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*HCothlove1227 Blog

Boston Celtics 2008 NBA CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!!!

The boston celtics officially beat the crap out of the lakers on Tuesday, June 17. They beat them 131-92 FOR THE WIN. This team totally deserved it and thats why I am SOOOOOOOOOOO happy! THe big three- Pierce, Garnett and Allen- are my favourite players on the team, and I am so glad they got the trophy cause everyone knows they deserve it more than anyone else. Rondo played an amazing game, I was so impressed!

Congratulations to Boston. LOVE IT!

Life is Short

First, I just want to point out the severe lack of Naley scenes in this episode. Having the huge bias that I do, this made me enjoy the episode a little less. But, thankfully, I wasn't completely uninterested because of the:


What a great scene.. I loved it. They are so cute, they have undeniable chemistry, and after this scene I am more than content having them be friends. The ending scene made the episode for me.

Otherwise, it was only an okay episode for me, and there have been very few of those this season for me.

Deb- hahah wow, that was just so wrong.

Dan- He best not be lieing. If he isn't I doesn't really matter to me, I just want him and all his nonsense off the show.

Jamie- cute as always.

Mouth/Milly- too much screen time.

LLP- I'm glad Lindsey laid it down for him. It was about time.

Skillz- He always tells it like it is- love him for it.

What Do You Go Home To?

I loved this episode! I thought it was a really nice chills one that still kept my interest the whole way through.

1. The opening scene for this episode was simply priceless.

Jamie: Chester.

Brooke: Brooke. I have to pee...

Haley: Jamie.

Nathan: Jamie. Damn, my girl is hot.

hahahah and the scott family scene was just ADORABLE! It was just brilliant.

2.Lets start with the small stuff.

Mouth- I was pretty much yelling at him to get off my screen.

Skillz- I was pretty much yelling at him for not kicking the bejeesus out of Quentin.

Quentin- Well I was pretty much just yelling at him.

Dan- I didn't buy his "I'm so sorry" look for a second. That man is up to something as per usual, and even if he isn't, I don't have an ounce of pity left in my body for him. He deserves nothing.

Deb- I'm really glad she is back, she was always hilarious and not a screen time hogger like Dan.

3. Alrighty, so the fab five:

Naley- Really cute, for some reason I believe they are cuter now than ever. Maybe it is just because Jamie is now part of the cute equation. The nanny scene was hilarious. I am really glad Nathan is going back to basketball- Quentin is such an ass, Nathan needs to beat him to show him who is boss. He could definitely take him. I'm also really glad that Haley is getting back to work, and with Peyton! I was so happy when the three girls had some bonding time this episode- we need more of that. And when Nathan and Lucas walked in the room I was like FREEZE- just freeze, right there, let me remember what it was like to have all five of you in the same room for once without any Lindseys or Nanny's or Jamie's. I wish they had stayed that way for a little longer.

Leyton- I was really glad that these two got to talk, although Lucas is still a huge idiot for thinking that he loves Lindsey and that she is gonna come back to him. I'm starting to think that he really believes it now himself, not half believing it like he did before. I was proud of Peyton for telling him that she felt bad and that she hopes they work everything out- I just wish she meant it. I wish she would get over Lucas and realize that if he can't see how much he loves you and you love him, you deserve better.

Brooke- Chase, what a cutie. THroughout season 4 I absolutely hated him, because I saw NO chemistry there. But this episode changed a whole lot. It also made me upset that Owen was excused in such a lame way. I understand the circumstances, but a lot more could have been done to make his send off more realistic. About the baby- it was really cute, and I'm glad she doesn't have it permanently because a trial run is what she needs to realize how hard it is gonna be. But i foreshadow a lot of difficulty with this baby- she won't be able to give it up and we all know it.

All in all a great episode, a really nice relaxing one that gave me a weird sense of closure for no apparent reason. Hahah....

Echoes, Silence, Patience and Grace

I have to say, that I absolutely loved this episode. Not just because I am a die hard Naley fan, but because I really think it was superbly done. I loved how they connected each of the main fives stories together by just one word- and the voiceovers at the end made me get really emotional/sentimental, firstly because there hasn't been voiceovers in so long and I LOVE THEM, and also because what they were saying was just touching, as always.

I really hate how people are saying that this episode was boring- I loved it because we finally got to see how each character felt and what they were thinking. Sure, there weren't any car crashes, shootings or fires, but there was beautiful dialogue, and if a whole episode dedicated to talking is what we need to get this show on the road, then so be it. I loved it.

