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Walk through the Stomach

ok, today my friend felt really bad about eating a tuna fish sandwich at lunch. shes a vegetarian. so i wrote a song for her. i wrote the song walk through the fire from omwf and changed some of the words. well here it is, this is for bbkf :)

I touch my stomach

and it depresses me

i look into it and it moves

why cant i say

my tuna went away

i want the fishy back

now through my skin it calls to me

to make my way across the tank

to stop and thank

or maybe just relate

i guess its all the same

So I will swim through the tank

cuz who else can i thank

i will swin through the tank

and let it...

The stomach i bare is aching me

Tunas laughing ive no doubt

i hope she frowns

im free if that b i t c h drowns

i better help her out

cuz shes drawn to my stomach

some fishys...

she will never eat

and she will swim through the tank

and let it thankkkkkk.

@@@@ ok i no that was strange . :) o and if you have never heard the song