I just bought the DVD and the conversation I had with it was weird.
Me: You're beautiful, I love you. I've waited so long for you. Now you're in my arms...AND LEGAL.
I felt like I was talking to an underaged person I was...you get the picture.
Anyway, I must say, IT PLEASES ME. If they had included Last Order, that would've been awesome. But the deleted scenes kept me going. I don't mean any of that story board crap that some dvds give us. I mean real CG deleted scenes. Granted, they were only a few seconds each and consisted only of voices, no background sound or music or sound effects but the point is, they were CG deleted scenes. Quite awesome.
And it so far has been the only movie that has made me squeal with delight. (This occured in about 5 places. Tifa fighting, Bahamut fighting, the showing of Tifa's ring (I SWEAR THEY'RE MARRIED.) The bike fight and finally, Sephiroth's first appearance.) That final one made me shiver.
And, to add to the comment, I do believe Tifa and Cloud are married. In the in the not so legal copy, it was a little hard to see but on a real tv screen, you could clearly see a ring on her ring finger. Plus she's always saying "what about our family, Cloud?" and answers the phone with "Strife delivery service" not "Strive and Lockheart delivery service." Hmmm...Square...are you trying to tell us something.
Married or not, it was worth the entire 20 bucks (13 with the mail in rebate.) Yes, it's finally out. Yes, it's legal. Yes, it rocks even harder on a big screen.
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