hehe. in some ways im almost glad to get back to school. i am super sick of watching my brother, which i have been doing almost the whole summer. accept when i went to callifornia. he is slightly annoying, and very loud and violent. but then theres my stomach, which is all nervous and kills for high school. but i guess im more scared. plus all my friends afre on a different team from me (but the same team). so i have like no c l a s s e s with anyone i like. but as they say, "i will make new friends." :P
ooh, and last night i watched d.e.b.s. and it was soo good. hmmm. and im thinking of making a new banner. you may look up rite now and say, "well isnt that a lovely new banner" at least i would hope so. :)
well, i guess thats all for now. enjoy your weekend. :)
song. tears dont fall. buller for my valentine.