Naley- Well there is really no doubt that I loved every scene with them. The therapist session was a great chance for us to hear everything that hadn't been said in episodes past- how Nathan liked screwing up so Haley could forgive him, or how he only liked the attention Carrie was giving him simply because Haley hadn't looked at him in that way in so long. The pre-hook-up dialogue made me cry, being the huge Naley sap that I am, and the hook-up itself was just great! hahah the sexy talk was reallllly cute and when nathan took off his shirt, well that just did me in. I love them and I couldn't be happier that they are back together.

Peyton- I was a little dissappointed that most of what she was saying this episode was about how she missed Lucas and wanted Lucas. I wanted her to be that strong Peyton, the one who was ready to get over Lucas "i'm a huge douche bag" Scott.

Brooke- I am glad she didn't get a child, the adoptive agent was right in that she is too young. But I was of course really sad for her, especially since Victoria is such a b*tch, and also because she gave that brilliant speech at the end. She deserves to be a mother; but I think she will just as much deserve it in a couple of years as she does now.

Lucas- Come on now, honeslty, I can not believe he still thinks he loves Lindsey, after she specifically told him that he loves Peyton. He is evidently more of an idiot than I initially thought.

Dan- He and Jamie were really cute. I actually like their relationship.

One thing I didn't get : What was with the whole "let's beat the sh*t out of dan for no apparent reason " scene? I really didn't see how that fit in.

Anyway, I loved it. I think it was a good relaxing, takin it easy kind of episode after the cliffhanger that was 512.

Side note: I can't believe Jaimie got banned! That is too bad.

500 posts!

Yay! So wednesday will be the two month mark as me being a member here :)

i actually love it on,

everyone is so nice, and it is great for discussion.

I"VE GOT 500! YAY!

haha half way to one thousand....

Ship Questionnaire (Full credit to Chick94)

6 ships you like:

1.Nathan and Haley (One Tree Hill)

2.Brooke and Lucas (One Tree Hill)

3.Sawyer and Kate (Lost)

4.Rory and Jess (Gilmore Girls)

5.Monica and Chandler (Friends)

6.Charlie and Claire (Lost)

3 ships you used to like but don't anymore:

7. Robin and Ted (How I Met Your Mother)

8. Rachel and Ross (Friends)

9. Lorelai and Christopher (Gilmore Girls)

3 ships you can't stand:

10. Jack and Kate (Lost)

11. Lucas and Peyton (One Tree Hill)

12. Rory and Dean (Gilmore Girls)

2 ships you're curious about but haven't started shipping yet:

13. Robin and Barney (How I Met Your Mother)

14. Nathan and Peyton (One Tree Hill)

Why do you dislike #11 so much?

Well actually, lately they have been growing on me. It's not that I dislike leyton persay- it's that I like brucas more. Imo, they had more chemistry together, they're relationship brought out both the best and the worst in them, and to me, this was more realistic. They fought and had drama, but they had fun and I thought that they suited each other really well. Leyton left a bad taste in my mouth when they cheated the first time brucas were an item- and I guess this is what fueled my dislike for the couple from the beginning. I also dislike how their "meant to be" status is constantly shoved in our faces. But again, of late, this has been changing, and they are slowly growing on me.

Who is someone you know that ships #13?

Well, my sister's boyfriend is the one that got me into How I Met Your Mother, and both him and I agree that Robin and Barney would be a hilarious couple. It would be funny because Robin would be the first girl Barney would ever want to settle down with, and to Robin, Barney would be the first guy she would ever want to settle down with.

What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3?

Kate stops being the female version of a playa and chooses Sawyer, they have a hot hook up on the island one last time, where sawyer makes some brilliant speech about how he hasn't been the one to fall in love but for the first time he has, and that kate means everything to him.. and Kate would reciprocate and say "I love you too" and then they would get rescued only to build a life together back home. Jack ideally would get stuck on some other island.

What is your favourite episode for couple #1? Pick one if you can!

O god, that is probably the hardest question ever. There are so many good ones! My favourite episodes for Naley in season one was the one where they have their first kiss after Nathan says he's sorry outside her house, the one where he finds out she has the #23 tatooed on her ass, and the season finale. In season 2, it was the first episode by far. I particularly disliked this season because they weren't together.. cried pretty much every episode. Season 3 was my favourite for them, I loved the first episode where Haley says, "I guess I can understand if you don't love me anymore." and Nathan says, "thats the problem Haley, I still do love you, I probably always will.. I just can't trust you." BRILLIANT! and then I loved the thunderstorm episode, and the one where they get married. Season 4- probably the texas fake prom one, and the season finale. Season 5- 5x05- the flashbacks, and the present time where they have their first kiss since god knows when.. :):) all there scenes either make me laugh, cry, or long for a romance as unrealistic and dreamy as theirs.

How long have you been following couple #6?

