I am sooo sick of drama right now. It's funny, the girls who always start this sh*t say they hate it. Yeahhhhh, riteeeeee.
For starters, I'm getting REALLY sick of my one friend. (I already told jason and cg about this ...) She ALWAYS steals my sayings, quotes, words and like copies me. If I get one really cute shirt from a place, she HAS to get the same one.
Secondly, the same 'friend' has recently tried stealing all my other friends, even though the friends she'd trying to steal like me a whole lot better =) So take that, you loser.
Anyways, most of the guys who read my blogs are probably yawning right now, so I'm gunna go to the song of the day :D
Song of the Day: "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvava. It's really a shame Kurt Cobain died :(
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