Sorry Mahon87... man what's wrong with me!
Ciao for now 8)
Sorry Mahon87... man what's wrong with me!
Ciao for now 8)
Hi All,
this is proberly going to be my last blog post as ILUVMISA... unfortunately when i logged on and opened my account i did so through my work server & email... now i'm currently moving jobs (going on to greener pastures) so i won't be able to log on as ILUVMISA anymore but fret not i will be back just under another profile name and oviously with my own server and email! it may take a while but i will be back... dam i'll have to work my way through all of level 1 agian!!!!
anyway thanks for everyones posts & comments especially tommy_070, mahon88 and ilovnick. when i'm back you guys will be the 1st to know :)
anyway see you on the flip side guys and like our favourite hero alwyas says "just have a little faith"
BYE for now....
They say good things come to those who wait......
well then only like 130 odd days till we get to see PRISON BREAK AGAIN!!!!! its still WAY TOO LONG!!!!:cry: I'm having major MISA withdrawls already!!!!!
:cry: I'm so upset that Sarah Wayne Callies isn't going to be in the 1st couple of episodes of season 3!!!! i mean i've known this for a while but i think i've been in denile about it... it's only really set in now... no MISA scenes for like 6 episodes! i think the world may stop spininng... :?
Alrighty... this is my 1st blog post and i'm hoping it will move me up to level 2 cos i'm sick of level 1 now!
i love Prison Break, its definitely my favourite show of all time, the only other tv shos that i was this crazy about before were Buffy and Angel... but i gota say PB tops all!
i'm so sick as well of people going on about how PB should have ended after 2 seasons and season 3 won't be as good blah blah blah... all those peole must catch a wake up and get a life! they're oviously not true PB fans if they such things! ok now that i've got that off my chest...
I LOVE Sarah Wayne Callies and Wentwort Miller!!! they're awesome!!! I especially love the whole MISA relationship. i think the way the writers have developed it has been so cleverly thought out. Wentworth Miller and Sarah Wayne Callies have such awesome on screen chemistry.. every scene with them gives me goosbumps!
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