April exclaimed. "Thank God, I inherited some loquacious genes from somewhere!"
Having overheard the conversation, Liz came over placing one arm around her son and another around her niece, "It's only the Danes men that are taciturn, April. You don't have anything to be concerned about! The Danes women, on the other hand," she continued, chuckling as she did, "were never at a loss of words!"
"That's for sure," Luke chimed in.
"Then I fit in just fine!" April answered.
"That you do," both Liz and Luke simultaneously answered.
"I should fit in quite well too!" Lorelai added, rubbing her hands together and looking around the room to see if she could get some more apps to help curb her appetite.
Luke put his arm around Lorelai and kissed her forehead. "There was no question about that," he answered.
"That's what I said to my big brother all along. You were destined to be a Danes!"
Lorelai smiled, seeming pleased with the idea. "Thanks, Liz! I'm so glad you're in my corner."
"The Danes women have to stick together! Who knows when we might need to gang up on our men?" Liz added, winking at Luke.
Rory finally came up to her mother, hugging her, then hugged Luke. "Okay, you two," she said, taking the coats from Luke, "come in and enjoy your party!"
There was a small bar station in the corner of the living room and a long set table in the dining room all "Bracebridge Dinner" s-t-y-l-e. A lilac jacquard tablecloth with a deep red runner placed down the center covered the table. The rest of the table was crowded with silver-plated candelabras, rose-colored glass goblets of different sizes, off-white, china place-settings with silver chargers underneath and then ornate silverware flanking the china. Several floral arrangements of pink, white and lavender roses were carefully placed in the center of the table. And as an added touch, there was a single red rose stem in its own glass vial on top of every other place setting for each female guest. As there were more women than men in attendance, there were extra red roses on the sideboard, but Lorelai did not want to spoil the desired look when she set the table earlier in the day. It appeared to be the perfect table setting for a rehearsal dinner held on Valentine's Day.
The first thing Luke and Lorelai did was head straight for the bar. "One dry martini with many olives and a beer, please," Luke ordered from the bartender.
Suddenly, Sookie popped over, coming up behind them, "Hey, guys! I thought you'd never get here!"
Luke and Lorelai turned around and smirked at each other. "Yeah, well, it was getting close there," Lorelai answered, "but we definitely wanted to be here."
"Uh-huh," Sookie answered, smiling through her teeth, before jumping up, clapping her hands together and nudging Lorelai. "So tell me! What did you think? Did you like the surprise?"
"You knew?" Lorelai asked, looking at Sookie and then at Luke.
Sookie looked abashed with eyes continually darting down and her dimples becoming more accentuated. "I'm afraid so. I'm sorry!"
"Yeah, I'm sorry too, " Luke answered briefly turning around to pick up their drinks and handed the martini glass to Lorelai. "But I definitely needed some guidance on how to pull that off. Rory and April helped too, but they were less in on the details of the plans."
Lorelai shrugged. "I guess that makes sense. It was absolutely perfect!"
Sookie smiled, clapping her hands together. "Good, I'm so glad! I kept worrying if I forgot to tell Luke to do something. My mind was in a quandary until I knew for sure that all went well!"
"You would think it was you, Sookie, rather than me planning the surprise," Luke replied.
Sookie giggled. "I know! I seemed to take on the stress of the whole thing as if it was something I was doing for Jackson!"
"So what's for dinner, Sookie?" Luke asked.
"Well," Sookie started to reply, putting on her chef's persona, "it just so happens that we are having Roasted Duck a la Sookie, which means the sauce is strained twice," both Sookie and Luke smiled at that, "wild rice with cranberries, roasted chestnuts, I know that doesn't traditionally go with duck, but I made it work."
"No reason chestnuts couldn't go with duck," Luke answered.
"And sautéed green beans. Dessert's going to be surprise!"
"What about the soup?" Lorelai asked.
"Oh yeah! And we're having French Onion Soup to start. That was Lorelai's request."
"To me, French Onion Soup's definitely a Valentine's Day staple," Lorelai commented.
Luke nodded. "It all sounds wonderful. I'm sure it'll be splendid!"
"Of course, it'll be!" Sookie remarked. "Oooh! I have to go to tend to the cheese for the soup. Ciao, guys!" Sookie added as she waved with both hands and backed up towards the kitchen.
"I'm going to go over to talk to Jess for a little bit, okay?" Luke asked as he sipped his beer.
"Sure," Lorelai said, as she sighed. "I guess I should go say 'hello' to my parents, and now's as good a time as any since Rory's over there too."
