I'm not obsessed mom!
by *Hollycharmed666 on Comments
Hey, I've been a member of TV.com for over a year now and found out about the forums being really fun about a half year ago, so I started posting on some boards and I found out that the CSI board was posted on frequently. I started talking and I liked to share the thoughts(The crazy people turned me from a Snickers to a GSR which was a very wise decision and I'm forever grateful for that;)) My mother has the idea that I'm obsessed by Tv and movies...well I don't:) I tried to explain way too many times that this is what I need to do in order for me to live my dream... I want to be a Tv/Film producer later, maybe writing or editing would be something too(or do somethin' about those stupid subtitles which never match to what they're actually saying... My mom thinks I'm even more crazy that I read a 301 page long A4 fan-fic which cost me 12 hours from 16:00pm to 04:00 in the morning, that's not crazy right...? So my dean doesn't think I have a future in what I want:| so $©r3w her:D I've made some nice friends here...