Smile..please...fine then... dont smile.
by *HaveSumFaith on Comments
Today was this academic awards thing at my school. this took place during sixth period. that period i had the teacher who was in charge of the whole thing. so even though i was not getting an award i had to come and help. so me and the 3 others who did not get the awards in our c l a s s had to help out. it was going all fine and dandy. i mean i did feel a little stupid but thats ok. me and the other girls were playing uno while we were waiting to help. then my favorite and least favorite teacher come in. my favorite comes in with a camera. hes like smile and i didnt. hes like lisa, smile. and im like no. then my other teachers like she doesnt smile because vampires are afraid of the flash. so im like sure whatever. then my mean teachers all like you never smile your so depressing. and im like thats nice. grrr. i hate her :evil: but the good thing about helping out is that i did get an ice cream like the smart people. :)