"Have fun," Luke joked.
"I'd rather be the one talking to my parents than the one talking to Jess!"
"Then go on," Luke replied gesturing for her to take her leave.
Luke went over to Jess and April standing across the floor by the reception desk. "Hey," Luke said to Jess as he bent down to kiss his daughter.
"Hey," Jess replied.
"I was just telling Jess how beautiful his little sister is," April mentioned. "He's still not used to having a sister. For me, it's neat having a stepsister although I'm still going to have to get used to it."
"Well, neither of you live near your sisters," Luke remarked. "Try living in the same house or even the same town as your sister, then you really can't forget that you have one."
Jess smiled at that and April chuckled.
"So, how is it seeing Rory again?" Luke asked Jess.
"Ah. You know – It's fine I guess," Jess answered. "She's been friendly."
"You know, Logan, her ex-boyfriend, is going to be there on Saturday at the wedding."
"Yeah, she told me. I'm not going to get in his way."
"I want you to do more than not get in his way, Jess! You're going to be the best man! It's up to you to keep things running smoothly, and no one, and I mean NO ONE, gets into any fights! I don't want anything to ruin the day for Lorelai!"
Jess nodded. "I promise – nothing will happen."
"Good," Luke replied, putting his hand on Jess' shoulder.
"You know," April started to say. "With Dad and Lorelai getting married, you and Rory are going to be related."
Luke smiled at that. "I'm sure he's already come to that conclusion. Right, Jess?"
Jess shrugged. "It's not something I've given much thought to."
"Uh-huh," Luke replied, squinting and studying Jess.
"What?" Jess asked.
"Nothing," Luke answered, shaking his head. "Nothing at all."
"What's there to think about? You're marrying Rory's mother. What's that supposed to make us? Bobbsey twins? I don't think so. So, we'll be relations of sorts through marriage. It's not like we're going to Blood Brothers or something."
"So, Jess, do you have a girlfriend?" April asked.
Jess cleared his throat, shifting around slightly before he stood still again.
"Yeah, Jess, do you have a lucky lady in your life?" Luke asked, standing there smiling with both his hands in each pocket.
"I don't live the life of a monk if that's what you're asking," he answered.
April looked a bit pensive at his answer. She had gotten new glasses again, and these were barely visible. Luke could see more of her radiant face. Lorelai and Rory had laid the make-up on a little too thick though, and Luke was not used to seeing her all dolled up. He had to admit, however, she looked so pretty in her violet velvet dress with matching bolero jacket that Lorelai picked out for her. "I don't think that's what I asked," April remarked. "The question was did you have a girlfriend. One particular girl that you're steady with."
"No one uses the word 'steady' anymore. They didn't even use it at any point in your lifetime!" Jess added.
"Could you be avoiding the question?" Luke asked.
"No! I'm not avoiding the question… There might be a girl I see more often than I see other women."
"That's all I asked," April said.
"Interesting," Luke answered.
"What's so interesting? Do you want to know more about her? Do you want to know what she does, where she comes from, how I met her?"
"Not unless you want to tell me those things about her," Luke replied, crossing his arms in front of him and staring at Jess.
"I would like to know those facts about her!" April answered.
"Aw, Jeez!" Jess said. "I'm going to get another beer. Do either of you want something more to drink?"
"Nope, I'm fine. Thanks for asking," April said.
"No, thanks," Luke answered.
10. Rehearsal on Valentine's, Part II
by *GilmoresRock5 on Comments
Lorelai joined Sookie in the kitchen. It was chaotic in there, so they moved into the pantry with a couple of chairs each. It wasn't completely private, but Sookie needed to be on deck and it had to do. Still, several kitchen staffers kept coming in to ask Sookie a question about the preparations.
"You look so happy," Sookie said, lifting her feet onto an empty chair beside her. She moaned for a minute. "I can't remember the last time I sat down. I certainly don't think it was today! From the moment, I got up in the morning, it was 'Mommy, mommy, do my hair!' or 'Mommy, can you make us French Toast? Daddy's doesn't come out as good as yours!' And then there's the little one who either wanted my boob or the bottle with la leche de la madre!" Sookie saw Lorelai smiling at her and laughed. "Sorry! I didn't mean to chime in with the craziness of my life when this is your night and your big weekend!"
"That's okay! As long as you remembered now that it's my night," Lorelai teased.
"Of course, I remember! Hopefully this is the last of your wedding adventures."
"I never had a rehearsal dinner before," Lorelai added.
