ok here is my break up letter for social studies.
dearest harrison,
its over. we are done. i am mildly sorry, but we just dont mesh anymore. you, my friend could not take your eyes off of other women. i know you like panielle(yes panielle) so dont waste your time denying it. i know i can get a touch jealous, which i am sorry for, but still....now that we are history, i will find a nicer more sensative man to love. you were wayyy too dependant on your sister. i felt as though you liked her more than me. and who buys a girl a hammer for her birthday??that is so typical of you Harrison. could you be a girlier man?? i need a real man to protect me. i mean, my mother is tougher than yo. seriously. writing this letter has brightened my day. have a lovely one yourself.
wasnt that great.?? :) it was funn writing.
this really stupid kid got the answers for a test from someone else. and wrote the right letter. but the teacher had given him a different test, so he had answers that made no sense. the dude didnt even read the test, just filled in the letters. ha. :P