Since the beginning of Lost. The only way I found Claire bearable was if she was with Charlie. Unfortunately, seeing as Charlie is dead and all, there isn't much of a future here. If only..

What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them or stop caring?

mm, I don't know.. I just thought that their whole story was a little ridiculous. I loved them in season 3 where it was all cuteness and less drama. And then by season 8 where they randomly slept together then had a baby, I was like wow, I am so over this. It is so not worth it anymore. Too much D-R-A-M-A.

Which ship do you prefer, #2 or #4?

that's a tough choice, but it would have to be #4. After Jess left, I stopped watching Gilmore Girls, I only watched the episodes where he came back after that. I didn't like Rory with anyone else, ESPECIALLY not dean. EWWW x 100000000000. Brooke and Lucas are great, but when they broke up I didn't stop watching OTH.

You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Would you choose #10 or #12?

10. o good lord, 10. Ten ten ten ten ten. TENNNNN. just incase you didn't get that: ten.

What interests you about #14?

Well even though when they were together, their relationship sucked, I find that they have a great friendship and their chemistry is great. Of course I would rather die than have Naley split up, so this won't happen. But it was a nice possibility pre-haley.

Why did you stop liking #7?

I did like them when they were together, but I didn't like how they ended. Robin seemed to get over Ted awefully quickly and this is what irked me the most. Plus, she doesn't want kids and can't commit, and Ted deserves better than that.

Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show?

mm, not really, I stopped watching after Jess left. I was interested in these two when they weren't together, back in the earlier seasons. I guess I ended up liking Lorelai and Luke more. But I heard that in the later seasons those two actually got together.

What song makes you think of #5?

hahahah those two are hilarious! I don't know.. perhaps "the way you look tonight". That was a great song for them on the show!

Which of these ships do you love the most?

Naley of course! Is an explanation even needed? They are adorable, and even though they go through their fare share of hard times, the love they have for each other always beats out all that other crap. They have amazing chemistry and the reason I love One Tree Hill is because of this couple.

Which of these ships do you hate the most?

Close call between Rory and Dean and Jack and Kate. I would have to go with Rory and Dean. I chose Jack and Kate to be non-existent because Sawyer and Kate still have a chance. Rory and Jess are unfortunately done. Rory and Dean- what can i say, other than ew x a billion? I just always felt that these two weren't right for each other.

If you could have any of these couples double date, who would it be?

Probably Charlie and Claire with Monica and Chandler. That would be interesting!

If I liked Leyton, it would probably be them with Rory and Jess.

Have #2 kissed yet?

oooo ya, plenty of times.

Did #4 have a happy ending?

Unfortunately no. Therefore, imo, the show didn't have a happy ending. That is my biggest sore point- that rory and jess didn't get together in the end. It makes me really sad.

What would make you start shipping #13?

If they got together at least once on the show! Then I'd totally be on board!

If only one could happen, which would you choose, #2 or #6?

O #2, for sure. I couldn't really think of anybody else for #6. Shoot! I should have done Joey and Pacey.. although I've only watched like two episodes of Dawson's Creek, I was a shipper of them the moment I saw them together. Love at first sight? I think so...

You have the power over the fate of #10. What happens to them?

Kate has amnesia, forgets there was ever a person names Jack, goes back to Sawyer and they make babies. Jack gets stuck on some other island where he can be all spastic and "my way is the way"

What a great survey! Thanks to Chick94 again, I stole it off her page.

Ipod Shuffle Quiz- Amazing!

To do this quiz, put your iPod on shuffle and go through songs for each of the questions below.

What will next year hold in store for me?
All Nite- Janet Jackson

What does my love life look like?
Rock the Boat- Hues Corporation


What do I say when life gets hard?
Give Me One More Chance- Jackson 5

Haha!- so true.

What song will I dance to at my wedding?
Wanna Be Startin Somethin- Akon/Michael Jackson

What do I want as my career?
Girlfriend- Bow Wow ft. Omarion

lol i don't know about that one...

My favorite saying?

Grease Theme- Beegees

What do I think of my parents?
Shorty Like Mine- Bow Wow ft. Chris Brown

Where would I go on a first date?
Disco Inferno- Beegees

not bad, not bad.

Drug of choice?
How To Save a Life- The Fray

Describe myself?
Girl- Destiny's Child

spot on!

What is the thing I like doing the most?
Live in the Sky- T.I.

The song that best describes the president?
Money Maker- Ludacris ft. Pharell

true dat!

How will I die?
Let it go- Keyshia cole ft. Lil Kim

The song that'll be played at my funeral?

Give a Little Bit- Goo Goo Dolls

Hahah that was great! Thanks to kleverkitty, I stole it off her page.