Sookie thought about that. "I guess that's true. Well, to be honest, I have a good feeling about this time around. I think this one's gonna stick!"
Lorelai smiled and wrapped her arms around herself. "Sookie," Lorelai responded, "I can't believe we got here! It all came together, and I'm finally going to marry Luke. And I'm not sure but it seems to me that he wants to marry me even more than I want to marry him… if that's even possible!"
"You've come a long way, Baby!"
Lorelai smiled. "We definitely have. To think where we were a year ago this time… My father had had his heart attack, and I realized that I still wanted Luke. I didn't know if or how I was going to get him back, all I knew was that my feelings for him were nowhere near gone."
"Anyone could see how you and Luke still ached for each other. It was so apparent on both of your faces! I only hoped you could both put the past year behind you and go about your merry way."
"I thought he would never want me again."
"Now that's just plum crazy!" Sookie said. "For years, everyone in this entire town has seen that man pine for you. And in all the years I've known Luke, nothing has ever affected him like you did! Not Anna nor Rachel, and certainly not Nicole! His relationship with Nicole was just a mistake from the get-go! He was just trying to bide his time until he could find a way to be with you."
"If it was such a mistake, how could he marry her?"
"How could you marry Christopher?"
"You know, Lorelai, had it ever occurred to you that if you had stayed with Chris, you would've never have been as happy as you are now with Luke."
Lorelai sighed. "Yes, I know. I really botched things up there and I truly hope that Chris can really get past what happened. Maybe we could still have the relationship which we had for so many years before all that craziness entered the picture."
Lorelai turned her head and saw Luke standing by the doorframe. Then he wasn't there, having left just as suddenly as she first saw him.
"Oh, God!" Lorelai exclaimed, bracing her head with her hands.
"Boy – Oh – Boy!" Sookie exclaimed. "He certainly walked into the conversation at the worst possible moment!"
"Of course, he did! Okay, I've to go find him!"
"Yes, you do, and I've got to make sure our staff isn't screwing up my meal!"
"You do that," Lorelai responded, obviously seemingly concerned about finding Luke.
"Yeah, honey?"
"It's going to be okay? This will get settled very quickly, you'll see."
Lorelai nodded and left.
Lorelai walked around the main floor of the inn, saying 'hi' to everyone as she did. Of course, their guests wanted to give her their good wishes and tell her how beautiful she looked. But she didn't see Luke anywhere. She even ignored the hors d'oeuvre trays. She then checked her office, and there on the loveseat were Jess and Rory, turning around when she walked in, looking very surprised and a bit guilty. She, however, did not have the time right now to get into whatever they were feeling guilty about. "Have either of you seen Luke in the last ten minutes?"
Both of them shook their head and said, "No." So she stepped back out, and closed the door.
She wondered whether she should check upstairs, when she had an epiphany. Suddenly, she went to Michel's little office behind the reception desk and found her coat. She also took Luke's coat with her.
Lorelai made her way through the kitchen, while Sookie was dictating to her staff how to present each platter of food and then transfer the item onto the guests' individual plates. Some of the staff rolled their eyes at one another but did not say a word and stood quietly as Sookie continued.
Before she left, Lorelai added a couple of pieces of the meatloaf sushi onto a plate, and headed out the back door. She looked around the surrounding area and didn't see anyone venturing outside. All the cars were tightly crammed into the parking lot, and the two valet guys were probably somewhere keeping warm at the moment. Lorelai headed towards the second barn where she could see a light on. She tried to hurry down the path that was cleared of snow as best she could, but also didn't want to fall in her stiletto heels.
Lorelai walked into the barn, and with her came a waft of cold air hitting Luke, who was already shivering since he had left the inn without his coat. He had been sliding his hands over the wood on the port side of the boat, to make certain that it was perfectly smooth without any rough patches or splinters. It seemed smooth, but he wanted to re-sand it just to be sure.
"Luke! Thank God!" Lorelai exclaimed, taking several deep breaths and starting to look very relieved. "You had me so worried!"
Luke walked over and took the coat that Lorelai held out to him and put it on right away, buttoning it up and even putting up the collar. "Sorry. I didn't mean to worry you."
"Luke, you have it all wrong! You've nothing to be upset about!"
"I don't?"
"No! Not at all! You see, Sookie and I were saying how if I stayed with Christopher, I would've never have been as happy as I am right now with you. And I was just telling her that I felt guilty about that."
"It sounded to me like you wanted a relationship with him."
