Detective John munch is my idol. Well... not really, but he rocks. This blog is an ode to m-u-n-c-h. If you are a munch fan, you can be my friend! lol. From conspiracy theories, to comical sarcasm, to cynical jokes... he's always been their adding a delightful comic relief to the one and only Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. Now not only has he been 'working' svu for eight years, he's had his own show Homicide: life on the streets, which is set in Baltimore. Previous to that, he was a homicide detective back in New york with the regular (but progressively changing) L&O gang. His lingo reminds me much of Good Ole Lenny Briscoe(r.i.p. Jerry Orboch), but with an extra zing! We love ya, Munch! I would also like to say that adding Fin to the show really added to Munch's performance because their eacho ne of a kind and very funny together. I love when eppies are centered around them! Okay well that's basically it!
as they uncover a buy's lunch box burried in a playground since year '75:
Fin: I've always wanted to know that.
Munch: what?
Fin: Twinkies last forever. Give you twenty bucks [if you] take a bite!