My Favourite/Least Favourite Couples

My Favourite Couples:

#1 couple of all time:


Other Favourite Couples:

One Tree Hill: Brooke/Lucas, Peyton/Jake, Mouth/Millicent, Karen/Andy, Brooke/Owen

Lost: Sawyer/Kate, Shannon/Boone, Charlie/Claire, Hurley/Libby, Jack/Juliet, Desmond/Penny

Friends: Chandler/Monica, Ross/Rachel, Joey/Phoebe

How I Met Your Mother: Ted/The Mother, Robin/Barney, Lily/Marshall

Gilmore Girls: Rori/Jess, Lorelai/Luke

Couples That Are Growing On Me:

One Tree Hill: Leyton

Couples That I Strongly Dislike:

#1 Hater Couple of All Time:

Tie between Rori/Dean and Jack/Kate

Other Hater Couples:

One Tree Hill: Brooke/Felix, Lucas/Anna, Brooke/Chase, Haley/The Keller, Lucas/Lindsey

Lost: sayid/shannon

Friends: Monica/Richard, Rachel/Mark, Phoebe/Mike

Gilmore Girls: rori/logan (althouh I pretty much stopped watching after Jess left) lorelai/chris

One Tree Hill 5.12 - One Hundred

Wow, what a great mid-season finale!

My thoughts:

1. The beginning scene with Lucas, Haley and Jamie was really cute! It kind of bothered me though, how when Jamie asked, "Where was your daddy?" and Lucas said "He wasn't there," it was as if they were trying to make a reference to Nathan not being there, and being less important at that moment. It is cute that Lucas really wants to be a great uncle- and don't get me wrong, I loved that scene- it's just that something bothered me.. maybe it's because I wish that Nalamie (Naley+Jamie) would go back to being a happy family again!

2. Naley- Very cute dream scene for Nathan- I wished it was real, but then again I didn't, because I really didn't want them to get back together that fast without a second thought. The flashback when Haley was walking down the isle was cute too- those two have such great chemistry! Finally, my favourite scene of the whole episode in Jamie's bedroom when Haley was crying and Nathan grabbed her- O, that passion.. how i miss it! It was such a great scene because even though Haley pulled away at first, he just grabbed her and she just collapsed in his arms :):) it made me so happy :)

3. The parentals being back- meh, can't say I really like Karen to begin with, although I liked her with Andy the most and Lily is really cute. Dan- I really can't understand what's going on in his head- he's singing the death march or whatever, but he's rescuing Jamie, but he's being an ass to Haley, but he's trying to win back his family? I need him to choose a side so I can understand and decide whether to dislike or like him. I am SO glad he put that evil pyscho b*tch Carrie in her place, because someone had to. Thank god little Jamie escaped before that got out of control. I really hope he tells Naley what happened, and they believe him! They need a restraining order against that crazy whore.

4. LLP- First off, I am glad that Peyton even showed up. That takes a lot of guts. Skillz was hilarious- any friends reference is a welcome one in my books. I am glad that that scene where she stands up in the wedding and proclaims her love wasn't real- I would have been very upset if it was. I'm glad she didn't intervene and it happened on it's own. I gotta say though- my heart went out to Lucas, even though he has been the assiest ass for the better part of this season. I think he really did love her- he just loved Peyton more. AS for her reaction- I would have liked to see her feel at least a little guilty- because although she didn't do anything directly, she was part of it indirectly. Instead she just went straight to the "Why did he say 'I do'? That means he chose her" etc. I understand that that is her main worry, but I would have liked to see a "I feel bad for Lindsay- or I wish she didn't have to get hurt like this".. just something would have been nice. Anyway I'm glad they didn't get married, but I don't want leyton to get together right away. I want a grace period where Lucas pines a bit. We've only ever seen him pine for two girls- it would be interesting to see him pine for Lindsey.

5. Baby Davis- can't say i'm too thrilled about that plot line. It was kind of thrown at us at an awkward time, and personally, i don't think it is something that her character would do at this point in her life. She is only 22.. i get that she is lonely, but she should at least wait a bit to see if she gets married and then have a kid.. I don't know, I understand that they are growing up, but I think that was a little too rash of a decision for me. But hey, we'll see how it turns out.

All in all, a fantastic episode. I can't believe I have to wait almost a month for the next one! :( O well, I guess I'll have to hold an OTH marathon- seasons 1to 4. O yeah, that would be great.

Shows I Watch

Shows I Love and Watch Religiously:

One Tree Hill




How I Met Your Mother

Shows I Like and Watch When I Can:

Gossip Girls

America's Next Top Model

The Office

Gilmore Girls

Desperate Housewives

Cashmere Mafia

The Offce

Shows I Watch If I Have Nothing Better to Watch:

Family Guy

South Park

The OC