"Just a friendship, Luke. I only want him and me to be friends. We still have a daughter together."
Luke just stared at Lorelai, not saying anything. He was studying her, seeing what he could read in her face.
"Look, we went through this! Chris'll never be completely out of our lives, and he has been part of my family for a long time. He wasn't always the most reliable person and he wasn't Father of the Year to Rory, but he was always there in the background, and we knew he cared about us."
"Where was I in that picture you create?"
"You were much closer!"
"Much closer than family?"
"Yes, no. You were family too. But you were here. You were here in Stars Hollow. You were part of our lives everyday."
"Which means what?"
"Luke, please? I want to be with you more than I want anything else! We just poured our hearts out to each other not two hours ago, and I want everything I said then!" Lorelai was almost crying out as she tried to reason with him. "I swear! Sookie and I just agreed that I am happier now than I've ever been in my life. You just happened to walk in at the worst possible moment! If you walked in two minutes earlier, you would've been pleased with what you heard."
Luke nodded. He then held out his arms, and Lorelai practically ran into them. He wrapped his arms tightly around her. "I'm sorry. I get a little crazy when I hear you mention him. I know I'm going to have to do something about that."
"It's okay. I'm so sorry you had to hear that, and at our rehearsal dinner. If I have to prove to you over and over again that you're the one I choose, then I will. I know it must be difficult for you to deal with him not being completely out of the picture. I promise, I'll do whatever I can for the rest of lives to make sure you never feel threatened by him again. And I don't mind if I have to tell you every day of our lives that I pick you! If that's the price I have to pay to be with you forever than I'll gladly pay it!"
Luke loosened his hold and moved slightly away from Lorelai as he looked at her, "I don't want you to have to pay any price, especially not everyday for the rest of our lives."
Lorelai blinked, trying to prevent the moisture in her eyes from running down her face. "When Chris and I were over, and I realized that the only thing I wanted right then was you, I made a silent agreement with God. If he can find a way for you and I to be together again and not screw it up, I would do anything he asked of me… Everything, short of becoming a vegetarian. But I don't think God intended for me to be a vegetarian."
Luke smiled and ran the back of his hand up and down her cheek.
"I think I would have a very difficult time maintaining a vegetarian diet being married to you," Luke answered, smiling at her.
Lorelai smiled and hugged Luke again as she responded, "I think you're right! Speaking of food, though, from the looks of things in the kitchen before I headed down here, I think dinner's about to start."
Luke nodded and, with his arm draped around her shoulder, headed back to the inn. © E.S.A. 2008
9. The Festivities Begin
by *GilmoresRock5 on Comments
It was cold and windy outside, a typical, crisp February day. Luke and Lorelai's wedding was taking place in two days. But before that day, Luke had one thing he wanted to do. He was planning to surprise Lorelai with it. They both dressed for their rehearsal dinner at the Dragonfly. Luke carried a blindfolded Lorelai through the Town Square since she was not wearing the proper shoes to be walking on the snow-covered ground. Plus, it gave her less of an idea of where they were headed.
"We are we?" She asked.
"You'll see in a minute," Luke said through clenched teeth. It wasn't easy carrying a grown woman, svelte as she was, 100 yards under normal conditions, but there was snow everywhere and he was also wearing a suit and dress shoes. Finally, Luke stepped through the half closed flap of their wedding tent and set Lorelai down on the heavy-duty blue carpet that was laid out over thick, rubber matting.
"Here we are," he said, as he took the blindfold off her. She stood completely still for several minutes just taking in everything around her.
The gilded wooden chairs with white cushions were already in place, and the multiple lines of sparkle lights circled around the perimeter of the tent roof and floor, and they set the tent aglow. Luke could see the setting sun through the tent windows and the dusk sky through clear plastic roofing. He was pleased about the perfect timing of it all, arriving here right at sunset. And on either side of the center aisle were lanterns set in the ground on black iron stands. They were all lit up, as were the six lanterns surrounding the hand-carved wooden chuppah that Luke made Lorelai many moons ago for a different wedding that fortunately did not take place. Instead, it was going to be the spot where Luke and Lorelai would stand when they marry in less than 48 hours. Inside the tent, the air had a warm mist-like quality to it. It was just the two of them there, but the tent already held such a powerful energy, and there was a sense that the energy was intensifying.
"What are we doing here, Luke?"
"I wanted to be here with you alone. I want to tell you something and I want it to be sort of my vow to you with no witnesses. And it seemed fitting for me to do this on Valentine's Day as it's my solemn promise to you for our life together."
"Luke, what are you talking about?"
"On Saturday, you and I'll be here with our families and friends, and we'll officially be married. Although I wouldn't want it any other way, in front of everyone, we aren't reciting vows that we wrote, it's just going to be a brief non-denominational ceremony, because you understand that I want the least amount of fuss for the occasion. But I thought we could have our own private ceremony now. Just you and me, to say what's in our hearts instead of the standard traditional vows."
"You mean say our own vows, vows we wrote ourselves, now?"
"I know I didn't give you any notice to come up with anything. I'm sorry about that. I thought about telling you and giving you a chance to prepare something, but I thought it would be more romantic if I surprised you with my idea. And you're never usually at a loss for words. Did I do the wrong thing by not telling you?"
"No," Lorelai said, looking around the tent at everything that had already been done to transform the plain white tent. Lorelai took Luke's hand in hers. "I love your idea. I love being here with you. It's an awesome feeling knowing that this is where we'll legally become husband and wife. The décor's starting to take shape just as I imagined, but the aura's something I never envisioned."
"I know," Luke said, tightening his hold of Lorelai's hand and pulling her closer to him. "It feels kind of sacred in here."
"To me, it feels like a festive sanctuary. Just outside these tent walls lies the town where we live, but in here, I can almost hear the buzz of angels hovering around, blessing this tent and our union."
"Is that what happens on Valentine's Day? Angels go around blessing couples?"
"Only those getting married around Valentine's Day!"
Luke shook his head, lifting his eyebrows. "Okay," he said sarcastically. "Your imagery's much more vivid than mine, but I have to admit that I feel the energy of some other entity in this tent. Jeez, does that make me a nutcase to think that way? I can't believe I'm saying such a thing."
"It's the tent where you're going to be married. It should feel sacred and powerful to you. Yet, it still does make you sound a bit crazy, but you're MY nutcase and that's okay to me. Plus, there's no denying what's really here. I wonder if the others'll feel it too on Saturday."
"Maybe this feeling's just reserved for you and me right here right now."
"My romantic nutcase," Lorelai added, kissing Luke's cheek. "It'll probably be a little difficult to feel the aura of the surroundings when we have 100 people crowding the space."
"Come with me," Luke said, still holding Lorelai's hand as he headed towards the chuppah.
As she let herself be guided to the front of the tent, Lorelai said, "This is really a beautiful sentiment, Luke."
When Luke reached their destination, he looked at her as they both stood next to the chuppah. "But?"
"No 'but's. I love that you thought of this," she replied, beaming at him.
Luke smiled back and took a deep breath. "I'm glad."
Luke took off his gray wool overcoat, folded it in half, and placed on a chair in the front row. He was wearing his black suit with a white shirt and a black and metallic purple paisley tie that April had bought him. The tie was very chic and trendy but still very elegant, or at least that's what Rory and April said.
"You look so dashing," Lorelai commented.
"Thank you. And you look ravishing," he said as Lorelai took off her coat and revealed her black chiffon dress that left her arms bare and had a deep V in the front and in the back, and went to an inch above her knees. It was that sexy black dress that drove him crazy when she wore it. She also had a diamond medallion broche, that Luke bought for her for Valentine's Day, from an Estate Costume jewelry collection Liz turn him on to, set just at the crux of the V at the front of her dress. Except for her engagement ring, that was all the jewelry she was wearing. Of course, her hair was down just past her shoulders with all the waves and curls framing her face beautifully. It was that face that tightened the muscles around his heart and made it beat a little faster. She was smiling at him, and there was a white mist around her white alabaster face. He had to take several deep breaths because he kept forgetting to breathe. His senses were leaving him. He took both her hands in his and brought them together to his lips. He kissed them and then lowered his arms still holding her hands.
"You take my breath away," Lorelai said.
"You took the words out of my mouth. That's exactly what I was feeling – like you were taking my breath away!"
They both smiled and took a deep breath.
"Okay, now here goes what I wanted to tell you," Luke started. "I love you. I know you know that. And you know I don't say those words so easily. I'm not even sure if those three simple words cover the extent of what I feel for you. For some people, they may fall in and out of love. But as far as my love for you, it's eternal. I can guarantee that I'll love you to the day I die and then probably beyond. I want to be there for you and with you for the rest of our lives. I know in the past we've both made mistakes, and it might've seemed like I gave up on us, but really I never did. My heart and my soul wouldn't allow for that to happen. I have to live with the fact that I almost gave up on us - twice. But I feel that I truly learned my lesson well. I'm an empty, miserable person without you. You bring light and joy and song to my grumpy, cynical world. I want to be your life partner. And I promise I'll do my best to be there for you and let you be there for me. I promise I'll never shut you out of my life again. I'll communicate to you my thoughts, feelings, hopes and desires. I don't want to close off any aspect of my life to you. And if you feel that I am, please hit me on the head if you have to, but just let me know and make sure you get through my thick, hard skull. You're everything to me, Lorelai… You know I love April. It's amazing to feel this paternal love that I have for her, and you know that I love Rory too. But you're happiness for me. I promise I'll do everything in my power for the rest of my life to try to make you feel as happy as you make me." As he spoke, his eyes started to blur over, and he could feel the brightness of Lorelai's eyes locked with his, but it wasn't until he finished that he saw her tears too. They began to run down her face.
"Luke -"
"One more thing, I know that life isn't always easy, and there'll be some bumps in the road for us sometime in the future. I want to be your strength, as you're mine. Lean on me forever, as I promise always to lean on you. My solemn vow to you is that I am yours' completely and forever."
"Now, I'm going to need to redo my makeup before we go to the rehearsal dinner."
"I know you have what you need to fix your face in that purse of yours!"
"No, I don't. I can't fit the usual accompaniments in that little thing," Lorelai pointed to the black beaded bag that was not much bigger than her hand sitting on top of her coat.
"Well, the dinner can't start until we get there. So we can definitely stop at home and you can take whatever time you need."
"Uh-huh, you think by your saying that that I'll do my best to be quick, don't you?"
"I don't think any such thing," Luke replied. "If it's one thing I learned in the past decade of knowing you, there's no rushing perfection."
Lorelai giggled, and her face stayed in that laughing pose even after the sound had stopped. She just looked at Luke and twisted back and forth in her place. "You're being so sweet to me, tonight, but you're gonna have me falling apart before we get through the wedding on Saturday night."
Luke took his hands and gently rubbed them up and down Lorelai's cold, exposed arms. "That's not my intention at all. The only thing I want is for you to be happy and have no doubts about the next 48 hours, because I have none."
"Absolutely none! Don't worry, I'm not going to be your 'Runaway Groom.' I know I was the one who got scared last time. But the scariest thing to me is the thought of not having you by my side for the next 40 or 50 years."
Lorelai closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "This is all so wonderful, Luke. You're making me feel like a goddess. And I can't say I mind it at all," she beamed up at him as she spoke. "But you have to forgive yourself for what happened last time we were together. Yes, you pushed me away, and yes, I consoled myself by blocking out the pain of losing you and surrendering to Chris' persistent advances, and we were apart for an entire year. We wish we could turn back the clock and redo that time when things fell apart for us. But it's done, its completely gone from our lives. We've both moved past it, and we've forgiven each other. Now it's time to forgive ourselves. Because whatever path we took, we are here now, about to be married, and that's all that matters to me. Maybe we had some lessons to learn, and maybe it just wasn't our time to marry. I think we're stronger and closer now than we've ever been. This time around, being with you is even better than I remembered. And if we had started dating when we first met, would we have been able to weather the storms we've faced since we became a couple almost four years ago? We don't know. We'll never know. But I believe that through all that madness, there was a purpose in all of it…
"In the end, we've made a new beginning for ourselves. I got the man I always wanted and never knew I wanted until I had him. When we got together, I just knew you were it for me. You gave me peace and sanctuary that I never felt with anyone else. Rory helped quiet the storms raging within me, but I never felt so cared for, so protected, so loved until you came into my life. My parents didn't understand me, and I didn't fit into their mold, and so we could never find solace with one another. I found it here in this town, with Rory, with the people of this town, but most of all, I found it with you."
Luke smiled at Lorelai. Everything she just said meant so much to him. He knew he would love whatever she said. "You're doing incredibly well for not having had a chance to think about what you were going to say. See, I knew you didn't need time to prepare! I don't remember a single time you were at a loss for words."
Lorelai smiled at Luke. For a moment, neither of them said anything. They both stood there, under the chuppah, holding hands and looking at one another. Then, Luke brought Lorelai against him, wrapped his arms tightly around her, and they kissed. Since there was no audience, the kiss was not brief, and they kissed quite passionately considering they were fully clothed and had to be somewhere else shortly. When their lips parted, Lorelai hugged Luke to her, resting her head on his chest. They both stood there with their eyes closed, holding each other for a long time. © E.S.A. 2008
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